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23 Cards in this Set

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In which direction do Afferent (sensory) messages travel?

Towards the brain and spinal cord
In which direction do Efferent (motor) messages travel?
Away from the brain and spinal cord
What are the 3 parts of the brain?
1)The Cerebrum
2)The Cerebellum
3)The Brain Stem
What are the main features of the Cerebrum?
•Largest part
•Divided by deep cleft - the LONGITUDINAL CEREBRAL FISSURE
•Divided into right & left cerebral hemispheres
What are the main features of the Cerebellum?
•Contains lots of neurons
•Coordinates body movement, voluntary muscular movement, posture and balance
•It's NOT under voluntary control
•Proprioception impulses from muscles/joints indicate their positions
State the main components of a neurone?
•1 cell body
•1 axon
•Lots of dendrites
What are nerves?
Bundles of axons bound together
What are action potentials?
Electrical impulses that are generated and transmitted by the neurone
State the 2 types of neural tissue
1) Neurons - process, transfer and store info
2) Neuroglia - Support, regulation & protection of neurons
What are the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
1) Sympathetic (thoracolumbar outflow)
2) Parasympathetic (craniosacral outflow)
What are the 2 efferent neurones between the central nervous system and effector organs?
What happens to the motor nerves in the medulla?
They travel down from the motor area in the Cerebrum to the spinal cord in the PYRAMIDAL TRACTS and cross from one side to the other
What is the significance of decussation?
The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body and vice versa
What are the meninges?
The 3 layers of tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord
What make up the meninges?
•Arachnoid Mater
•Pia Mater
What is the Dura?
Has 2 layers of fibrous tissue. The inner layer protects brain
What is the arachnoid matter?
A layer of fibrous tissue that forms the Cerebelli & cerebri

What is the Pia Mater?

The delicate layer of connective tissue that contains small blood vessels

What is Cerebrospinal fluid and where does it flow?

Clear liquid that fills ventricles and canals.

It flows in the subarachnoid space

What are the 3 functions of cerebral spinal fluid?

Buoyancy - floats brain

Protection - cushions brain from the skull

Chemical Stability - rinses away wastes

All activities of the spinal cord are dependent of the brain. True or False?

False, some activities are independent of the brain and are controlled at the level of the spinal cord by SPINAL REFLEXES

Explain the flow of the Cerebrospinal fluid.

1) CSF secreted by CHOROID PLEXUS in each lateral ventricle.

2) CSF flows through INTERVENTRICULAR FORAMINA into 3rd ventricle

3) Choroid plexus in 3rd ventricle adds more CSF

4) CSF flows down CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT to 4th ventricle

5) Choroid plexus in 4th ventricle adds more CSF

6) CSF flows out 2 lateral apertures & 1 median aperture

7) CSF fills subcranial space

8) @ Arachnoid villi, CSF is resorbed into venous blood of dural venous sinuses

Name the 4 lobes of the brain

Frontal lobe

Parietal lobe

Occipital lobe

Temporal lobe