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55 Cards in this Set

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Fireside chats
Series of radio addresses ,made by fdr between 1933 - 1944. Used to assure nation of successes of the New Deal and it's programs. First continuous Presidential "dialogue" with it's citizens
double-v campaign
Racial equality movement during the beginnings of WWII: victory over facism abroad and victory over discrimination.

overcrowded cities like Chicago, Detroit and Harlem experienced race riots in 1943.

Also involved women's rights in a parallel fight for rights.
Fireside chats
Series of radio addresses ,made by fdr between 1933 - 1944. Used to assure nation of successes of the New Deal and it's programs. First continuous Presidential "dialogue" with it's citizens
George Kennan
"Father of Containment" His "Long Telegram" was sent from moscow in 1946 argued that Soviet regime was expansionist and resulted in US policy being Anti-Soviet Union. "Sources of Soviet Conduct" in 1947. Helped form definitive Cold War programs, including the Marshall Plan.
Tet Offensive
Military campaign started in january 31, 1968 against South Vietnam and the US (and allies). Largely successful attack stunning Vietnam and US soldiers, but ultimately was ended by US soldiers.
double-v campaign
Racial equality movement during the beginnings of WWII: victory over facism abroad and victory over discrimination.

overcrowded cities like Chicago, Detroit and Harlem experienced race riots in 1943.

Also involved women's rights in a parallel fight for rights.
George Kennan
"Father of Containment" His "Long Telegram" was sent from moscow in 1946 argued that Soviet regime was expansionist and resulted in US policy being Anti-Soviet Union. "Sources of Soviet Conduct" in 1947. Helped form definitive Cold War programs, including the Marshall Plan.
Forced Busing
Enforced desegregation of schools by assigning and transporting kids to schools in order to well integrate and diversify all schools in school districts. Addressed de jure segregation and racism, but did little for de facto segregation.
Tet Offensive
Military campaign started in january 31, 1968 against South Vietnam and the US (and allies). Largely successful attack stunning Vietnam and US soldiers, but ultimately was ended by US soldiers.
Forced Busing
Enforced desegregation of schools by assigning and transporting kids to schools in order to well integrate and diversify all schools in school districts. Addressed de jure segregation and racism, but did little for de facto segregation.
Ho Chi Minh
Capitol of South Vietnam, the US supported side of the war.
The dole
Preliminary form of welfare, payment from the government to the poor. Generally opposed by Republicans, deemed fiscally irresponsible.
House Committee on Un-American Activities. Headed by Senator Joseph McCarthy from 1938-1975. Began lots of "Red Scare" communism fears. Resulted in the Hollywood Blacklist.
Freedom Rides
Civil rights activists rode interstate buses into the segregated Southern US, challenged the Jim Croe laws still in effect in the south. Specifically regarding the segregation of Bus terminals.

Boynton v. Virginia (1960)
Works Progress Administration largest and most ambitious public works agency, employing millions of unemployed and unskilled workers. Lots of public buildings and roads. At it's heyday providing 3 million paying jobs.
First generation Japanese Immigrants, second generation known as Nisei. Important during the japanese Internment
Gen John DeWitt
General responsible for the Japanese internment and Executive Order 9066.
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Created in 1964 by black and white citizens of Mississippi to challenge the legitimacy of the White-only Democratic Party. The lack of support of their cause was a big sign of Lyndon B. Johnson's allegiance to racist southern Democrats.
Kent State
Place of Vietnam Protests (regarding US invasion of Cambodia in the process) in 1970 that were over run by the Ohio National Guard that resulted in the deaths of 4 unarmed students. Extremely important in the disillusionment of the Vietnam war and it's supporters
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Diplomatic crisis in which 52 Americans were held hostage by Islamist students and militants, from November 1979 - April 1980, when they took over the American Embassy in Tehran.
Bonus March
1932, Led by Walter Waters, former Army sergeant to demand immediate cash payment in redemption of their service certificates.
Bonus March
1932, Led by Walter Waters, former Army sergeant to demand immediate cash payment in redemption of their service certificates.
Interim Committee
Secret high-level group created in May 1945 by Secretary of War, with the Manhattan Project used to advise the President on control of Nuclear weapons and energy.
Interim Committee
Secret high-level group created in May 1945 by Secretary of War, with the Manhattan Project used to advise the President on control of Nuclear weapons and energy.
Bonus March
1932, Led by Walter Waters, former Army sergeant to demand immediate cash payment in redemption of their service certificates.
Marshall Plan
April 1948 Large scale effort to aid Europe to combat the spread of Communism. Worked to modernize industry and make Europe profitable. Big show in USA's stance on communism during the cold war
Marshall Plan
April 1948 Large scale effort to aid Europe to combat the spread of Communism. Worked to modernize industry and make Europe profitable. Big show in USA's stance on communism during the cold war
Bonus March
1932, Led by Walter Waters, former Army sergeant to demand immediate cash payment in redemption of their service certificates.
Interim Committee
Secret high-level group created in May 1945 by Secretary of War, with the Manhattan Project used to advise the President on control of Nuclear weapons and energy.
Bonus March
1932, Led by Walter Waters, former Army sergeant to demand immediate cash payment in redemption of their service certificates.
A. Philip Randolph
Early leader of the Civil Rights movement, led the March on Washington Movement, which convinced FDR to desegregate production plants during WWII. In 1963, the head of the March on Washington where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech
A. Philip Randolph
Early leader of the Civil Rights movement, led the March on Washington Movement, which convinced FDR to desegregate production plants during WWII. In 1963, the head of the March on Washington where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech
Separate But Equal
Legal doctrine in the US Constitutional law allowing systems of segregation as long as the segregated facilities and locations be equal in quality. Supported by Plessy v. Ferguson
Pentagon Papers
Reports released demonstrating, among other things, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance. Leaked in 1971 to the New York Times
Separate But Equal
Legal doctrine in the US Constitutional law allowing systems of segregation as long as the segregated facilities and locations be equal in quality. Supported by Plessy v. Ferguson
Pentagon Papers
Reports released demonstrating, among other things, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance. Leaked in 1971 to the New York Times
Interim Committee
Secret high-level group created in May 1945 by Secretary of War, with the Manhattan Project used to advise the President on control of Nuclear weapons and energy.
Operation Rolling Thunder
Gradual and sustained Aerial bombing at
Marshall Plan
April 1948 Large scale effort to aid Europe to combat the spread of Communism. Worked to modernize industry and make Europe profitable. Big show in USA's stance on communism during the cold war
Operation Rolling Thunder
Gradual and sustained Aerial bombing at
Interim Committee
Secret high-level group created in May 1945 by Secretary of War, with the Manhattan Project used to advise the President on control of Nuclear weapons and energy.
A. Philip Randolph
Early leader of the Civil Rights movement, led the March on Washington Movement, which convinced FDR to desegregate production plants during WWII. In 1963, the head of the March on Washington where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech
Marshall Plan
April 1948 Large scale effort to aid Europe to combat the spread of Communism. Worked to modernize industry and make Europe profitable. Big show in USA's stance on communism during the cold war
Marshall Plan
April 1948 Large scale effort to aid Europe to combat the spread of Communism. Worked to modernize industry and make Europe profitable. Big show in USA's stance on communism during the cold war
Separate But Equal
Legal doctrine in the US Constitutional law allowing systems of segregation as long as the segregated facilities and locations be equal in quality. Supported by Plessy v. Ferguson
Pentagon Papers
Reports released demonstrating, among other things, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance. Leaked in 1971 to the New York Times
A. Philip Randolph
Early leader of the Civil Rights movement, led the March on Washington Movement, which convinced FDR to desegregate production plants during WWII. In 1963, the head of the March on Washington where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech
A. Philip Randolph
Early leader of the Civil Rights movement, led the March on Washington Movement, which convinced FDR to desegregate production plants during WWII. In 1963, the head of the March on Washington where MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" Speech
Separate But Equal
Legal doctrine in the US Constitutional law allowing systems of segregation as long as the segregated facilities and locations be equal in quality. Supported by Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate But Equal
Legal doctrine in the US Constitutional law allowing systems of segregation as long as the segregated facilities and locations be equal in quality. Supported by Plessy v. Ferguson
Operation Rolling Thunder
Gradual and sustained Aerial bombing at
Pentagon Papers
Reports released demonstrating, among other things, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance. Leaked in 1971 to the New York Times
Operation Rolling Thunder
Gradual and sustained Aerial bombing at
Pentagon Papers
Reports released demonstrating, among other things, the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance. Leaked in 1971 to the New York Times
Operation Rolling Thunder
Gradual and sustained Aerial bombing at