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30 Cards in this Set

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List the 3 main components of the neuron. What are their functions
1. dendrite-receives info from other neurons via synapses, transmits signal towards soma
2. soma-supports metabolic and synthetic needs, integrates electrical signals
3. axon- conducts information away from the cell body via action potential
Describe how neurons are classified by the direction of information flow
afferent-sensory neurons that carry info from sensory sites toward the CNS
efferent-motor neurons that carry info away from the CNS
interneurons-relay neuron, communicates only to other neurons
What is the difference between a nerve and a tract
Both are collections of nerve fibers, the only difference is location
Nerves carry information to and from the CNS, tracts are located within the CNS
What is the difference between a ganglion and a nucleus
both are a collection of cell bodies
ganglion-connection outside of the CNS
nucleus-collection within the CNS
Where does the spinal cord end
at the conus medularis near L1-L2
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there
What is the difference between white matter and grey matter? How is this material distribuitd within the brain
grey matter=cell bodies, white matter= axons
In the brain, the grey matter is located around the outside and the axons are in the middle, this is backwards from the spinal cord
Describe the structures that stabilize the movement of the spinal cord
denticulate ligaments-stablize laterally
terminal filum (an extension of pia matter) stabilizes laterally
How are the 31 pairs of spinal nerves distributed down the spinal cord
8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
What types of sensory fibers are contained within the dorsal root ganglion
The dorsal root transmits sensory information (do not confuse with dorsal rami). The root contains both genearal sensory affarent and general visceral afferent fibers
What type of nerve fibers are found in the anterior horn of the spinal cord
The anterior horn transmitts motor impulses. This area contains general sensory efferent fibers
What type of nerve fibers are found in the lateral horn of the spinal cord
The lateral horn contains the cell bodies of general viseral efferent neurons.
T/F white rami communicantes are found at every spinal level
false white rami communicantes are found in the lateral hornsof T1-L2 only.
Grey are found at all spinal levels
What's the differnce between roots and rami
roots are branches off the spinal cord, the are divided into ventral roots which carry motor information and dorsal roots which carry sensory information.
Roots come together to form a mixed spinal nerve which then exits via the intervertebral foramen. The mixed spinal nerve then branches into mixed rami which carry both types of information to and from the body.
What are the function divisions of the nervous system
somatic and autonomic
somatic-innervates skin and most muslces, receives and responds to environment
autonomic (visceral)-innervates organ systems and other visceral elements like sweat glands, erector pilli, blood vessels etc,(further divided into enteric, sympathetic and parasympathetic)
What are the three subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system
1. sympathetic-"flight or fight"
2. Parasympathetic- rest and digest
3. enteric- wall of GI tract
Describe how the fibers contained within the musculocutaneous never change as the nerve traces it's path through the upper extremity
The nerve leaves the brachial plexus as a terminal branch of the lateral cord (C5,6) it carries both motor (GSE) and sensory fibers until it innervates muscles in the arm (biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis). After these muslces have been innervated, GSE fibers are no longer needed so the nerve continues on as teh lateral cutaneous nevere carrying only sensory (GSA) and GVE/GVA fibers. The GVE/GVA fibers are needed to control sweat gland, blood vessesl, etc in the forearm
all preganglionic sympathetic nerves are located in what section of the spinal cord
T1-L2 reguardless of innervation
where are the cell bodies of General visceral efferent fibers
lateral horn of the spinal cord
where are the cell bodies of General somatic afferent fibers
dorsal root ganglion
where are the cell bodies of general somatic efferent fibers
ventral horn of spinal cord
where are the cell bodies of General visceral afferent fibers
dorsal root ganglion
what are intercostal nerves
fancy name for ventral primary rami in the thoracic region
what happnets to ventral primary rami onces they reach a pont in line with the axilla
they give off a lateral cutaneous branch whihc penetrates the msucle to innervate the overlying skin
What are white ramus coummunicans
-connect the spinal cord and the sympathetic chain between T1 and L2
-conveys sympathetic preganglionic myelinated fibers to the paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia
What are grey ramus communicans
-connect the sympathetic chain and the spinal nerves at every level
-conveys sympathetic postsynaptic unmyelinated fibers from the paravertebral ganglia to the spinal nerve to reach the skin
T/F grey ramus commuicans are found at every spinal level
Constrast this to white which are found between T1 and L2
The postganglionic neuron is unique to which system
The preganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division are___neurons because they use the neutransmitter____
The preganglionic sympathetic neurons are cholinergic because they use acetylcholine
The postganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division are ___neurons because they use the neurotransmitter____
The sympathetic postganglionic neurons are adrenergic because they use norepinephrine