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21 Cards in this Set

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President after Kennedy

Lyndon B Johnson

President Johnson passed

Many equal right laws making blacks equal to whites in 1964

“the Five O’Clock Follies” were

Lies the Government told so people believe they were winning the war

Was the Vietnam war a war

No, it was called a police action

In 1965 half a million soldiers were in Vietnam, were the USA winning

No, it was a stalemate

fighting in Vietnam was difficult, dangerous, and exhausting for US soldiers because


What are monsoons

heavy rains caused by seasonal winds—soaked soldiers and turned unpaved roads into muddy rivers.

Booby traps could

kill unlucky American soldiers who stepped on them

Some booby traps were

The simplest kind were holes in the ground with very sharp wooden stakes that had excrement on them. The traps were hidden by sticks, dirt, and leaves.

The Vietcong had miles

Secret tunnels

The tunnels contained...

living quarters and kitchens. Some had hospitals, classrooms, and shops for building weapons

US troops flooded the tunnels or threw explosives into them. Sometimes, small, thin US soldiers were sent in to attack whoever was left inside... they were called what

Tunnel rats

What is napalm

fire bomb that is almost impossible to put out

What is Agent Orange

a chemical that destroyed the canopy of trees in the jungle

What did agent orange do to people

cause cancer in anyone exposed to it, as well as birth defects in their babies

Because of Agent Orange people in the USA turned

many people in the United States against the war

Vietnam was the first

Televised war

Bad thing American soldiers did were

Torched a 9 year girl

Massacre a village of women and children

Shoot prisoners

The United States had a

Draft (force young healthy men into war)

Men who were draft were mainly

poor and working-class men without no college education

President who forgave draft dodgers

Jimmy Carter