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28 Cards in this Set

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Describe Cirrus
Thin and White
Describe Cumulus
Heap Pile
Describe Stratus
What is a warm Front?
forms when mass of warm air moves over a mass of cool air
What is a cold Front?
Forms when cold air mass meets and pushes under a warm air mass
What is a Occluded Front?
Forms when cold front overtakes a warm front
What is a Stationary Front?
Forms when warm air mass meets a cold air mass and no movement occurs
Local Winds-
Blows over small area's and can blow in any direction
Global Winds-
Blows over big area's and only blows in one direction
The process of water changing from a vapor to a liquid
Water being released from clouds as rain, sleet, snow or hail
when a portion of water seeps into the ground adding to groundwater.
Precipitation that reaches the surface of the earth but does not infiltrate the soil
Water evaporating from the ground and transpiration by plants
The dials condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time
General conditions of temperature and precipitation in an area over a long period of time
Why is Infiltration important?
Because it goes in the ground and the soil varies with the degree of land slope, the amount and type of vegetation soil, and trype of rock
Polar maritime-
cool moist
Tropical maritime
warm moist
polar continental
bitterly cold, dry
tropical continental
hot dry
What is the Coriolis Effect?
high and low pressures
Sea Breeze
flow of cooler sea air to the warmer land
Land Breeze
flow of cooler land air to the warmer sea
major land and sea breeze cause rainy and dry season: seasonal wind
Prevalling Westerlies
Strong wind that blow from the west between 30-60 degreese latitdue
Trade winds
global wind that blows nearly all of the time in tropical areas (warm steady winds)
Polar Esterlies
cold, weak winds: occur north of 60 degrees latitude and south of 60 degreese laditude