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21 Cards in this Set

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to remove some or all of your clothes

You look hot—why don't you peel off?

He peeled off his shirt.

very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer

It all sounds very intriguing.

These discoveries raise intriguing questions.

to tell somebody secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to know

She confided all her secrets to her best friend.

He confided to me that he had applied for another job.

to bend the top half of your body forward and down

He stooped to pick up the letter

in a way that is quick and slightly rude

" I don't have time to deal with it today," she said brusquely.

The vender brusquely elbowed me aside to talk to the next customer.

seeming to be dishonest; looking guilty about something

to look shifty

There's a couple of shifty-looking people standing on the street corner.

thinking that you are more important than you really are

"I'm here to fu*k both of yoa girls" he said pompously

(to say or express something) in a very clear way, using few words

To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt.

to cheat or trick somebody, especially by taking their money

A lot of the folks who sold their chairs 💺 think they were gypped

to give somebody property or rights using a deed

He deeded the property to his wife shortly before his disappearance

if a document is notarized, it is signed by a notary public in order to make it official or legal:

Your request must be signed and notarized.

a notarized document

an illegal copy of something

This painting is a forgery – it is not a Picasso

He was found guilty of forgery

the official or usual way of doing something

You must follow the correct procedure.

to throw something carelessly:

Chuck me the keys 🔑

He read the letter and chucked it into the bin.

to become four times as big, or to multiply a number or amount by four

The number of students at the college has quadrupled in the last ten years.

We expect to quadruple our profits this year.

suitable or appropriate in the circumstances

The song would have been more apt for a bass voice.

That question seemed quite

apt in the circumstances.

reply quickly to a comment, in an angry, offended or humorous way

Don't be ridiculous! Pat retorted angrily.

Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as his.

extremely rude behaviour that shows a lack of respect for somebody

Her insolence cost her her job.

very quickly, because you are in a hurry, especially when this has bad results

She hastily changed the subject.

Perhaps i spoke too hastily

if something is traceable, you can find out where it came from, where it has gone, when it began or what its cause was

His medical problems were shown to be traceable to (= to have been caused by) his having been exposed to dangerous chemicals.

Our markets sell only fresh, traceable produce

Something delicious 😋

Dainty sandwiches