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62 Cards in this Set

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Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: T7 spine, spinous processes, supraspinous ligaments of lumbar + sacral vertebrae.

Insertion: posterior layer lumbar fascia, posterior crest of ilium, posterior third outer lip of iliac crest, intertubercular groove

Supply: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-8) from posterior cord of brachial plexus

Extends shoulder joint, medially rotates humerus, adductor, lower muscle helps inspiration, other muscle helps expiration

Test by abducting arm to right angle and adduct against resistance

Origin, insertion, blood, nerve


Supply: Accessory nerve

Origin, insertion, blood, nerve

Pectoralis Major

1. Clavicular head origin is medial half of anterior surface of clavicle, insertion is lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus, anterior lip of deltoid tuberosity and deep fascia arm. C5+6

2. Sternocleidomastoid head origin anterior surface manubrium, body of sternum, aponeurosis external oblique and 1st 6 ribs. Insertion is as above and capsule ofshoulder joint. C7 + 8 + T1

Nerve supply: medial + lateral pectoral nerves (from same named cords)

Action: medial rotator, adductor (sternocleidomastoid), shoulder flexion (clavicular), helps inspiration if abducted

Test: Clavicular abducted to 90 degrees pushing forward against resistance. Sterno is abducted to 60 degrees and adducted against resistance.

Origin, Insertion, Blood, Nerve, Action, Test

Pectoralis Minor

Origin 3rd-5th ribs. Insertion short thick tendon into medial border and upper surface of coracoid process of scapula.

Supplied by pectoral nerve

Assists serratus anterior in protraction of scapula and adduction


Origin is chostrochondral junction of first rib. Insertion is subclavian groove of inferior surface of clavicle.

Supply: own nerve from upper trunk of brachial plexus (C5+6)

Stabilises clavicle and may stop fractured clavicle from damaging subclavian vein

Origin, insertion, nerve, action

Levator Scapulae

Forms floor of posterior triangle.

Origin posterior tubercles of upper 4 cervical vertebrae

Insertion to upper angle of scapula

Supply: cervical plexus (C3, 4, anterior rami) and dorsal scapular nerve (nerve to rhomboids, C5)

Triangle of auscultation

Upper horizontal border latissimus dorsi, vertebral border of scapula, lateral border trapezius

Deep to it is the cardiac orifice of stomach. Used to listen for oesophageal obstruction

Rhomboid Major + Minor

Major: originates from vertebral spines (T2-5) and supraspinous ligaments. Inserts into scapula from inferior angle to upper part of triangular area at base of scapular spine.

Minor: originates from vertebral spines (C7 + T1). Inserts to medial border of scapula above the triangular area below levator scapulae

Supply: dorsal scapular nerve (nerve to rhomboids) from C5 root

Draw vertebral scapula medial and upwards, assist retraction of scapula


Origin: medial third C7 vertebra, ligamentum nuchae between occipital tuberance and vertebral spine, along spinous processes and supraspinous ligaments

Insertion: lateral third clavicle posteriorly, medial border acromion, superior lip scapular spine

Nerve: accessory (C1-5/6) within sternocleidomastoid and cervical plexus (C3-4) for proprioception from behind sternocleidomastoid

Retracts + elevates scapula, prevents scapula depression, lateral flexion + extension neck, abduction of shoulder

Test by shouldr shrug against resistance


Origin: medial third C7 vertebra, ligamentum nuchae between occipital tuberance and vertebral spine, along spinous processes and supraspinous ligaments

Insertion: lateral third clavicle posteriorly, medial border acromion, superior lip scapular spine

Nerve: accessory (C1-5/6) within sternocleidomastoid and cervical plexus (C3-4) for proprioception from behind sternocleidomastoid

Retracts + elevates scapula, prevents scapula depression, lateral flexion + extension neck, abduction of shoulder

Test by shouldr shrug against resistance

Serratus Anterior

Origin: ribs 1-8

Insertion: upper angle scapula, costal surface at vertebral border, slips of external oblique, inferior angle scapula

Supply: Long thoracic nerve (nerve to serratus anterior) from C5-7 of brachial plexus

Action: Protraction of scapula, rotating scapula laterally and up, apposition

Test: outstretched hand against wall


Origin: apex coracoid process, fusing with medial side short bead of biceps

Insertion: Medial border humerus

Supply: Musculocutaneous nerve

Action: Weak flexor and adductor


Origin: long head arises from supraglenoid tubercle + glenoid labrum. Short head arises from apex of coracoid process (lateral to coracobrachialis)

Insertion: inserts into posterior borer of radial tuberosity

Supply: musculocutanous C5-6

Action: Flexor shoulder and elbow, supinator, stabiliser of shoulder and abduction (if deltoid paralysed)


Origin: front lower 2/3s humerus and medial intermuscular septum

Insertion: coronoid process and ulna tuberosity

Supply: musculocutaneous + lateral by radial nerve

Action: Flexor + extensor of elbow, prevent capsule entrapment by humerus and ulna

Shoulder Abduction

120 degrees + 60 degrees from scapula

90 degrees before lateral rotation of humerus

Supraspinatus + acromial fibres deltoid

Shoulder Adduction

Short scapular muscles (except supraspinatus), pec major, lat dorsi

Shoulder Flexion

Clavicular head pec major and anterior fibres deltoid, coracobrachialis, biceps. At range of movement uses sternocostal

Head pec major

Shoulder Flexion

Clavicular head pec major and anterior fibres deltoid, coracobrachialis, biceps. At range of movement uses sternocostal

Head pec major


Lat dorsi, posterior fibres of deltoid, long head triceps

Shoulder Rotation

Lateral: infraspinatus, teres minor. Test by putting hands on head.

Medial: subscapularis, teres major. Test by putting hands between scapulae


Long head: infraglenoid tubercle upper axilla border of scapula to olecranon

Lateral head: surgical neck + deltoid insertion posterior humerus to olecranon

Medial head: Medial side radial groove, intermuscular septae, posterior surface humerus. Goes to olecranon, posterior capsule and shared tendon.

Supply: Radial C7-8; long, medial, lateral, medial

Action: extensor elbow + shoulder, stabilise shoulder in abduction (long head)

Test: Abducted arm, flexed forearm extended against resistance.

Pronator Teres

Origin: common insertion, lower medial supracondylar ridge, medial border coronoid process of ulna

Insertion: prominent part lateral convexity radius

Supply: first branch of median nerve c6-7

Action: pronator, flexes elbow, adduct radius

Test: in supine is pronated against resistance

Flexor carpi radialis

Origin: common origin

Insertion: through flexor retinaculum to base 2nd + 3rd metacarpal +/- scaphoid.

Supply: Median

Action: Elbow + wrist flexion, wrist stabilisation, radial abductor of wrist, pronator

Flexor carpi radialis

Origin: common origin

Insertion: through flexor retinaculum to base 2nd + 3rd metacarpal +/- scaphoid.

Supply: Median

Action: Elbow + wrist flexion, wrist stabilisation, radial abductor of wrist, pronator

Test: flex wrist against resistance

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Origin: common origin, medial ligament, sublime tubercle on medial border coronoid process, anterior oblique line radial head

Insertion: beneath flexor retinaculum to phalanges.

Supply: median nerve

Action: flexes PIPJ, MCPJ, wrist and elbow

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Origin: common origin, medial ligament, sublime tubercle on medial border coronoid process, anterior oblique line radial head

Insertion: beneath flexor retinaculum to phalanges.

Supply: median nerve

Action: flexes PIPJ, MCPJ, wrist and elbow

Test: Flex at PIPJ against resistance

Palmaris Longus

Origin: common origin

Insertion: anterior flexor retinaculum into palmar aponeurosis

Supply: Median nerve

Action: weak flexor of wrist, minimal flexion at MCPJ.

Test: wrist flexed pinky to thumb

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin: common, aponeurosis from medial border olecranon and upper 3/4s subcutaneous border ulna.

Insertion: pisiform

Supply: ulnar nerve C7-8, 95% from lateral cord

Action: flexor wrist, ulnar adductor, fixator pisiform during hypothenar contraction

Test: pinky abducted against resistance or wrist flexed and adducted against resistance

Flexor digitorum profundus

Origin: medial surface olecranon, upper 3/4 antero- medial ulna, interosseous membrane

Insertion: through flexor tendon to fingers

Supply: anterior interosseous branch median nerve (lateral) ulnar nerve (medial) C7-8

Action: Flex DIPJ, finger + wrist

Test: supine extension, flex DIPJ against resistance with middle finger in extension

Flexor pollicis longus

Origin: anterior surface radius below oblique line but above pronator quadratus + interosseous membrane. Also some arise from FDS at coronoid process ulna

Insertion: base distal phalanx thumb

Supply: Anterior interosseous branch median nerve C8-T1

Action: Flexes all joints from IPJ to wrist

Test: Flex distal phalanx against resistance

Flexor pollicis longus

Origin: anterior surface radius below oblique line but above pronator quadratus + interosseous membrane. Also some arise from FDS at coronoid process ulna

Insertion: base distal phalanx thumb

Supply: Anterior interosseous branch median nerve C8-T1

Action: Flexes all joints from IPJ to wrist

Test: Flex distal phalanx against resistance

Pronator quadratus

Origin: lower 1/4 anteromedial ulna

Insertion: anterolateral border radius above styloid process, triangular interosseous area

Supply: anterior interosseous branch median nerve C8-T1

Action: pronator, holds radius and ulna together


Origin: upper 2/3 lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertion: base styloid process radius

Supply: radial nerve C5-6

Action: flex elbow joint causing radial styloid to be leading point in flexion elbow, weak pronator

Test: flex midprone foream against resistance


Origin: upper 2/3 lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertion: base styloid process radius

Supply: radial nerve C5-6

Action: flex elbow joint causing radial styloid to be leading point in flexion elbow, weak pronator

Test: flex midprone foream against resistance

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Origin: lower 1/3 lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertion: base 2nd metacarpal

Supply: Radial nerve C6-7

Action: extensor + abductor wrist and midcarpal joints, synergist during finger flexion, flexion elbow

Test: extend and abduct wrist of pronated forearm against resistance

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Origin: common extensor

Insertion: base 3rd metacarpal

Supply: posterior interosseous C6-7

Action: wrist extensor

Extensor digitorum

Origin: common extensor

Insertion: phalanges

Supply: posterior interosseous C7-8

Action: extends wrist + fingers

Test: in pronation keep fingers extended against resistance

Extensor digiti minimi


Extensor digiti minimi

Origin: common extensor

Insertion: little finger

Supply: posterior interosseous C7-8

Action: assists ED in wrist and pink finger extension

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Origin: common extensor

Insertion: base 5th metacarpal

Supply: posterior interosseous C6-7

Action: extend + ulnar deviation wrist, synergist finger flexion

Test: pronated + extended fingers, extend and adduct wrist against resistance


Origin: smooth facet lower extremity of lateral epicondyle

Insertion: lateral olecranon

Supply: radial nerve C7-8

Action: Extension and abduction ulna during pronation

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Origin: common extensor

Insertion: base 5th metacarpal

Supply: posterior interosseous C6-7

Action: extend + ulnar deviation wrist, synergist finger flexion

Test: pronated + extended fingers, extend and adduct wrist against resistance


Origin: smooth facet lower extremity of lateral epicondyle

Insertion: lateral olecranon

Supply: radial nerve C7-8

Action: Extension and abduction ulna during pronation


Deep head: origin supinator crest and fossa of ulna, inserting horizontally to area between anterior and posterior oblique lines

Superficial head: origin from distal lateral epicondyle, radial collateral ligament and behind supinator crest. Inserts downwards above anterior oblique line.

Supply: branch to supinator C5-6 from posterior interosseous nerve

Action: fixes forearm in supination, main supinator only in full extension

Abductor pollicis longus

Origin: distal to posterior oblique line on radius, more proximal on ulna and interosseous membrane

Insertion: deep into trapezium and abductor pollicis brevis. Superficial into 1st MCPJ

Supply: posterior interosseous nerve C7-8

Action: abducts thumb, abduct and flex wrist

Test: thumb abducted at MCPJ against resistance

Abductor pollicis longus

Origin: distal to posterior oblique line on radius, more proximal on ulna and interosseous membrane

Insertion: deep into trapezium and abductor pollicis brevis. Superficial into 1st MCPJ

Supply: posterior interosseous nerve C7-8

Action: abducts thumb, abduct and flex wrist

Test: thumb abducted at MCPJ against resistance

Extensor pollicis brevis

Origin: below abductor pollicis longus on radius and interosseous membrane

Insertion: base PIPJ

Supply: posterior interosseous nerve C7-8

Action: extends carpo-metacarpal + MCPJ, prevent MCPJ flexion when pinching

Test: thumb extended at MCPJ against resistance

Extensor pollicis longus

Origin: below abductor pollicis longus on ulna

Insertion: base DIPJ

Supply: posterior interosseous nerve C7-8

Action: extends terminal phalanx, thumb back from opposition, assist extension + abduction wrist

Test: thumb extended at IPJ against resistance

Extensor indicis

Origin: ulna distal to extensor pollicis longus

Insertion: index finger

Supply: posterior interosseous nerve C7-8

Action: extends index finger

Snuff box

Where: radial wrist

Medial: extensor pollicis longus

Lateral: extensor pollicis brevis + abductor pollicis longus

Bones: thumb metacarpal distally, scaphoid, trapezium, radial styloid

Contents: cephalic vein, radial nerve, radial artery

Abductor pollicis brevis

Origin: flexor retinaculum, tubercle scaphoid

Insertion: radial side base proximal phalanx, tendon EPL

Supply: muscular branch median nerve C8-T1

Action: Abducts thumb, proximal phalanx MCPJ and slightly rotates it

Test: abduct against resistance at right angle to palm

Flexor pollicis brevis

Origin: flexor retinaculum, trapezium

Insertion: radial sesamoid thumb, radial border proximal phalanx

Supply: muscular branch median nerve C8-T1. Can also be deep branch ulnar nerve

Opponens pollicis

Origin: flexor retinaculum and trapezium

Insertion: radial border metacarpal thumb

Supply: muscular branch median nerve C8-T1, can be ulnar supply too

Test: oppose against resistance

Abductor digiti minimi

Origin: pisiform, flexor retinaculum

Insertion: ulnar side base proximal phalanx and extensor expansion

Supply: deep branch ulnar nerve C8-T1

Action: cup hand, grip

Flexor digiti minimi

Origin: flexor retinaculum, hook of hamate

Insertion: base proximal phalanx

Supply: deep branch ulnar nerve C8-T1

Action: cup palm, grip

Opponens digiti minimi

Origin: flexor retinaculum, hook of hamate

Insertion: ulnar border 5th metacarpal

Supply: deep branch ulnar nerve C8-T1

Action: cup palm, assist grip

Rectus Sternalis

In 1/20 people

Vertical musculo-aponeurotic fibres on medial surface pec major. Upper fibres fuse with sternal tendon of SCM

Derivative of rectus abdominis

Supply: intercostal nerves

Rectus Sternalis

In 1/20 people

Vertical musculo-aponeurotic fibres on medial surface pec major. Upper fibres fuse with sternal tendon of SCM

Derivative of rectus abdominis

Supply: intercostal nerves

Clavipectoral Fascia

Starts at inferior clavicle, in subclavian goove, as anterior and posterior sleeves. These enclose subclavius.

At inferior border of subclavius (fuse to coracoid and 1st costochondral junction) it forms the costocoracoid ligament.

Then travels down to enclose pec minor in anterior and posterior sleeves.

At inferior border of pec minor, it forms suspensory ligament of axilla (maintains axillary hollow)

Can be seen in infraclavicular fossa between deltoid and pec major

Pierced inwards by lymphatics from infraclavicular nodes to apical nodes of axilla and cephalic vein

Pierced outwards by lateral pectoral nerve and thoracoacromial vessels


Bounded by anterior and posterior axillary folds

Floor: axillary fascia from serratus anterior to deep fascia of arm, supported by suspensory ligament

Anterior wall: pec major + minor, subclavius, clavipectoral fascia

Posterior wall: subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi

Medial wall: serratus anterior, 4th rib

Apex: clavicle, scapula, 1st rib

Contains: lymph nodes, neurovascular structures


Bounded by anterior and posterior axillary folds

Floor: axillary fascia from serratus anterior to deep fascia of arm, supported by suspensory ligament

Anterior wall: pec major + minor, subclavius, clavipectoral fascia

Posterior wall: subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi

Medial wall: serratus anterior, 4th rib

Lateral wall: intertubercular groove of humerus

Apex: clavicle, scapula, 1st rib

Contains: lymph nodes, neurovascular structures


Bounded by anterior and posterior axillary folds

Floor: axillary fascia from serratus anterior to deep fascia of arm, supported by suspensory ligament

Anterior wall: pec major + minor, subclavius, clavipectoral fascia

Posterior wall: subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi

Medial wall: serratus anterior, 4th rib

Lateral wall: intertubercular groove of humerus

Apex: clavicle, scapula, 1st rib

Contains: lymph nodes, neurovascular structures including axillary artery, three brachial plexus cords, axillary vein