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48 Cards in this Set

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Freud believed that these 2 instincts (or drives) are present in all people and motivate all human behavior

Libido and Thanatos

In Freud's theory, this is the part of the personality that is responsible for mediating between the id, superego, and reality. It operates on the "reality principle."


According to Freud's theory, this is the part of a dream that a person consciously sees and remembers

Manifest content

In Freud's theory, this is an unconscious conflict in which a boy experiences a desire for his mother, accompanied by a desire to replace or destroy his father.

Oedipus Complex

What anxiety helps a boy resolve his oedipus complex?

Castration Anxiety

This defense mechanism in which the individual attributes an unconscious impulse to other people instead of to himself?


In Horney's theory,t his is defined as a need for security and freedom from fear

Need for safety

According to Horney, this is what develops in childhood as a means of self-protection against basic anxiety

Neurotic Needs

This theorist built on Freud's theory by placing a greater emphasis on the unconscious

Carl jung

In jung's theory, this includes the past experiences of human experiences and the history of our species

Collective unconscious

In jung's theory, he expanded this concept to be a broad motivation for behavior. In Freud's theory this was the life instinct, and primarily was sexual energy


What is is the collective unconscious made up of?


Horney's biggest disagreement with Freud's theory was over this concept. As a result, she developed the concept of womb envy in men?

Penis Envy

In Adler's theory of birth order, this is the child who is most likely to have a high perception of inferiority due to being "dethroned" This child also may be more likely to be interested in order and authority.

First born

In Adler's theory this is the term for giving a child too much attention, robbing them from independence. Adler suggested that a certain amount of independence is necessary for healthy personality development.


In Adler's theory, all behavior was motivated by a person's desire to overcome these types of feelings?


jung's theory included the concept of archetypes. This archetype is the feminine side of the male.


What is the masculine side of the female?


This term is defined as consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originating within the individual


According to Sigmund Freud, this is where information that you have no immediate access to is stored. it also houses the Id drives.


What are the other to types of drives according to Freud?

Conscious and preconscious

This is a defense mechanism in which the ego channels threatening unconscious impulses into socially acceptable actions.


In Allport's theory, this is another term for "individual traits," which are unique to the person and define his/her character.

Personal dispositions

In Karen Horney's theory, these were defined as a person's attitudes toward self and toward others that express one's needs. They become problematic when a person adheres to them in a rigid way.

Neurotic Needs

This term is described best by the question: does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?


This term is defined as: consistent results on multiple administrations of a test


In Adler's theory, this is the idea that we all have an ultimate gal or direction we are all moving toward.

Fictional Finalism

What is, according to Adler, the best formulation of fictional finalism?


According to Eysenck, these are the major source of individual differences in personality.


In Eysenck's theory, extraversion-introversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism, are basic personality dimensions that were categorized as waht?

Super Traits

Using factor analysis, Raymond Cattell narrowed Allport's thousands of traits down to 16 source traits. From these, he developed this assessment instrument.

16 PF

This theorist suggested that adult personality is unconstrained by childhood experiences.


What term describes the motives of mature, emotionally healthy adults?

functional autonomy

Allport defined these traits as the 5-10 traits that best describe a person's behavior.


According to Cattell, these are stabel and permanent traits that are the basic factors of the personality.

Source Traits

This is the term for the list of traits that describes personality in a broad, general sense. It was developed through decades of research and factor analysis.

The Big 5

Erikson's 8 stages and biggest strengths for each.

Trust Vs. Mistrust: Hope

Autonomy vs. shame: Will

Initiative Vs. Guilt: Purpose

Industry vs. Inferiority: Competence

Identity Vs. Identity Confusion: Fidelity

Intimacy Vs. Isolation: Love

Generativity Vs. Stagnation: Care

Integrity vs. Despair: Wisdom

Standards for Evaluation of a theory

1) comprehensive and Organizes data (Explains many different phenomena and organizes it into something that makes sense)

2) Falsifiable (Can be proven wrong through research)

3) Guides Action (theories are practical and give us guidelines)

4) Productive (leads to more research)

5) Parsimonious (Simplest answer)

What is rationalization?

A defense mechanism

What is proprium?


What is temperament?

How someone approaches the world

Describe Freud's Topographical Model

-Conscious: contains the thoughts and information you are aware of

-Preconscious: acceptable ideas/feelings, not immediately in conscious but could be easily accessed

-Unconscious: not immediate access, unacceptable ideas/feelings

Describe Freud's Structural Model

-Id found in the unconscious(Raw, unstructured, impulsive engergies)

Ego: found in the conscious and preconscious (rational aspect of the personality)

-superego: moral part of the personality Conscious and preconscious

Describe Archetypes in jung's theory

Examples: hero, demon, mother, wise old man, self

-Persona: what we present to the world

-Shadow: unconscious part of self

-Anima: feminine side of the male

-Animus: masculine side of the female

Describe Adler's birth order

-Oldest child: Receives attention until next child comes; dethroned by 2nd child, inferiority complex

-Second of only two: child competes with oldest and is opposite the oldest

-Middle: strong sense of superiority striving; highest achievers

-Youngest: most dependent child; pampered by family

-Only: doesn't cooperate with people; mature earlier; remains center of attention and is disappointed when not

Feminist Psychologist Horney focused on social oppression of women. Describe her theory of penis Envy.

Women feel inferior because they are raised in a mail dominate society

Karen Horney's theory

Safety needs ->basic anxiety->neurotic needs ->neurotic trends

Gordon Allport

Focus on predicting behavior