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41 Cards in this Set

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Capital of Germany


When was Germany divided

After World War 2

Germany was divided in to 2 sections. There were:

East and west

What month was the wall built in 1961


What side built the wall

East Berlin

Why couldn't American soldiers help Peter?

Helping could be seen as an act if war and start world war 3

How many years was the wall up


How many people died trying to escape over the wall


Before world war 2, Berlin was the center of

business and industry

During world war 2 Berlin was

bombed heavily by US and British air forces during the war.

Following the war, it was decided that Germany would be divided up and controlled by the four victorious powers. They are:

the United States, Great Britain, France, and the USSR

West Germany went to


Great Britain


East Germany went to

The USSR (Russia)

At the beginning all countries agreed to "free movement" which means

everyday Berliners—and soldiers from the four powers—could go back and forth across the border legally and easily

America, Great Britain, and France were

Capitalists and democracies

The USSR was


What is a democracy

This meant there were free and fair elections, where citizens had a say—their vote—about whom they wanted in their government.

Who was the communist leader of the USSR

Joseph Stalin

Who was the American president in 1948

Harry Truman

Soviets blocked land access to West Berlin, meaning

No trains, cars, trucks, or boats—no supplies—could come into the western parts of the city

Western powers responded to Stalin's block by using:

Cargo planes full of supplies landed in West Berlin every minute, twenty-four hours a day.

Cargo planes full of supplies landed in West Berlin every minute, twenty-four hours a day was called:

Berlin Airlift

During the blockade and airlift, food, fuel, and electricity in West Berlin were


Ration means

people were only allowed to get small amounts of food, water, and electricity

The cold war was

A war of ideas

The cold war was a battle between

communism versus capitalism

What are Satellite states

They are countries that are under the control or influence of a larger, more powerful nation

Who ordered the wall?

Nikita Khrushchev

Who was president when the wall was ordered

JFK aka Kennedy

Who was the Berlin's wall first victim

fifty-eight-year-old nurse Ida Siekmann

Who was the first person shot and killed by East German border guards when he attempted to swim to West Berlin

twenty-four-year-old tailor Günter Litfin

Martin Luther King Jr compared the divide between East and West Berliners to what?

divide between black and white Americans

MLK jr said what about the divide

“on either side of the wall are God’s children...and no man-made barrier can obliterate that fact.

East German secret police were called

the Stasi

How many escaped for East Berlin when the wall was up?

About 5000

Buildings between the walls were demolished to make room for an open and heavily guarded “no-man’s-land” that became known as

Death strip

The death strip had

Land mines, self-firing guns, and alarms

Who was the leader of the USSR when the wall was demolished

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who was the leader of the USA when the wall was demolished

Ronald Reagan

In 1990, what month did East Germany and West Germany become one country


What day in 1991 did the cold war end

Christmas day