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76 Cards in this Set

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When did the holocaust start

September 1, 1939

How many Jews died?

Six million

Holocaust means what in Greek

Sacrifice by fire

What does anti-Semitism mean?

Hatred of Jews

When did the German leader start world war 1?


When did German surrender/ when did World War 1 end?


What was the Reichstag?

Representatives of a new German democracy

What was German's answer to pay for the damage from WW1?

Print more money (very bad idea)

People carriers in....


Germans were facing a great depression in what year?


German selected a leader, who?


Hitler's birth date was?

April 20, 1889

Hitler wanted to be an...


Somethings Hitler was before he was a leader...




War hero

Hitler was from what political party

German workers' party

Hitler believe Jews were


What is the swastika

Hooked crossed

The German Workers' party became known as the

Nazi party

Hitler attacked a beer hall and failed in 1923 with...

Storm troopers

Hitler was arrested and wrote a book in jail called

Mein Kampf meaning My Struggle

Hitler was President von Hindenburg's....


How many Jews were in German in 1933


Hitler's special prison was called a

Concentration camp

Students in school had to say

Heil Hitler (Hail Hitler)

August 2, Hitler named himself

Fuhrer or leader in German

To identify Jews, Jews had to wear a...

Yellow star

Hitler claimed Whaley lands without war?

Sudetenland and Austria

Kristallnacht means

Night of broken glass

During Kristallnacht what happen

7000 Jewish business were destroyed

267 synagogues (Jewish churches)

91 Jews die

Who had to pay for the damage caused by the kristallnacht

The Jews, those who didn't pay was arrested

What happened to the people Hilter conquered

Sent to camps and forced to hard labor or were killed

By April Hitler ruled what countries







What was the bad side of WW2 Called

Axis power

What countries were the bad side




What was the good side called


The countries on the good side were...

Great Britain

Soviet Union


Where did Hitler put the Jews after he won a country

Put the in Ghettos

What happen if a Jew try to leave the ghetto

They were shot and killed

How much food did the Jews get a day

180 calories or a bowl of cereal's worth

How many Jews died monthly in just 1 ghetto

5000 to 6000

What gift for his parents made a boy cry

Half a loaf of bread

If you were old enough to work you were put where

Concentration camp

In camps no names were used, what was used instead

A number

Where was the number in some prisons

Tattoo on the arm

Prisoners sent to mines died in....

A month

Amon Goeth shot and killed Jews for...


What was a reward for killing the most prisoners

Cigarettes and extra vacation time

June 1941, Hitler's new rule

Kill Jews don't send them to camps

What were Tibetans for that followed the army

To pack Jews in and prison them with gas (to kill Jews)

How long did it take Hitler to kill 1 million Jews

18 months

What gas was to be used to kill ALL the Jews

Zyklon B

How many people could be killed in a gas chamber


Where were the death camps


At one camp more than one million died, where they all Jews


Nazi then ordered the death of all Jews this included

Children and babies

Anne Frank died at what age


Ssh doctors decided what

Whether the Jew would die now or work first

What was told to the Jews that were to die after getting off the train

They were to take showers to clean up

What were the showers

Death chambers

What happened to the bodies after a "shower"

Burned in ovens

How many people did Hitler murdered

12 million

What did some Jews do to resist

Destroyed rail lines

Blow up power stations

Non Jews helped, how many people were hid in France city, Le Chambon-sur-Lignon


Who saved Jews by building guns for Nazi

Oscar Schindler

Oscar Schinder made 1 load of ammunition in how long

8 months

Denmark smuggled Jews to safety in what

Fishing boats

The resistance in camps did what

Seized weapons

Set buildings on fire

Blow up furnaces


How many were in the resistance in Warsaw


What happened at Warsaw after the attack on April 19

Every building was destroyed

Battle lasted 4 weeks

Many died some sent to camps

Some escape and gave hope to others

Germany tried to do what

Hide their trimester killing Jews

1944 in one month another...... were killed


When did Hitler die

April 30, 1945

when was the last camp was freed

May 1945

When did Germany finally surrender

May 7, 1945

How many died in world war 2

45 million

What does genocide mean

The deliberate killing of people from a particular group