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72 Cards in this Set

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Axial Skeleton

Bones that lie around the longitudinal axis

Appendicular Skeleton

Bones of the upper and lower limbs; bones that form girdles that connect limbs to Axial Skeleton


Shoulder Blades, Collar Bones, Bony structures that attach the limbs to the body

Long Bones

greater in length than width

Short Bones

cube-shaped, contain mostly spongey bone (bones of wrist and ankles)

Flat Bones

Thin, two nearly parallel plates of compact bone enclosing layer of spongy bone

Irregular Bones

complex shapes

Sesamoid Bones

bone embedded in a tendon (knee)

Sutural Bones

small, extra bone plates located in the sutures of cranial bones

Two major types of surface markings

Depressions and openings, Processes

Depression and Openings

sites allowing the passage of soft tissue such as nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons or formations of joints.


bony projections that provide sites for ligaments and tendons to attach, form joints


Projection of a bone

Spinous Process

Slender projection from a vertabrae


Opening in a bone through which blood vessels and/or nerves pass

Spinal/Vertebral Foramen

spinal cord passes through


large, round, and articular bony process


bone protuberance above a condyle


shallow depression in bone


forms a joint


small rounded projection


large bony prominence that is not articular


tube-like canal


two very large bony projections on the femur

Bones in the central (axial) skeleton

Skull, Vertebral column (including Sacrum), Ribs, Sternum (80 bones in total)


protects brain and special sense organs; forms cranial cavity and several smaller cavities: nasal, orbits (eye sockets), paranasal sinuses, hearing and equilibrum

Catagories of the skull

cranial and facial bones

Parietal bone

either of two skull bones between the frontal and occipital bones and forming the top and sides of the cranium

Temporal bone

a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear

Occipital bone

a saucer-shaped membrane bone that forms the back of the skull

Frontal bone

the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: the forehead and the upper part of the orbits

Sphenoid bone

butterfly-shaped bone at the base of the skull

Ethmoid bone

irregularly shaped bone located between the eye orbits, forms the roof of the nasal cavity


seam, an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)


soft, undifferentiated, loose connective tissue that fills spaces between cranial bones in babies (will become suture in adults)


Lower jaw bone (1)


upper jaw bone (2)


Nasal septum (1)

Nasal bones

bridge of nose (2)

Zygomatic bones

cheekbones (2)

Lacrimal bones

the two small, thin bones located at the corner of each eye (2)

Palatine bones

form part of the hard palate of the mouth and the floor of the nose (2)

Inferior Nasal Conchae

make up part of the interior of the nose (2)

Hyoid bone

a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles, doesn't articulate with any other bone, site of attachment for tongue, pharynx and neck

Skull framework

attachment of muscles to move various parts of the head, produces facial expressions

Facial bones

provide framework of the face, support for entrance to digestive and respiratory system


composed of vertebrae


consist of body, pedicle and lamina, several processes


weight bearing

Pedicle and lamina

form the vertebral arch- surrounds spinal cord

Cervical vertabrae

seven of them, located in neck, C1-C7

Thoracic vertebrae

twelve of them, articulate with ribs, T1-T12

Lumbar vertebrae

five of them, support lower back, L1-L5

Sacrum and coccyx

singles bones that result from fusion of vertebrae, tailbone


26 small bones that make up your backbone

Intervertabral Foramen

exiting of spinal nerves

Intervertebral discs

seperate vertebral discs with pads of flexible fibrocartilage, cushion, and absorb shock

Cervical and lumbar vertebrae

curves are convex (bulge out)

Thoracic and sacral vertebrae

curves are concave (cupping in)


the 1st cervical vertebra


the 2nd cervical vertebra (provides pivot)


single triangular body formed from a fusion of 5 seperate vertebrae


tailbone; final segment of bony spine; fusion of 4 vertebrae

Thoracic Cage

consists of thoracic vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum; protects the heart, lungs, thymus and other structures within the cavity; serves as an attachment site for muscles involved in respiration, positioning vertebral column, movements of the pectoral girdle and upper limb


the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs, located anteriorly in center of thoracic wall; consists of manubrium, body, xiphoid process; 12 pairs of ribs give structural support to sides of thoracic cavity

Costal Cartilages

the hyaline cartilages that connect the sternum and the ends of the ribs; contribute to elasticity of thoracic cage (breathing)

True Ribs

top 7 pairs of ribs that attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilage

False Ribs

last 5 pairs of ribs; attach indirectly to sternum

Floating Ribs

last two pairs of ribs; do not attach to sternum

Superior Facet

Spinal joint that faces upward and limits movement, protects spinal cord

Inferior Facet

Spinal joint that faces downward, bone protruding vertically below the vertebrae, connects the vertebrae together

Articular Facet

superior and inferior joints that connect vertebrae to each other