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15 Cards in this Set

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Inability to localize and name the parts of one's own body--for example finger agnosia.
Asymbolia for pain
Inability to understand the meaning of pain.
Sensation of touch experienced at a point remote for the place touched.
Balint's syndrome
Agnosic syndrome that results from large bilateral parietal lesions and is composed of three deficits: (1) paralysis of eye fixation with inability to look voluntarily into the peripheral visual field, (2) optic ataxia, and (3) disturbance of visual attention such that the peripheral field is neglected.
Optic ataxia
Deficit in the visual information when an animal is in motion.
Theory of defective sensation or perception stating that a lesion to the parietal lobes, which receive input from all the snesory regions, can disturb the integration of sensation into perception. (the disruption amorphosynthesis)
Inability to make voluntary movements in the absence of paralysis or other motor or sensory impairment; especially an inability to make proper use of an object.
Constructional apraxia
Inability to perform well-rehearsed and familiar sequences of movements when making or preparing something. The deficit is not attributable to an inability to move or to perform the individual acts required for the task.
Contralateral neglect
Neglect of part of the body or space contralateral to a lesion.
The process whereby attention is shifted from one stimulus to another.
Seguin-Goddard Form Board test
Blindfolded subject manipulates 10 blocks of different shapes (star, triangle, and so forth) and attempts to place them in similarly shaped holes on a form board. After removed, the subject is acted to draw the board from memory. Results of research indicate that blindfolded tactile recognition is probably sensitive to leasions of area PG in humans (but PE and PFin monkeys).
Line Bisection
The subject is asked to mark the middle of each of a set of 20 lines. EAch line is a different length and is located at a different position on the page--some left of center, some in the middle, and some right of center. Patients showing contralateral neglect typically fail to mark the lines on the left side of the page.
Gollin Incomplete-Figures Test
A series of incomplete representations of faces or objects is presented, and the subject must combine the elements to form a gestalt and identify the picture. These tests are especially sensitive to damage at the right parietotemporal junction, presumably in regions of the ventral visual system.
Token Test
An easily administered test of language comprehension Twenty tokens-four shapes and five colors are palced in front of the subject. The test begins with simple tasks and becomes progressibly more difficult. Injuries affecting PG often include temporal speech-related cortex, and aphasia is observed.
Kimura box test
subject is required to make consecutive movements of pushing a button with the index finger, pulling a handle with four fingers, and pressing a bar with the thumb. This test is done very poorly by apraxics and many of them appear unable to perform this very simple series of movementseven with extensive practice.