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30 Cards in this Set

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Great Plains
the grassland extending through the west-central portion of the US
Homestead Act
passed in 1862; Congress offered 160 acres of land free to anyone who would live on it and cultivate it for at least five years
blacks who moved from the post- reconstruction south to Kansas in a great exodus
Sand Creek Massacre
an attack by US soldiers on a Cheyenne encampment in the Colorado Territory in 1864 in which 200 Native American men, women, and children were killed
Sitting Bull
(Tatanka Yotanka) a medicine man and leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux who never signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie
Geroge A. Custer
civil war hero and colonel in the Seventh Calvary
a plan under which Native Americans would give up their beliefs and way of life and become part of the white culture
Dawes Act
in 1887, passed to try to make assimilation the government policy
Ghost Dance
a Native American ritual in tended to bring about the restoration of tribal life, popular among the Sioux prior to the Battle of Wounded Knee
Battle of Wounded Knee
the 1890 massacre by US soldiers of 300 unarmed Native Americans at Wounded Knee Creek, SD
a breed of sturdy, long horned cattle brought to Mexico by the Spanish and suited to the dry conditions of the N.West
James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok
scout and spy during the Civil War and a marshal in Abilene, Kansas; violent man who shot and killed while card playing
Martha Jane Canary (Calamity Jane)
expert markswoman who dressed as a man
long drive
the moving of cattle over trails to a shipping center
settlers on the free land of the Homestead Act
like a dugout or a sod home in the broad flat plians made with stacking blocks and prarie turf
Morrill Land Grant Acts
1862 and 1890 which gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges
bonanza farm
enormous single crop spreads of 10000 acres or more
Hatch Act of 1887
established agricultural experiment stations to communicate new developments in agriculture to farmers in every state
Oliver Kelly
a farmer who started the Patrons of Husbandry in 1867
Patrons of Husbandry/ an organization of farmers for social outlet and educational forums
the movement of the people which bore the Populist's or People's Party in 1892
a policy in which the government would give people either silver or gold in exchange for paper currency or checks
William McKinley
a republican Ohioan that was nominated for president in 1896
William Jennings Bryan
a former member of Congress who delivered the "Cross of Gold" speech and the editor of the Omaha World - Herald magazine
"Cross of Gold" speech
a peech that targeted the "gold bugs" who insisted the US currency be backed with only gold
The Panic of 1893
After farmers and businesspeople had overextended themselves with debts and loans a panic occurred for the economy
Edwin L. Drake
succesfully used a steam engien to drill for oil near Titusville, PA
Bessemer process
a cheap efficient process for making steel developed around 1850
Thomas Alva Edison
became the first pioneer on the new industrial frontier hen he established the world's first research lab in Menlo Park, NJ