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11 Cards in this Set

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define HRQL
subcomponent of quality of life that reflects goodness of those dimensions of life that can be affected by health
5 dimensions of HRQL?
physical function, emotional functioning and well-being, social functioning and ability to fulfill social roles, cognitive functioning, health status
other dimensions that are sometimes included?
sexual functioning and intimacy, work productivity
Objecitve measures of HRQL
can assess individual HRQL components or overall HRQL
QALY - quality adjusted life years
define QALY
calculation of a numerical value that indicates the quality of one's remaining years of life
logic behind QALY?
those with poorer health might have the same life expectancy, but the quality may be poorer
subjective measures
focus on perceptions of quality or goodness of various domains
asking patients to rate on questionnaire: level and satisfaction with functioning
objective vs. subjective measures?
subjective perceptions are more closely associated with important health-related outcomes than objective measures
individual difference factors?
personality, beliefs, values
who benefits from exercise interventions?
greatest effect among those with lowest
can supplement other types of HRQL intervention
practical recommendations?
people must be able to perceive improvements, people must realize the value of exercise,
people should be encouraged to partake in a variety of PA
POWER over their lives