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35 Cards in this Set

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A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that occurs as a result of experience

Classical Conditioning

Simplest form of learning where the learner makes an association between a stimulus and a response occurring close together


Anything that causes a reaction


The reaction to a stimulus

Unconditioned Stimulus

Any stimulus evoking an unlearned response


Unconditioned Response

Reflex action innately elicited by a stimulus without the intervention of any learning process


Neutral Stimulus

A stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention; becomes CS


Conditioned Stimulus

Stimulus to which an organism has learned to make a response


Conditioned Response

An unnatural reaction that is learned

Salivate at sound of bell


If bell is rung and no food is given over a period of time, the behavior will gradually weaken and disappear

Spontaneous Recovery

Behavior appears later

Operant Conditioning

A type of learning in which punishments and reinforcements are used to reinforce behavior

Law of Effect

We tend to repeat those behaviors that are rewarded and avoid those that are punished

Difference Between CC and OC

1. CC has no reinforcements

2. CC leaner has no choice

There are 2

Discriminative Stimulus

Learning that a behavior will be rewarded in one situation, but not in another

Going to dad for snacks rather than mom


Technique of reinforcement used to teach new behaviors; at the beginning, people/animals are reinforced for easy tasks, and then increasingly need to perform more difficult tasks in order to receive reinforcement

Ex. Potty training rewards

Positive Reinforcement

Reward of some kind, occurs when a desired stimulus follows a behavior


Negative Reinforcement

Removal of an unpleasant stimulus; avoidance



Stimulus given after a behavior has occurred

Positive Punishment

Add an unpleasant stimulus to decrease likeliness of behavior

Giving chores

Negative Punishment

Take away a pleasant stimulus

Take away cell phone until grades are up

Problems with Using Punishments

1. Misbehave for attention, so punishing is actually a reward

2. Can lead to abuse

3. Represents inappropriate modeling

4. Too much emphasis on wrong behavior, doesn't teach correct behavior

5. Causes resentment towards punishers

6. Doesn't eliminate undesirable behavior, just suppresses it

There are 6

Primary Reinforcer

Intrinsically rewarding because they satisfy basic biological needs or drives (Don't need to learn value)

Love, attention, warmth

Secondary Reinforcer

Represent a value or associated with primary reinforcers (Must learn value)



Occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced

Continuous Schedule

Every response is reinforced

Intermittent/Partial Schedule

Response is reinforced some of the time

Fixed Ratio

Reinforcement given after a certain number of responses

Punch card

Variable Ratio

Reinforcement is randomly given


Fixed Interval

Reinforcement given at a regular time


Variable Interval

Never know when reinforcement is coming; Varying amounts of time pass between reinforcements

Checking email

Observational Learning

We learn by observation and imitation of role models we choose

Albert Bandura: Bobo Doll Experiment

Cognitive Learning




3 Descriptions

Insight Learning

Process of mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of a solution occurs

Aha! moment

Latent Learning

Hidden learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not displayed until a reinforcement is provided