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56 Cards in this Set

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She looks too pretty, try to catch her









Proximal posterior bump on ulna

Olecranon process

Where does humerus articulate on ulna?

Trochlear notch

Projection on anterior ulna

Coronoid process

Bump distal to coronoid process

Ulnar tuberosity

Where does radius articulate on proximal ulna?

Radial notch

Sharp margins on inside of radius and ulna

Interosseous crest

Projection hanging below head posteriorly

Ulnar styloid process

Bump on radius facing ulna

Radial tuberosity

Where does ulna head articulate distally

Ulnar notch

Distal lateral projection on radius

Radial styloid process

Bump on posterior radius

Dorsal tubercle of radius

Listers tubercle

Dorsal tubercle of radius

Ulnohumeral joint movements

Flexion and extension

Radiohumeral joint movements

Flexion and extension

Pronation and supination

Proximal radio ulnar joint actions

Pronation and supination

What ligament is on medial elbow

Ulnar collateral ligament

Ligament on lateral elbow

Radial collateral ligament

Ligament around radial head

Annular ligament

Distal radius articulates with what other bones?

Ulna, scaphoid, and Lunate

Which two muscles form the posterior axillary fold?

Latissimus dorsi and Teres major

Which muscle forms the anterior axillary fold?

Pectoralis major

What innervates the trapezius m?

Accessory nerve

What innervates the rhomboid m?

Dorsal scapular n

What innervates the serratus anteriorm?

Long thoracic n.

What innervates the pectoralis minor m?

Medial pectoral n

What innervates the supraspinatus m?

Suprascapular n

What innervates the infraspinatus m?

Suprascapular n

What innervates the teres minor m?

Axillary n

What innervates the subscapularis m?

subscapular n

What innervates the deltoid m?

Axillary n

How does the musculocutaneous n affect the forearm?

Sensory innervation of lateral forearm

What nerve is hurt from surgical neck fracture?

Axillary n

If the axillary nerve is hurt what action is affected?

ABduction of arm

What damaged nerve results in wrist drop?

Radial n

Difficulty turning shower faucet is what nerve damage?

Musculocutaneous n

Hand of benedection

Median nerve

Cant flex 3 lateral fingers

What nerve runs through the carpal tunnel?

Median nerve

What nerve damage results in loss of thumb opposition?

Median n

How do you know if you have ulnar n damage?

Ulnar claw

Ligament bt greater & lesser tubercle

Transverse humeral ligament

Joint holding the humerus to the scapula

Glenohumeral joint

Joint bt clavicle and acromion

Acromioclavicular joint

Ligament bt coracoid process and acromion

Coracoacromial ligament

What does the acromioclavicular ligament hold together?

Acromion and clavicle

What type of injury is sustained in a shoulder separation?

Torn acromioclavicular ligament

What type of injury is sustained in a shoulder dislocation?

Glenohumeral joint is dislocated

Long thoracic n innervates what m?

Serratus anterior

Medial pectoral n innervates what m?

Pectoralis minor

Medial & lateral pectoral n innervates what m?

Pectoralis major

Thoracodorsal n innervates what m?

Latissimus dorsi

Suprascapular n innervates what m?

Supraspinatus & infraspinatus

Subscapular n innervates what m?


Axillary n innervates what m?

Deltoid & teres minor

What muscle is involved in a rotator cuff tear?


What is a winged scapula

Damage to the long thoracic nerve which results in the serratus anterior being paralyzed and the scapula to protrude