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41 Cards in this Set

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applied behavior analysis (aka behavior modification)

procedure for determining the reinforcers that sustain an unwanted behavior and then reducing the reinforcements for the unwanted behavior and providing suitable reinforcers for more acceptable behaviors

avoidance learning

learning to make a response that avoids pain or some similar outcome


concept that certain stimuli are regularly associated with each other and that certain responses are regularly associated with certain outcomes.


procedure for developing a sequence of behaviors in which the reinforcement for one response is the opportunity to engage in the next response.

conditioned taste aversion

tendency to avoid eating a substance that has been followed by illness when it was eaten in the past.

continuous reinforcement

reinforcement for every correct response


1. in classical conditioning, making different responses to different stimuli that have been followed by different outcomes.

2. In operant conditioning , learning to respond in one way to one stimulus and in a different way to another stimulus.

discriminative stimulus

stimulus that indicates on which occasion a response will produce a certain consequence.

disequilibrium principle

principle that an opportunity to engage in any deprived activity will be a reinforcer because it restores equilibrium.

escape learning

learning to escape from an event such as shock.


a. In classical conditioning, the dying out of the conditioned response after repeated presentations of the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus.

b. In operant conditioining, the weakening of the response after a period without reinforcement.

fixed interval schedule

schedule for delivering reinforcement or the first response that the subject makes after a specified period of time has passed.

fixed ratio schedule

rule for delivering reinforcement only after the subject has made a specific number of correct responses.

intermittent reinforcement

reinforcement for some responses and not for others.

law of effect

Thorndike's theory that a response followed by favorable consequences becomes more probably and a response followed by unfavorable consequences becomes less probable.

learning curve

geographical representation of the changes in behavior that occur over the course of learning.

mirror neurons

neurons that are activated while you perform a movement and also while you watch someone perform the same movement.

negative punishment

decrease in future probability of a response because it led to the absence of something such as food.

negative reinforcement

increase in the future probability of a response because it led to the absence of something such as pain.

omission training

training to suppress a behavior that would lead to the omission of an event such as food.

operant conditioning (aka instrumental conditioning)

process of changing a behavior by following a response with reinforcement.

passive avoidance learning

learning to avoid an outcome such as shock by being passive, that is by inhibiting a response that would lead to the outcome.

positive reinforcement

strengthening a behavior through the presentation of an event such as food,

pre-mack principle

principle that the opportunity to engage in a frequent behavior will reinforce a less frequent behavior.

primary reinforcer

event that is reinforcing because of its own properties


event that decreases the probability that a response will be repeated.


event that increases the future probability of the most recent response.


event that follows a response and increases the later probability of frequency of that response.

schedule of reinforcement

rule or procedure linking the patterns of response to the reinforcement.

secondary reinforcer

event that becomes reinforcing because it has previously been associated with a primary reinforcer.


perception of one's own ability to perform a task successfully.

sensitive period

time early in life during which some kinds of learning occurs most readily.


technique for establishing a new response by reinforcing successive approximations.

skeletal responses

movement of the muscles that move the limbs, trunk and head.

social learning approach

view that people learn by observing and imitating the behavior of others and by imagining the consequences of their own behavior.

stimulus control

ability of a stimulus to encourage some responses and discourage others.

stimulus generalization

a. In classical conditioning, the extension of a conditioned response from a training stimulus to similar stimuli.

b. In operant conditioning, the tendency to make a similar response to a stimulus that resembles on that has already been associated with reinforcement.

variable interval schedule

rule for delivering reinforcement after varying amounts of time.

variable ratio schedule

rule for delivering reinforcement after varying numbers of correct responses.

vicarious reinforcement (aka vicarious punishment)

observed reinforcement or punishment experienced by someone else.

visceral responses

activities of the internal organs.