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15 Cards in this Set

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if people do or say something in unison, they all do it at the same time

They moved in perfect unison

material that covers a window, often consisting of a roll of cloth that is fixed at the top of the window and can be pulled up and down.

She saw a figure through the blinds

Pull up the blinds and let some light in.

​not very bright; dark or soft in colour

the dusky light inside the cave

Her skin turned a dusky gold in the sun

​to decorate somebody/something with flowers, coloured paper, etc., often as part of a celebration 🍾

The streets were festooned with banners and lights.


My grandmother used to have a spindle

to fill a place or area with too many things, so that it is untidy

Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams.

Too many graphics can clutter the screen.

to leave quietly or quickly so that no one will notice:

He slipped out to make a phone call.

Before I could say anything she had gathered her books and slipped out the door (= left quickly through the door).

to be similar to or the same as something else

The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.

Your account of events does not correspond with hers.

a person or thing that is unusual and is therefore often valuable or interesting

Women are still something of a rarity in senior positions in business.

His collection of plants contains many rarities.

in a way that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt

She could faintly hear music playing

It smelled faintly of smoke 🚬 😀

​(of a door) slightly open

I'll leave the door ajar.

The office door stood ajar.

to put or force something tightly into a narrow space, so that it cannot move easily

She wedged herself into the passenger seat

She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.

very small drops of water or other liquid that are present in the air, on a surface or in a substance

a material that is designed to absorb/retain moisture

​slightly wet in an unpleasant way

His skin felt cold and clammy

clammy hands

causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant

a repulsive sight/smell/habit

What a repulsive man!