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35 Cards in this Set

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bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident:

The parade was very well organized and passed without mishap.

to drink, taking only a small amount at a time

He took a sip of his coffee.

She sipped her tea.

someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them

She is a sleuth

a difficult choice you have to make between two things you could do.

She’s still in a dilemma about whether she should go or not.

to hide somebody/something

Tim could barely conceal his disappointment 😞

The paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster

the state of not being able to decide what to do in a difficult situation or dilemma

George was in a quandary should he go or shouldn't he?

​very bad or unpleasant

What a dreadful weather!

Jane looked dreadful (= looked ill or tired).

to walk around because you are worried about something

She was pacing up and down, waiting for the phone to ring.

​very great or big/loud

The question was answered with a resounding yes.

The boulder hit the ground with a resounding thud

laugh at somebody and make jokes about them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy them or make them embarrassed

Don't get upset—I was only teasing.

‘You're not scared, are you?’ she teased him.

to use someone or something instead of another person or thing

You can substitute pasta for the rice in this recipe.

short surprise attack on an enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft

The air force carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.

He was injured during a police raid on his nightclub.

to make somebody behave or think in a more serious and sensible way; to become more serious and sensible

He suddenly sobered.

The bad news sobered us for a while.

an annoying person or thing

That child is being a real pest.

Ex-colleagues describe him as a sex pest.

a situation in which things are not organized and people do not understand what they should do

There was a big muddle over who was buying the tickets.

I often get Jonathan and his brother muddled up.

to officially speak for someone else because they have asked you to

The union represents over 200 employees.

This book represents ten years of thought and research.

] to cause a delay in reaching an agreement because you hope you will gain something Or to resist or survive in a dangerous or difficult situation.

The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement.

We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.

to defeat somebody/something or gain an advantage over them by doing something clever

Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents.

It is impossible to negotiate if one side feels that the other side is trying to outwit them.

quickly and without difficulty

All ingredients are readily available from your local store.

Most people readily accept the need for laws

to agree to do something

The college eventually consented to the students’ demands.

a person who likes to talk about how important they are

He is a pompous, over the top, blowhard who enjoys using excessive force.

to agree to do what people have asked you to do:

He graciously acceded to our request.

The Planning Committee has finally acceded to growing pressure.

having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that something will happen

She looked highly skeptical.

The public remain skeptical of these claims

or Scientists remain sceptical about astrology.

the quality of being willing to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation that you cannot change

They accepted their defeat with resignation.

to do something next, after having done something else first( go on)]]

He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail.

Having said she wasn't hungry, she then proceeded to order a three-course meal.

(of time) to pass

Things will get easier as time goes by

The days seemed to go by very slowly

very much; completely

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves

I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself.

​in a sad or sorry way

So this is goodbye,’ she said ruefully.

He ruefully admitted that he envied her

to say something to yourself in a way that shows you are thinking carefully about it

‘I wonder why?’ she mused.

to surround somebody/something so that they cannot move or grow easily

The village is hemmed in on all sides by mountains ⛰️

She felt hemmed in by all their petty rules and regulations

to move around without control; to move your arms and legs around without control

He was running along, his arms flailing wildly.

The boys flailed around on the floor.

to bring or get something back, especially from a place where it should not be

The dog retrieved the ball from the water.

She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.

​to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying something heavy

The men trudged up the hill, laden with supplies.

We spent the morning trudging around the mall looking for a suitable gift.

to have or take somebody/something in your hands

He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn't get away.

Quick, grab a hold of that rope.

a surface or piece of land that slopes (= is higher at one end than the other)

The town is built on a slope.

He made his way up the slope from the station to the bus stop.