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32 Cards in this Set

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House Un-American Committee (HUAC)

Promoted investigations towards communists and expose them. Prove that the gov't had been tolerating them.

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Channeled wide range of resentments: fear of communism, animosity toward the country's eastern establishment and frustrated partisan ambitions.

Legislative Branch

Primary power to make the country's laws. House of rep. Senate.

Helped desegregate interstate transportation.

Executive branch

with president, has the power to enforce or carry out the laws of the nation.

Judicial Branch

Evaluates laws (supreme court and other courts)

End of WWII


Korean war


Launch of sputnik




what was the list of presidents from 1944-1980

FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan.

Which 2 presidents from 1944-1980 served two terms.

Eisenhower 1952-1960

Nixon 1968-1972

Kennedy's assassination


Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


Tet offensive


Conservatism (Republicans)

Opposition to rapid changes and promotes keeping traditions in society.

Liberals (Democrat)

Supported civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality and more good stuff.


Rights and power of ppl against privileged elite.

New Deal liberalism

Belief in gov't, large in size, that is active in regulating the economy and society to achieve what it perceives as fairness.

Great Society liberalism

To eliminate poverty and racial injustice.

Watergate scandal

Former FBI and CIA agents broke into Democrat party offices. Against McGovern. Phone lines and secret papers were stolen.

Marshall Plan

Aid to western europe to help and rebuild after WWII.

Truman Doctrine

Aid to Greece and Turkey to help them fight off communist pressure from S.U.

Domino Theory

Once something happens to one country, a similar thing may occur to neighboring countries. Once communism starts, it may spread onto neighboring countries.

Cambodia bombing 1970

Aimed to attack a possible secret route being used by North Vietnam to transport weaponry.

Title IX

Attempts to end sex discrimination in higher education.

Immigrant Act of 1965

Based on reuniting immigrant families and attract skilled workers into the U.S.

- Nixon - Endangered Species Act

Meant to protect endangered species.

- Nixon - Environmental Protection Agency

Protect human health and environment.

- Nixon - Clear Air Act

Control air pollution.

Southern Strategy

Republican electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the south by appealing to racism against A.A.

"Massive resistance"

White politicians and leaders gather to oppose desegregation of public schools.

Military Industrial Context

In the farewell address of Eisenhower, beware of growing influence of military power.