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23 Cards in this Set

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What does healthy mean ?

Being free of any infections or diseases

What does fit mean?

The measure of how well you can perform physical tasks

Fitness measure ?

Strength, Speed ,Agility and flexibility with stamina .

What is stamina a good indication of ?

Cardiovascular efficiency (the ability of the heart to supply the muscles with oxygen) ... By measuring oxygen uptake during exercise and blood pressure

How blood pumped around the body ?

Blood is pumped around the body by the contractions of the heart. The pressure of blood increases due to these contractions.

Where does the blood leave from ?

Leaves the heart and flows through arteries.Blood flows back to the heart through veins. There is lower pressure as blood flows through the system

What is the highest & lowest blood pressure called ?

Heart contracting =Systolic pressure

Heart relaxing =Diastolic pressure

What is Blood pressure measure in ?


Average blood pressure in a healthy person

Shouldn't be higher than about 135/85

Factors that increase your blood pressure

Smoking , being overweight, drinking too much alcohol and being under lots of stress for long time .

High or low bp cause health problems

High =blood vessels burst ,leading to strokes , brain damage and kidney damage

•Can be decreased by lifestyle changes

Low = poor circulation and tissues don't get enough food and oxygen resulting in dizziness and fainting

How does smoking increase blood pressure ?

Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin in red blood cells , this reduces the amount of oxygen being carried. The heart has to increase , so it allows the tissues to get enough oxygen . Heart contracts more frequently resulting the increase of bp .


Increases the heart rate = contracts more often =increasing bp

How can poor diet lead to heart disease?

Diet in high saturated fat or salt cause the developing risk of heart disease. Saturated fats = Cholesterol build up . Cholesterol is a substance which is fatty . We need cholesterol for some things like making cell membranes but if there too much then its builds up in the arteries. plaques are form in the artery wall contributing to narrowing the arteries. Restricts flow of blood leading to a heart attack

Narrow arteries increase the risk of a heart attack

Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood ,if these arteries become narrowed then it restricted the blood flow to the heart . This indicates that the jeart muscle receives less oxygen. A thrombosis also restricts blood flow .If the coronary artery is already narrow and a thrombosis occurs then the flow of blood can be completely blocked . An area of heart muscle will be cut off from the oxgyen supply , if this happens = Heart attack.

Eating Healthily

Essential nutrients are Carbohydrates, fats , proteins , vitamins and minerals , water

Nutrients and functions

What are Carbohydrates made up of ?

Simple sugars like glucose & stored in the liver as glycogen or converted into fats

Fats are made up of ?

Fatty acids & glycerol . Stored under the skin and around organs as adipose tissue

What are proteins made of ?

Amino acids and don't get stored

Energy and nutrients vary between people

Age = Children like teenages need more protein for growth whereas older people need calcium to protect againsy degenerative bone diseases like osteoporosis.

Gender = Females required need more iron for the replacement of lost iron within the menstrual blood

Physical activity =Active people need energy which they can get by carbohydrate and protein for muscle development

Some people choose to eat a different diet

Religious reasons , personal and medical reasons .e.g . Hindus don't eat cows due to believing they are sacred . Veggies don't eat meat due to the cruelty to animals . Some people are intolerant to certain foods or have allergies

Diet problems

Having too little protien causes a condition called kwashiorkor (swollen stomach )