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31 Cards in this Set

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Merocrine glands

Secrete their products by exocytocis as they produce

Holocrine glands

Secretory cells accumulate their products within them until they rupture "dies for their cause"

Apocrine glands

Accumulate their products but in this case only just beneath the free surface

Simple cuboidal function

Secretion and absorption

Stratified squamous

Protect from wear and tear

Simple squamous

Filtration and diffusion

Simple columnar

Digestive tract lining absorption and secretion

Unicellular glands

Mucous cells and goblet cells

Simple cuboidal

Secretion and absorption located in kidney tubules

Simple squamous

Diffusion&filtration location air sacs of lungs,lining of heart,blood vessels

Simple columnar

Absorption;secretion of mucus,enzymes location digestive tract,uterine tubes

Secretes mucus;propulsion of mucus by ciliary action

Simple pseudostratified columnar

Stratified squamous

Protects underlying tissue

1.non keratinized (moist)linings esophagus mouth and vagina

2.keratinized epidermis of skin(dry)

Stratified cuboidal

(RARE)Functions in secretion,protection,excretion

Exocrine ducts

Secrete products into ducts

Endocrine glands

Secrete products into tissue fluid or blood

Unicellular exocrine gland

Mucous & goblet cells..found in epithelial linings of intestinal and respiratory tracts

Tissue repair steps

Inflammation,blood clotting, organization,regeneration

Mast cells roe (tissue repair)

Release. Inflammatory chemicals

Transitional epithelium

Stretch ready location lines the the ureters, bladder anf part of urethra

Dermis is primarily composed of whatbtissue type

Dense irregular ct

Primary tissue type for papillary dermis

Areolar CT

Primary cell type of the epidermis


Cell types found in the dermis

Fibroblasts.macrophages.mast cells.wbc

A blister is a fluid fillled pocket that separates the

Epidermis and the dermis

Which region tends to accumulate carotene

Stratum corneum and subcutaneous tissue

Gland abundant on the palms soles and forehead

Eccrine sweat glands

Bone cells

Major ECF cation


Most abundant negative electrolyte in ecf


Tissue repair

1.inflammation-dilated vessels and clotting begins2.restores blood supply-blood clot replaced with granulation Tissue 3.regenration and fibrosis_the scab detaches