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134 Cards in this Set

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Europeans tried to find the direct route to Asia. Queen Isabella of Spain granted Christopher Columbus to sail west. He knew the world was round. He thought he landed in India, hence calling the people Indians. God Gold and Glory.
Geography played an important role in where colonies settled. Access to water for farming and transportation was crucial.
The first permanent English settlement was at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. These people came here to farm and make money and they needed cheap labor.
The economic policy that shaped the colonies. Colonies simply existed to provide resources to the mother country. Colonies were not allowed to trade with other countries. This led to the American Revolution.
Indentured Servants
The passage from Europe to the Americas was paid by employers in exchange for a set number of years of labor (usually 5 years). Poor Europeans served as laborers.
Mayflower Compact
A document that passengers on the Mayflower signed prior to landing said that they were going to set up a government and that everyone was agreeing to abide by the rules set up. This concept of consent of the governed is fundamental in our democracy.
Iroquois Confederacy
An organization that united many native American tribes of the northeast together to settle disputes and to defend its member tribes. Formed as early as the 1400s and its cooperation between member tribes and its very "civilized" system of law and order was a great influence on American government.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
the first written constitution in the Americas
House of Burgesses
began the tradition of American colonists elected representatives to bodies of government. Virginia.
Great Awakening
Shaped colonial culture in 1600s-1700s. Religious revival that had its roots in New England theologian Jonathan Edwards fire and brimstone sermons.
French and Indian War
a war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by American Indian tribes); 1755-1760
Taxation without Representation
Definition of 'Taxation Without Representation'

A situation in which a government imposes taxes on a particular group of its citizens, despite the citizens not consenting or having an actual representative deliver their views when the taxation decision was made. Since colonists were not allowed to elect members to parliament, taxation without representation was a common complaint. Major cause of American Revolution.
Navigation Acts
After the French and Indian War, the British government tried to control the colonists more. This led to a series of actions that are normally called grievances:
-proclamation of 1763- said the colonists could not move west of the Appalachian mountains
-sugar act of 1764- taxes molasses; suspended jury trials; only buy sugar from British providers
-Stamp Act 1765- required a stamp (tax) on all legal documents
-Mutiny Act 1765- required colonists to quarter soldiers
-Townshend Act 1767- taxed paper, tea, and other items
Articles of Confederation
Served as our first Constitution. It got us through the American Revolution but had many weaknesses:
-federal government could not tax
-federal government lacked an executive branch
-federal government could not regulate trade
-9 states had to approve any law
*When it was written, there was a fear of giving too much power to the federal government. The articles basically united the country in name only.
Great Compromise 1787
-there would be two houses of government
-the house of representatives would be based upon population with those states with more population having more members of Congress (Virginia Plan)
-the senate would be compromised of two senators from each state (New Jersey Plan)
-any law passed by congress would have to be approved by both the house and the senate
3/5 Compromise
For every five slaves, three people would be added to the population count for determining representation in the house of representatives.
Those who supported the Constitution. Added a Bill of Rights. One of the first political parties. The Federalists in general supported:
-strong central government
-loose interpretation of the constitution
-commerce and manufacturing
-order and stability over civil liberties
Anti-Federalists. Supported:
-state rights over federal government
-strict interpretation of the constitution
-agriculture and rural life
-civil liberties
urbanization and industrialization
state banks and support for businesses
reforms for education and social problems
states rights
opposition to state banks
The Declaration of Independence was approved July 4, 1776. Written by Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Convention of 1787
Representatives from 12 states met to improve the Articles of Confederation. James Madison had an outline for a new constitution but there were two main controversies:
1. small states wanted each state to have the same number of representatives. The New Jersey Plan
2. Large states wanted representation based on population. Virginia Plan.
*Led to the Great Compromise.
Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution. 10 amendments.
Louisiana Purchase. 15 million dollars. Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore it. Doubled the size of the U.S.
Boston Tea Party
The Tea Act of 1773 forbade the colonists from buying non-British tea. This resulted in a boycott of tea and the Boston Tea Party. Organized by the Sons of Liberty. The British responded by shutting down Boston Harbor and they disbanded the Boston Assembly.
Treaty of Paris of 1783
Officially ended the Revolutionary War
Winter at Valley Forge
village of southeast Pennsylvania on the Schuylkill River northwest of Philadelphia. It was the site of the headquarters of the Continental Army under George Washington from December 1777 to June 1778 during the American Revolution. The encampment was subjected to severe winter weather that caused extensive illness and suffering.
Jacksonian Democracy
Jacksonian Democracy is the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man symbolized by American politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters.
Trail of Tears 1838
Jackson ordered the Cherokee, the Seminoles, and other Indians to leave their southeastern homeland and relocate to Oklahoma. The Indians had to walk to Oklahoma and many of them died along the way.
Modern Day Political Parties
Towards the middle of the 1800s, the two modern day political parties emerged:
-pro business
-pro industrial revolution and urbanization
-supportive of civil liberties and workers
-protective of immigrants
-pro rural famers
-supportive of common man against a corrupt world
Manifest Destiny
The continuous spread of the U.S. from the eastern to the western coasts was a result of the idea of Manifest Destiny. People believed that it was the destiny of the U.S. to encompass the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. As the U.S. expanded, the U.S. had to confront two major problems: conflict with native americans and conflict with mexico.
Mexican American War
In 1848, as a result of the Mexican American war, the U.S. acquired Mexican land that included California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada.
Missouri Compromise
There was an effort in Congress to keep a balance between slave states and free states. The first major conflict was in 1819 with the question of admitting Missouri to the Union. The Missouri compromise was reached in 1820. According to the compromise:
Missouri would be admitted as a slave state.
the northeastern parts of Massachusetts would become the state of main-the free state.
slavery was outlawed in all territories north of the southern boundary of Missouri.
Compromise of 1850
Admitted California as a free state. Passed the fugitive slave law which resulted in escaped slaves and in some cases free blacks being captured in the north and taken to the south.
loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole.
The Civil War.
Radical Republicans wanted to punish the south and provide aid to freed slaves.
Specific aspects of reconstruction included:
-In 1864, the 13th amendment to the constitution was approved that outlawed slavery. (led to sharecroppers)
*the major economic effect of reconstruction was that the south finally began to industrialize.
Abraham Lincoln
President during civil war. assassinated less than a week after the surrender at Appomattox court house. then Andrew Johnson became president.
Jefferson Davis
American statesman; president of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War (1808-1889)
Emancipation proclamation
During the Civil War, in 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that freed slaves in the areas of the country that had rebelled.
Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House
The last battle of the civil war where general lee surrendered to general grant. ended the civil war. the confederate surrender.
Effects of western expansion and the Manifest Destiny
increased conflicts with native Americans
increased conflicts with Mexico
increased populations in the west
national support of railroads that greatly increased the American economy
increased conflicts of north and south as territories applied for statehood
Farmland was rented by blacks. Rent and supplies were loaned to the sharecropper and had to be repaid when crops were harvested. Often crops did not pay off the debt and it would roll over to the next year. This began a cycle of servitude that tied freed slaves to land.
Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws
greatly restricted the freedoms of former slaves and other blacks. In states where blacks had been elected to office, new elections and laws that restricted voting rights of blacks brought power back to whites.
After the Civil War, the U.S. increased its role as an imperialist power.
Panic of 1893
The stock market crashed leading to a four year long depression. Causing factors: declining farm prices, international economic slowdowns, the bankruptcy of the Reading Railroad line. This made America focus more on internal issues than foreign issues.
Spanish American War
Cuban revolutionaries sought independence from Spain and the U.S. was concerned about protecting the vast American interests in Cuba. "Remember The Maine and to hell with Spain".
World War I
WWI began in 1914 but America did not join to defeat Germany until 1917 when:
-the sinking of Lusitania by German u-boats
-the Zimmerman note was a telegram that was intercepted in 1917. The note encouraged Mexico to declare war against the U.S. so that it could regain Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
-German submarines sank three American ships. Shortly after America joined the war, WWI was over.
Fourteen Points
President Woodrow Wilson hoped the 14 points would lead to an end to all future wars. Called for the creation of the league of nations, which was an international organization that would meet to deal with international issues. His 14 points were included in the treaties however the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty of Versailles so the U.S. never joined the league of nations.
the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.
World War II
The Japanese attacking pearl harbor in 1941 led to the Americans declaring war on japan which led to Germany, the ally of japan, declaring war on U.S. The U.S. joined Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union to defeat Germany and her allies. Germany surrendered weeks after Hitler's suicide in 1945.
Atomic Bomb
Once Germany surrendered, the focus of WWII went to Japan. Japan refused to surrender so the decision was made to drop the atomic bomb on japan. After two atomic bombs were dropped, japan surrendered.
Cold War
U.S. vs Soviet Union
Alfred Thayer Mahan
"A strong navy was the key to international power"
Theodore Roosevelt
Led the Rough Riders in Cuba. The Roosevelt Corollary claimed that the U.S. had the right to interfere in Latin America affairs.
Woodrow Wilson
Negotiated the various treaties that ended WWI. Came up with the 14 points plan to prevent all future wars.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Asked congress to declare WWII on japan. He died so Harry Truman took over as president during WWII.
Henry Kissinger
Kissinger played a prominent role in United States foreign policy between 1969 and 1977. During this period, he pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, orchestrated the opening of relations with the People's Republic of China, and negotiated the Paris Peace Accords, ending American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Acquisition of Hawaii
Became a territory of the U.S. in 1900 but became the 50th state in 1959. U.S. needed Hawaii for naval bases to fend off Japanese.
Berlin airlift
After Germany's surrender, it was divided into a western and an eastern part. The Soviet Union controlled the eastern part. The city of Berlin which was located in the eastern part was also divided between the victors. The soviet union decided to blockade berlin and not allow supplies into berlin. The U.S. responded by airlifting supplies into berlin.
Sputnik I
In 1957, the Soviet Union beat the U.S. in launching the first artificial satellite. The U.S. feared that this showed the Soviets were more advanced than the U.S. in science and technology. This led to more resolve on the part of the Americans to compete in the space race.
Vietnam War
Beginning in 1956, the U.S. began to support the south Vietnamese efforts to overthrow the Soviet backed north Vietnamese. Ultimately, in 1973, left Vietnam in defeat. Henry Kissinger is important here.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)
In 1949 the U.S. and many countries of western Europe formed an alliance. This alliance called for a unified defense of any one country that was attacked by an outside power. The Soviets, rightfully, viewed this as an alliance against the Soviet Union.
Senator Joseph McCarthy led a crusade to uncover communists in the U.S. During the 1940s and 1950s many prominent individuals were accused of being communists, including Lena Horne, Charlie Chaplin, and Arthur Miller.
Cuban Missile Crisis
In 1962, the soviets placed missiles in communist Cuba. President Kennedy demanded that the soviets removed the missiles. Ultimately the soviets did remove the missiles. This conflict between president Kennedy and premier Khrushchev was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war.
the Gulf War
With the dependence the U.S. has on oil from this region, peace in Arab world is a major concern. This was a reason that the U.S. chose to go to defense of Kuwait against Iraq in the 1st Gulf War.
Marshall Plan
After WWII, the U.S. wanted to ensure the economic recovery of Europe. The secretary of state George Marshall proposed a plan to grant $2o billion to Europe to rebuild its economy. The soviets viewed this as an effort to buy allies.
Korean War
In 1950, communist North Korea invaded South Korea(crossed the 38th parallel). The U.S. sent troops to defend South Korea. The war waged until 1953 when it ended in a stalemate. The border between north and south Korea remains the most militarized zone in the world.
American Foreign Policy
From 1945 until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the foreign policy of the U.S. was centered upon a war between communism and capitalism. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, American foreign policy has shifted its focus to the Middle East. With the dependence the U.S. has on oil from this region, peace in the Arab world is a major concern.
The average person is oppressed by the status quo. Populism was born as a political movement as a result of the Farmer's movement of the late 19th century.
Labor Movement
First: Knights of Labor(1879) membership was open to most workers who engaged in physical labor and the goal of the organization was to improve wages and limit work hours.
Second: American Federation of Labor (1886) organization of trade unions. They commonly used strikes and boycotts to force employers to negotiate for safer working conditions, better wages, and shorter work days (8 hrs)
*Labor unions caused a lot of violence.
*Had some government victories:
-the creation of the labor department to protect the rights of workers.
-government recognize the right of workers to peaceful picket and boycott.
-a law mandating a 10 hour work day for railroad workers.
-in 1940, the 40 hour work week became standard for employees involved in interstate commerce.
Progressive Movement
The progressive era refers to a period during the 19th and 20th century when efforts were made to reform political, economic, and social life and to protect and advance the lives of average and disadvantaged Americans.
Antitrust Legislation
an attempt to reform big businesses. A form of social justice from the progressive movement. Purpose was to break up monopolies.
New Deal legislation
the legislative and administrative program of President F. D. Roosevelt designed to promote economic recovery and social reform during the 1930s
Susan B. Anthony
major leader of the fight for women's suffrage
W. E. B. Du Bois
The first African American to attend Harvard. founder of the national association for the advancement of colored people. Goal to approve voting rights and end segregation.
George Wallace
Governor of Alabama, called for "segregation forever" when he tried to physically block African American students from trying to enter the university of Alabama.
Jane Addams
funded the Hull House and other boarding houses that provided shelter, education, and other services to immigrants.
Henry Ford
first person to use the assembly line. greatly improved the pace of automobile construction.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Had to deal with the great depression during his presidency.
Martin Luther King Jr
his belief in peace and nonviolence earned him followers and support from blacks and whites.
Cesar Chavez
led a grape boycott to highlight the treatment of migrant farmers in the U.S.
Betty Friedan
wrote the feminine mystique which was considered the beginning of a new feminist revolution. the book argued that women could find fulfillment beyond home.
Malcolm X
an African American leader who initially opposed Martin Luther King's nonviolent approach to securing civil rights. Malcolm X later embraced a more tolerant approach to race relations but was assassinated before he could focus on his peaceful new vision.
ratification of the 19th amendment
allowed women to vote. social justice of the progressive movement.
great depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in 1930 and lasted until the late 1930s or middle 1940s.
passage of the G.I. Bill
Passed by president franklin Roosevelt. Provided government paid tuition for veterans.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
prohibited discrimination in public facilities, in government, and in employment.
the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas
immigration restriction
immigration act of 1924 was a United States federal law that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States
The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.
Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
laissez faire
the government leaving the economy alone
Brown V Board of Education
supreme court ruled that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional
In which of the following ways did mercantilism doctrine most influence the decision to establish English colonies in north America?
It prompted political leaders to view national power in terms of economic competition with other nations.
During the 17th century, indentured servants formed a much larger proportion of the population in Maryland and Virginia than they did in new England. A major reason for this was:
differences in the agricultural systems of the two regions
Many native American groups believed that, compared with the activities of French colonists, English colonialism posed a much greater threat to their way of life. why did they feel this way?
English farmers were steadily expanding their areas of settlement.
Which of the following consequences of the continental army's victory in the battles of Saratoga had the greatest influence on the outcome of the revolutionary war?
France's signing of a formal alliance with the U.S.
Which of the following was most necessary if the government established by the articles of confederation was to operate effectively?
maintaining cooperation among state governments
The activities of Harriet Tubman were most closely associated with which of the following cause of the civil war?
violations of the fugitive slave act of 1850
In which of the following ways did the Mexican war most influence the growth of sectionalism in the period before the civil war?
the prospect of new land acquisitions provoked debate over the question of slavery in the territories.
Radical Republican plans to take political control of the south after the civil war, protect southern unionists, and assist the freed slaves failed primarily because of:
the refusal of most southern whites to recognize the legitimacy of republican state governments
Which of the following groups of people constituted the main source of labor for the Chesapeake colonies before 1660?
Indentured servants. (Indentured servants were the main source of labor in the Chesapeake colonies before 1660. Indentured servants were typically people who wished to emigrate but who could not afford to pay for the voyage to Virginia. People in this situation often agreed to work for a landowner for a fixed term (usually seven years) in return for the cost of their passage.)
The establishment of the House of Burgesses in 1619 was significant because it was the first:
assembly of elected representatives of English colonists in North America.
The British government issued the Proclamation of 1763 primarily as a way to:
prevent costly conflicts between colonists and Native Americans.
The Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 was issued at the end of the French and Indian war and forbade colonists from settling past the Appalachian Mountains. The main purpose of the proclamation was to stabilize relations with American Indians through regulation of trade, settlement and land purchases on the western frontier.
In agreeing to the Three-Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention, the framers delayed reaching a clear solution to which of the following issues?
the future of slavery
Which of the following developments during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War demonstrated an effort to counteract the reforms of Radical Republicans?
the issuance of black codes
The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform from the 1890s to the 1920s in the United States. Reformers were committed to addressing the waste, inefficiency, corruption and increasing disparities in wealth inherited from the Gilded Age.
A major goal of Progressive Era reformers such as Jane Addams and Jacob Riis was to overcome the
spread of poverty amid conspicuous displays of wealth.
Which of the following was a significant objection raised by members of the United States Senate to joining the League of Nations after World War I?
It could entangle the United States in future European military conflicts
What was the purpose of the G.I. Bill of Rights passed by Congress in 1944?
To provide educational and financial benefits to soldiers returning home from war
Which of the following was a notable foreign policy success of President Richard Nixon’s administration?
Establishing relations with the People’s Republic of China
President Richard Nixon
Nixon’s 1972 visit to China marked the first time a United States president had visited the People’s Republic of China. The result of the meeting was an important diplomatic document known as the Shanghai Communiqué, which stated that it was in the interest of all nations for China and the United States to work toward the normalization of their relationship.
In which of the following ways did Franklin Roosevelt reorient U.S. foreign policy before U.S. entry into WWII?
by increasing U.S. involvement in European affairs
Which of the following best describes the U.S. reaction to the successful launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik in 1957?
Fears that the U.S. has fallen behind the Soviets in scientific research made educational reform a matter of national security
Progressive reformers of the early 20th century differed most from late 19th century populists in their:
emphasis on scientifically based solutions to social problems
The role of the federal government in U.S. society expanded most dramatically as a result of:
economic depression between 1929 and 1940
The civil rights movement of the 1960s sought to address unresolved issues that had been major topics of national debate during the:
reconstruction era following the civil war
Lexington & concord
In 1775 colonists fired upon British troops at Lexington and concord. "shot heard round the world". Signaled the beginning of the American revolution.
battle of saratoga
first true American victory. help from French as ally
The American Revolution most influenced political developments in Mexico and other parts of Latin America during the next half century by:
demonstrating that it was possible to overthrow European colonial rule
Which of the following landforms most facilitated the emergence of early civilizations in Asia and Africa?
river valleys that supported trade and provided fresh water for crop growing and human consumption
During the Civil War, General William T. Sherman led Union troops in a march from Atlanta to Savannah. Which is the best description of the goal of this March to the Sea?
Breaking the will to fight among southern civilians as well as soldiers.
After the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson disagreed with Congress over Reconstruction policies. Which action by president Johnson best describes the grounds for which he was impeached?
He dismissed a cabinet member without congressional permission.
Tenure of Office Act
president needed congressional consent to dismiss from office anyone who had been confirmed by the senate
Which statement best describes how the Spanish-American War in 1898 shaped the international standing of the U.S.?
The U.S. gained new international power by acquiring Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger most influenced the course of the Cold War by:
helping to slow the U.S. - Soviet arms (bombs) race
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, what did soviet president Khrushchev demand in the exchange for the removal of Soviet missile launching sites from Cuba?
A guarantee that the U.S. would not invade Cuba.
How did isolationism most influence American society in the decade following WWI?
It led to a system of admitting immigrants according to quotas based on their national origins
The "sit-ins" of the civil rights movement during the 1960s were most important to which subsequent reform?
integration of lunch counters, theaters and other businesses
Under President Franklin Roosevelt, New Deal legislation sought to restore faith in the banking system by:
establishing a corporation to insure bank deposits
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both important figures in the American Civil Rights movement. Which of the following statements best describes a difference between their respective approaches to civil rights?
King advocated non-violence; Malcolm advocated self-defense
The Populist Party most contributed to the prominence of which issue in the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
the basis for U.S. currency (free coinage of silver)