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35 Cards in this Set

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1968, how many American soldiers died in Vietnam that year


MIA means

Missing in Action

POW means

Prisoners of War

In the city of Hue, the fighting went on for how many days


What did South Vietnamese forces find when they recaptured Hue from the North Vietnamese

Mass graves for 2800 people

April 4, 1968, who was shot and killed

MLK jr

What happen to JFK'S little brother, Bobby?

He too was killed

How many women and children were killed by US troops in My Lai

Between 350 to 500

“crime of obedience,” means

Obeying an order when you know it is wrong. Doing so now is a crime.

US president that invaded neighboring country of Vietnam (Cambodia)

Richard Nixon

Americans were now killing each other over the Vietnam war. Where was the first time?

Kent State University in Ohio

Vietnamization means

that the United States would gradually pull American forces out of Vietnam

Did Vietnamization work?


January 27, 1973, what happened

an agreement was signed between the United States and North Vietnam

An agreement between North Vietnam and the USA promised

Northern troops would leave the South. All US troops would leave as well, and all US prisoners of war would be set free.

Who won

North Vietnam (the communist)

How many were arrested after the war who supported the USA and sent to reeducation camps

1 to 2.5 million people

What was reeducation camps

They were prisons where people did heavy labor and were given little amounts of food.

How many died in the reeducation camps

165,000 American supporters

Were everybody happy with communism rule


Whet were “boat people"

People who used small boats to cross dangerous seas in search of a country that would take them in

By 2015 how many Vietnamese people came to the USA

1.98 million refugees

Soldiers before the Vietnam war was seen as


Soldiers returning from the Vietnam war were

ignored or insulted and treated as if they were the enemy.

Many soldiers suffered because of

Agent Orange effects

Lost limbs


Drug addiction


What does PTSD stand for

post-traumatic stress disorder

What is PTSD

a sickness that starts after experiencing or seeing something very bad

What happened after the war to many veterans

They became homeless

Who started the Vietnam memorial

Jan Scruggs

The Vietnam memorial list

Those who died in the war

How many names are on the wall


Most women who served in Vietnam were


“the ultimate sacrifice” to the country means...

the men and women who lost their lives are honored

President Bill Clinton did what with Vietnam

Open trade and peace

Vietnam is now

Pro - American