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81 Cards in this Set

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Peace of Augsburg
An agreement where each German prince or elector could decide whether his state would be Lutheran or Catholic
characteristics of the renaissance
1350 - 1550
based on secular matters
focus on individualism
location + names of the 5 major religions
Christianity - Americas, Australia, S. Africa, Europe, parts of Russia
Islam - N. Africa, Middle East
Judaism - Israel, N. America
Buddhism - SE Asia
Hinduism - India
The trans-Saharan trade carried out by West African civilizations was based on...
Gold and Salt
reason for creation of the church of england
Henry VIII wanted an annulment (she couldn't provide a male heir), so he broke off from the Catholic Church (the Act of Supremacy) and created the Church of England
calvinism (was based on...)
form of Protestantism - predestination
edict of nantes
Henry of Navarre came to power and stated religious toleration for Huguenots and that they could hold public office (1598)
an intellectual mvmt based on the classics of Ancient Greece and Rome (Liberal Arts Education today)
the common/local language
reasons for the age of exploration
Gold, God, Glory (goal = find a water route to Asia)
Portugal = leader
encomienda system
forced labor system used in the Americas
social hierarchy of Spain's colonial empire
LIBERATORS - Jose de San Marin, Simon Bolivar
Europeans sent to L. America to control the Natives (political positions)
Born in Latin America to parents of European descent
mixed race - natives/Europeans
Columbian Exchange
A global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, that connected the western & eastern hemispheres.
new culture was introduced to new areas
slavery, potato famine, diseases spread
Line of Demarcation
An imaginary line that divided the Atlantic according to the Treaty of Tordesillas, east of the line was Portugal and west of the line was Spain
Triangular Trade
A transatlantic trading network - Europe, West African coast, Indies
Middle Passage: the voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies (the middle link of Triangular Trade)
when prices are raised for everything and the value of money is therefore less
Ottoman Empire (location, janissaries, trade)
Balkans, Bosporus + Dardanelle Straits, Mecca/Medina, Istanbul, Hungary, Eastern Europe, Middle East
janissaries: recruited Christians who converted to Islam and were trained as infantry (they were a tax)
Trade: ceramics + coffee, weapons, silk, rugs, jewelry, pottery
Istanbul = center of trade
Mughal empire (location, trade)
the Indian subcontinent
traded textiles, spices, gems, tropical foods
Taj Mahal
mausoleum built by Shah Jahan in memory of his 3rd wife
Japan's policy of isolationism
Limited trade + foreign influence because Europeans were bringing in Christian influences (jesuits)
changed during the tokugawa shogunate - trade flourished
China's policy of isolationism (why and how)
Limited European traders to a small island - could stay Oct. to March and could only deal w/ some Chinese firms
because Europeans were bringing in Christianity
Effect of slave trade on Africa
local warfare
population declined
lost faith in gods
art deteriorated
an economic practice adopted by European colonial powers in an effort to become more self-sufficient
Scientific Revolution (emphasis, importance)
- it led people to start questioning things and some of the main scientific ideas used today came from then
Heliocentric theory
Earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around (also, rotates on its axis)
Divine right of Kings
Kings got their power to rule from God
Glorious Revolution in 1688 (bill of rights)
Kick out James II (he fled)
Parliament invited William and Mary to take the throne (1688)
Glorious - no bloodshed
William and Mary signed Bill of Rights
Purpose of Enlightenment (define, goals)
Loose-knit group of writers and scholars who believed that humans could apply a critical reasoning spirit to every problem in the world.
(improve gov't)
Congress of Vienna (participants, goals)
goals - restore the old order
balance military + political power
make countries around France stronger
Causes of the French Revolution
american revolution
bad harvests (famine)
deficit spending
unequal representation
3rd estate paid all the taxes
Goals of the French Revolution
no lettre de cachet
every tax on every estate (taille)
every tax only for a limited amount of time
the meetings of the Estate General had to have definite times
the votes in the assembly should be taken and counted by head
balance of power
goal of the Congress of Vienna - balance military + political power
3 estates of the french revolution
1st estate - clergy
2nd estate - nobles
3rd estate - bourgeoisie + peasants/commoners
the declaration of rights of man and citizen
Drafted by the National Assembly
Conflict - the Declaration stated women were citizens, but denied them active political participation
russian defeat of Napoleon (how)
Russia used scorched earth policy
Napoleon enters city; Russian troops burn it while fleeing
Battle of Borodino - outside of Moscow
Revolutions of 1848 (success, failure, effects)
France - successful (election by universal male suffrage); unemployment rose as a result of workshops
German States- Frankfurt Assembly, failed
Austrian Empire - wanted legislature, failed
Italian States - revolt vs. Austrians, failed
Franco-Prussian War
Bismarck provoked the French into declaring war so that the German States would work together to protect themselves. Prussia won, it was the most important of the three wars
realistic politics - German states - Otto von Bismarck
Blood and Iron
war + industry - how Bismarck won the three wars
When France sneezes, Europe catches cold
French revolution caused a series of other revolutions around Europe - e.g. revolutions of 1848 (Austria, German States, France, Italian States)
Leonardo DaVinci
Renaissance man - architecture, art, math, astronomy, realistic painting, dissected human bodies, etc.
Johannes Gutenberg
Invented the printing press, which spread ideas (Protestant Reformation & Renaissance)
wrote 'The Prince'
thought that rulers should be feared rather than loved
Martin Luther (main beliefs, actions)
Translated the bible
posted 95 theses on the Church of Wittenburg (1517) and was excommunicated
complained about indulgences and sacrements
His beliefs:
faith alone, 2 sacraments, all men equal before God
John Calvin
Invented Calvinism (predestination)
Pope Leo X
excommunicated Martin Luther
Hernan Cortes
Conquistador of Mexico - Aztecs (they also died of diseases)
Francisco Pizarro
Conquistador of Peru - Incas
King Henry VIII
Broke w/ the Church
The Stuart Monarchs (who, why they had conflict w/ Parliament)
JCCCJ - the rulers after the death of Elizabeth, believed in divine right, tried to establish Catholicism
Oliver Cromwell (English Civil War)
overthrows King Charles I (executed him)
military dictatorship
Louis XIV (description of his reign, why is he best example of absolutism?)
Where: France
When: 1643-1715
Acc. 1: Palace of Versailles
Acc. 2: used intendents (middle class)
Failure: deficit spending
Was most important because he controlled everything and knew exactly how to control his people and middle class and nobles so that he had a strong monarchy and absolute power.
Elizabeth Tudor
Where: England
When: 1558-1603
Acc 1: defeating the Spanish Armada
Acc 2: religious tolerance
Failure: no heir
Peter the Great (why did he travel to the West, how did he change Russia)
Where: Russia
When: 1682-1725
Acc 1: built up military
Acc 2: westernized/modernized Russia (St. Petersburg)
Failure: oppressed the serfs
Suleiman the Magnificent
strongest ruler from the Ottoman Empire - codified laws, strong military
Akbar the Great
1605 - brought Mogul rule to most of India
Isaac Newton
universal law of gravitation
laws of motion
William Harvey
circulation of blood starts in the heart, not the liver
Francis Bacon
scientific method
Galileo (what did he do, challenges he faced)
good telescope
heliocentric theory
declared a heretic
heliocentric theory
wrote the social contract
Montesquieu (ideas, impact)
separation of powers
Locke (ideas, impact)
natural rights - life, liberty, property
constitutionalism, French + American Revolutions
Voltaire (ideas, impact)
separation of Church + state
1st amendments (freedom of speech)
absolutism/social contract
Louis XVI
bad-deficit spending
French Revolution
Marie Antoinette
ruler during French Revolution - married to Louis XVI
Reign of Terror - guillotine
Goal: "create a republic of virtue"
Napoleon (everything)
From Corsica
Coup d'etat, overthrew Directory (1799)
1.First Consul, 2. Consul for Life
Legacy = Napoleonic Code, birth of nationalism, idea of revolution
Concordat of 1801 - repair relationship w/ Catholic Church
Austrian foreign minister (head of C.O.V.)
"When France sneezes, Europe catches cold"
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti - led Haitian rebellion against France in 1801
Simon Bolivar
S. America - helped liberate areas of L. America and overthrew the Spanish
Miguel Hidalgo
Started Mexican revolution
Camillo Cavouor
united the North of Italy
Wanted a King (conservative)
Giuseppe Garibaldi
united the South of Italy
turned over his territory to Cavour
Otto von Bismarck
untied the German States