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12 Cards in this Set

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What were the Justifications for imperialism? How did Nationalism lead to imperialism?
White Man’s Burden, Social Darwinism. Europeans basically believed they were the superior race and had the god given responsibility to spread their worldliness to other places. As countries built up nationalism and patriotism, these ideas came out. Countries felt prideful of their militaries and cultures. Following unification many countries had the capability to use military force to take over other areas.
Countries had a huge military advancement and advantage over countries in Asia and Africa.
What did imperialism look like and what areas did it affect?
Japan- Japan was open to new ideas and advancements. US navy threat convinced Japan to open trade and industrialization began to build a modern economy for Japan. They sent scholars around the world to learn more about other cultures, to enhance Japanese culture. More successful at sustaining Independence because Japan did not fight of the west, they embraced instead.
China- China was hostile towards outsiders and had little connection to the West. Europe pushed for trade and the Chinese restricted all trade to one city. There was more trade coming into China and out and this pissed off UK.
Opium was the solution, the UK sent Opium in and China got addicted. They blocked off Opium trade and British retaliated by naval attack and they took Shangahi.
British then forced China to sign the Unequal treaties which gave extraterritoriality to British, opened up 5 British trading ports in China.
Taiping rebellion occurred where a man named Hong who believed he was Jesus’ brother, gathered an army and began taking
How was WWI a product of imperialism? What else contributed to the start of the war?
Imperialism brought on aggressive nationalism, which lead to competition and fighting.
Militarism- everyone was getting huge armies and crazy new weapons. Germany and Russia both had giant armies.
Imperialism brought on the formation of the Triple Entente and the Triple alliance.
Serbia did not like being ruled by Austria-Hungray, Russia wanted Serbia for themselves so they allied with Serbia.
The Black Hand wanted to assassinate Franz Ferdinand, they shockingly succeeded. Austria-H declares war on Serbia then Russia jumps in. Then Germany jumps in and the spark is ignited.
How was WWI different from all war before? What did it look like?
Trench warfare!- made it very difficult to progress.
New scary weapons: tanks, machine guns, and planes, poison gas. Problem was people did not know how to use them properly
War was fought in trenches, muddy gross conditions, with lots of dead bodies all over. Men died in the masses. It was hard to progress; the psych of soldiers was terrible.
Propaganda was used to recruit soldiers. The enemies were portrayed as “evil”, war was glorified, men wanted to be heroes.
Alliances consisted of The Triple Alliance- The Central powers, and the Triple Entente the Allied powers.
Tons of casualties! Russia dropped out because of Revolution, U.S got involved to help, French had millions of men die, Germany lost the war.
Idea of total war utilized all of societies resources towards the war effort.
War of attrition- no real winner, just whoever backed down first.
British also blocked off trade to Germany in the British blockade so Germany had trouble getting weapons.
U-boats were used.
What effect did WWI have on the psyche of the men who fought?
Complete loss of innocence. Propaganda all over the world convinced young men that fighting in the war would bring them honor and glory. It was difficult to be “the hero” in Trench warfare and many realized war was not glamorous or glorious. Men returned home without limbs, with severe PTSD, and an overall loss of hope. Many fighting had to endure extreme conditions and could not envision any end to the war.
Wilfed Own wrote Dulde Et DEcorumEst. – it is sweet and proper.
The war prompted many returning soldiers to begin writing and painting about their expiriences.
What agreements were made at the treaty of Versailles? What impact would these agreements have on Europe and the world?
France got what they wanted:
Germany is blamed for the war and had to compensate 6.5 billion pounds= there economy is virtually destroyed. There military was weakened greatly to maintain peace, france got the Rhineland and Saar which had lots of coalfeilds.
France takes coalfields so Germany has no way to get the money to pay back
Germany had to limit size of military, return conquered lands, and Woodrow Wilson got a league of nations, which became virtually powerless.
Germany= completely pissed off, they have nothing—this will set the stage for someone insane to come in and give them a new sense of hope.
Germany’s colonies are divided among other Europe, which makes people in the colonies very angry and un-nationalistic since they were a part of the war effort too.
How did colonial areas react after WWI to their imperial rulers? Give examples of new nationalism in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa?- chapter 13.1
Ghandi became a spiritual and political leader and started a new wave of Indian nationalism. He believed in Ahimsa and civil obedience and gained a large following. Ghandi encouraged the boycotting of British goods and encouraged his people to produce their own salt and cloth to avoid buying from the British.
While complete Indian Independence did not come until later, Ghandi got a lot of attention from around the world. He believed using violent means to gain Independence and re-glorification would not work.
Salt March exemplified views of non-violence when Ghandi led a peaceful protest against British rule, the problem was the British arrested 60,000 Indians.
China declared war on Germany and they hoped after the war the allies would return German controlled Chinese territory to China
In TOV Japan gets German controlled Chinese territory= lo TOV for China and they thought it made them look weak
May 4th movement- students and workers go on strikes and movements and in 1932 the communist party o
What was the economic climate in Europe after WWI? How did the Great Depression hurt Europe and the U.S?
Germany was in the poop hole because France took all their money in Versailles and the coalfields so they couldn’t make any more!
German currency was dead.
The stalk Market crashed in the US and banks went bankrupt. The Great depression started. This depression hit everyone else too. The US started making tarrifs for trading, so people in US bought more stuff made in the US and less imported goods. This greatly hurt the economies in Europe and Asia and many other countries began making their own Tariffs as well to support industry in their countries.
The Great Depression left people dirt poor, many became homeless, companies went bankrupt, and at the height 25% of people were jobless.
What were the sides of the Cold war? What were their differences and disagreements?
The U.S (and west) vs. the USSR
The US was capitalist and the USSR was communist
The US wanted to keep communism contained and the USSR wanted to grow their communist empire.
U.S wanted the collapse of the communist world.
How was the Cold War fought? What were the strategies of both sides to win?
Deterance- defending through having tons of weapons
Both sides acquired as many weapons as possible to the point they were at MAD and brinksmanship. The war was basically who would back down first and give up. At points both countries were pointing missiles at each other and fighting actual wars against eachother trhough other countries like Korea.
What other countries were affected by the Cold War?
Cuba became an ally of USSR and became a communist country. The U.S used their ties with Turkey to point missiles at Russia. Also the Eastern European countries held under control of the USSR were greatly effected by the war. Eastern Berlin was completely blocked off from the surrounding city.
Korea was greatly effected. A communist North Korea declared war on South Korea. The US wanted to contain communism and did not want the “domino effect” to occur so they got with the UN and sent troops there.
Then china got involved to help out the North.
Describe the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. What contributed to its collapse?
Communism was initially instated in the USSR to equalize social classes, but soon dictators like Stalin used communism to maintain complete control over the government and economy. As the years passed, peasants remained starving, the economy weakened, and leaders began changing.
Krushcev started desalinization,
The solidarity forms in Poland to revolt in order to get a voice in the local government . Other revolts occur across Eastern Europe but the USSR cracks down.
Command economy was not working because the focus wasn’t put on producing consumer goods.
The economy went down the crapper and then leader Gorbachev came up with two new points, perestroika and galsnost. These meant restructuring ( both politically and economically) and openness. These ideas completely opened the USSR. They were now willing to discuss the downfalls and flaws of their communist system and this was the first step to reconnecting with the rest of the world.
He then takes USSR troops out of Eastern Europe!
Protestors began to tak
What might some problems be for Eastern European countries after the fall of the USSR? Were they really free? What about countries that remained communist like Cuba and China?- think forward
Cuba and china= less strong without USSR
Political turmoil in “free” countries. They would need to completely rebuild and keep stability with new leaderships.