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11 Cards in this Set

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Surface Anatomy of Tibial Tuberosity
The tibial tuberosity is an elevation on the anterior aspect of the proximal part of the tibia about 5 cm below the apex of the patella and is easily palpated.
What structures are the tibial tuberosity associated with?
1. Level of the head of the fibula
2. Bifurcation of the popliteal artery
3. Patellar ligament (easily palpated when the knee is extended)
Palpable structures of the surface of the tibial tuberosity
1. tendon of biceps femoris
2. common fibular nerve
3. fibular neck
4. anterior border of the tibia (shin)
5. tibialis anterior muscle
What is the key landmark to locate the lateral part of the fibula?
The common fibular nerve (around the fibular neck)
Where does the tendon of biceps femoris attach?
the tendon of biceps femoris attaches distally on the lateral side of the head of the fibula.
What serves as a guide to the common fibular nerve?
The tendon of biceps femoris and the neck of the fibula serve as a guide to the common fibular nerve.
Where is the fibular nerve palpable?
The fibular nerve is palpable posterior to the fibular head and can be rolled against the fibular neck.
What forms the "shin"?
The shin is formed by the anterior border of the tibia, which is sharp and can be traced from the tibial tuberosity to the medial malleolus.
When is the tendon of tibialis anterior muscle palpable?
the tibialis anterior muscle is superficial and palpable along the anterior border of the tibia. Its tendon is obvious when the foot is inverted and dorsiflexed.
What muscles are lateral to the tibialis anterior tendon?
The extensor hallucis longus and brevis are visible.
What tendon is lateral to the tendon of the extensor digitorum?
Lateral to the tendon of the extensor digitorum the tendon of fibularis tertius can be palpated (escpecially when the foot is everted and dorsiflexed).