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265 Cards in this Set

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explanation formulated to answer the questions being investigated.
1. identify problem
2. ask questions
3. formulate logical hypothesis based on observation

scientific method
1. identify problem
2. ask questions
3. hypothesis development
4. data collection and experiment
5. analysis
6. conclusion
data collection
observing with 5 senses, measurement to collect quantitative data, samples, organization,
compares control group and experiment group. has independent and dependent variable
reliable data and if it supports hypothesis
deductive reasoning
method where conclusions follow from general principles
inductive reasoning
method of arriving at general principles from specific facts
human body hierarchy
atoms - molecules - cells- tissues- organs - organ systems- organism
epithelial tissue
functions to cover or produce secretions. depends on diffusion from capillaries for food and oxygen. Regenerates easily. Simple or stratified. Squamous, cuboidal, or columnar cells.
connective tissue
connects structures of body, usually has own blood supply, except ligaments. Types: Bone, cartilage, adipose, and blood vessels
Muscle tissue
produces movement. 3 types: Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
Skeletal muscle tissue
Voluntary, connected to bones
Cardiac muscle tissue
Involuntary, heart muscle
Smooth muscle tissue
Involuntary, found in walls of hollow organs such as intestines, blood vessels, bladder, and uterus
Nervous tissue
structure for brain, spinal cord, and nerves
made of neurons that send electrical impulses
myelin cells
help protect nervous tissue
endocrine system
hormones influence blood pressure
urinary system
helps regulate blood volume and pressure by adjusting urine volume
nervous system
controls blood pressure, heart rate, and blood distribution to body
in women helps preserve vascular health
integumentary system
allows heat to escape by dilating superficial blood vessels
expels non digested food
small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)
absorbs nutrients
large intestine
removes water
produces bile to breakdown fats
delivers enzymes that break down food to small intestine
GI tract
increased skeletal muscle activity increases motility of
Endocrine system
controls body functions. Glands secrete hormone through blood to organs. Pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas, testis, and ovaries.
nervous system
controls secretion of hormones from pituitary glands
Integumentary system
skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nails. Protects internal tissues from injury, waterproofs body, and helps regulate body temp, barrier to pathogens
Lymphatic system
picks up excess fluid from skin to avoid swelling
endocrine hormones
regulate hair growth and hydration
urinary system
activates vitamin D for calcium absorption into bone
nervous system
regulates sweat production, interprets stimuli, and adjusts blood vessel diameter
lymphatic system
lymph nodes, lymph vessels, lymoh, spleen, thymus, tonsils. Supports immune system by transporting white blood cells to and from nodes. Returns leaked fluid from circulatory back to blood vessels
urinary system
help lymphatic functioning by maintaining water/acid-base/electrolyte balance of blood.
secretions in reproductive and integumentary systems prevent bacteria growth
muscular system
skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments. Doesnt include cardiac and smooth muscles.
attach bones together forming joins
connect muscles to bones
endocrine system
hormones regulate neuron activity
urinary system
disposes metabolic wastes and maintains proper electrolyte balance for proper nerve function
reproductive system
testes, penis, ovaries, vagina, breasts. Men produce sperm, women produce eggs/ova. Organs also house hormones that encourage or supress activities in body and influence feminine or masculine body characteristics
rate increases during pregnancy
respiratory system
supplies cells with oxygen and removes CO2. Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, alveoli.
in alveoli walls oxygen and co2 move in and out via...
nervous system
regulates breathing rate and depth
skeletal system
supports and protects body and organs. Supplies framework that creates movement in conjunction with muscles. Bones, cartilage, ligament, and joints.
hormones regulate growth and release of calcium
digestive system
provides nutrients need for bone mineralization
muscular system
places stress on bones during exercise which increases deposit of calcium into bones
cardiovascular system
supplies oxygen and nutrients while removing wastes (lactic acid)
urinary system
maintains water and electrolyte balance, regulates acid-base balance in blood, and removes nitrogen containing wastes
sodium, chloride, and potassium
nitrogen wastes
by products of protein and nucleic acid breakdowns
endocrine system
regulates reabsorption of water and electrolytes in kidneys
synthesizes urea that is excreted by kidneys
recieve, interpret, and respond to internal and external stimula via nervous system
transports oxygen and nutrients to tissues via cardiovascular system
remove metabolic wastes from body via renal system
allow voluntary and involuntary movement of body via musculoskeletal and neurological systems
take in and break down nutrients to be used for metabolism via digestive system
take in oxygen and expel CO2 via respiratory system
hormonal control of body functions via endocrine system
self duplication
production of offspring via reproductive system
Central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
cranial and spinal nerves that extend beyond CNS. Divided into autonomic and sensory/somatic.
autonomic nervous system
division of PNS. automatic body functions. Has sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
Sympathetic nerves
active when excited or scared
parasympathetic nerves
active at rest or eating
sensory/somatic nervous system
Division of PNS. Has 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and associated ganglia. Controls voluntary actions
Nerve cells
has dendrites that recieve stimuli and bring stimuli to neurons for interpretation. Has axon to connect to another over a synapse
fluid filled gap
Sensory function
feels heat, pain, and other stimuli. Face, fingers, and toes are more sensitive because of more neurons. Reflexes
Motor function
Carry impulses from CNS to effectors (glands and muscles)
Integrative function
uses sensory info to make decisions with memories
Alimentary canal
mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, anus
accessory structures
teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder
GI tract
stomach and intestines
contractions that propel food to colon and anus occurs in GI tract
salivary amylase
enzyme from parotid gland, begins chemical digestion of carbs
secreted by cells in stomach lining for lubrication
secreted by cells in stomach to begin protein digestion
stomach lining
cells secrete mucus, protease, HCl, and intrinsic factor
intrinsic factor
secreted by cells in stomach lining to increase stomach absorption of vitamin b12
absorbs nutrients in small intestine. contains arterioles and lymphatic vessels through with absorption occurs. increases surface area
increases surface area in small intestine
Immune system
tissues, cells, and organs that fight illness and disease
Innate defenses
Nonspecific. 1st and 2nd line of defense.
First line of defense
Physical and chemical barriers. Such as skin, mucous membranes, and digestive enzymes
Second line of defense
Fever, inflammation, phagocytosis, natural killer cells, interferons, chemotaxis, cytokines, diapedesis, followed by cellular adhesion molecules guiding WBCs to site of infection/damage
Natural killer cells
produce perforins, pore forming proteins, that target cancer cells and virus causing cells to lyse or rupture
prevent virus replication after 7-10 days and activate macrophages and NK cells
WBCs respond to damaged tissue
chemical messengers released by damaged tissues
process of WBCs squeezing through capillary slits in response to cytokines
Adaptive reponses
3rd line of defense. Specific.
antibody mediated (active/passive immunity), or cell mediated immunity
antibody mediated immunity
antibodies are produced for specific antigen. Antigen binds to B cells then T helper cells. Activates B cell to produce antibodies. Active/passive immunity
active immunity
vaccine that stimulates an infection by pathogen, stimulating body to produce antibodies for future protection
Passive immunity
receives antibodies from another source (breast milk)
Cell mediated immunity
T cells recognize nonself cells. Macrophages capture nonself cell, T helper binds to it and secretes cytokine to signal cytotoxic T cell which responds through chemotaxis and destroys it.
Fertility rates
average number of children a woman will have during child bearing years. (15-44)
Population growth and decline
difference between populations birth and death and # of people immigrate or emigrate
crude birth rate
number of births/ 1000 ppl per year
crude death rate
number of deaths per 1000 people per year
Archea, Eubacteria, eukarya
Animalia, fungi, plantae, protista, eubacteria, archaebacteria
eukarya domain
animalia, fungi, plantae, protista kingdoms make up
Eubacteria domain
eubacteria kingdom makes up
Archaea domain
archaebacteria kingdom makes up
charles darwin
wrote On the Origin of Species about species adaptation
natural selection
survival of the fittest
stretches of DNA on a chromosome that provides info for an organisms characteristics. Responsible for heredity
Nucleic acids
store and transmit hereditary info. Chain of nucleotides that consist of a pentose, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base
type of sugar
Phosphate group
molecule in backbone of DNA and RNA that links adjoining bases together
Nitrogenous base
molecule found in DNA and RNA that encodes genetic info in cells. Adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil
adenine and guanine
Thymine (uracil) and cytosine
has double helix
has single strand
copy DNA instructions to RNA and sends messenger RNA to ribosomes
ribosomes make protein from DNA instructions and send out to entire cells
Prokaryotic cell
Eubacteria and archaebacteria. Has cell wall, cytoplasm, organells, plasmids, nucleoid, ribosomes, flagella and or pill,
found in prokaryotic cell. Condensed DNA of the cell. contains genes and blueprints to form proteins
small portions of DNA
Make proteins from RNA messages
Eukaryotic cell
Complex. Eukarya domain
endoplasmic reticulum
tubular transport network. Responsible for moving proteins from one part of cell to another and moving proteins to outside of cell (secretion)
Smooth ER
important for numerous metabolic processes
Rough ER
studded with ribosomes
Golgi apparatus
packaging and transport proteins in cell. Refines proteins manufactured by ribosomes, sorts and prepares for transport or secretion, and works with ER in protein movement and processing
small membrane bounded savs used to transport proteins or substances in or out of cell. Vacuoles, lysosome, or peroxisome
storage unit of cell
contains digestive enzymes capable of disposing cell debris and worn parts
rid body of toxic components (such as hydrogen peroxide). Major sites of oxygen use and energy production. (many found in liver bc of toxic buildup)
produce ATP. Enzymes in cristae converts sugar to atp
series of folds in mitochondria
cellular tracks form mitotic spindle which helps organize and segregate chromosomes during cell division
microtubule organizing centers that help form and organize mitotic spindle during mitosis
enclosed by double membrane with pores. Control center of cell because it contains cells genetic material and directs cells activities
small body in nucleus produces ribosomes
organelles containing chlorophyll, similar to mitochondria
allows capture of sunlight to be used for production of glucose during photosynthesis
in plant cell, is storage unit and larger, contains water to maintain pressure
chain of amino acids
cell differentiation
produces a more specialized cell from a less specialized
animal or plant in early stages of development after fertilization
fertilized egg begins dividing and becomes mass of cells
stem cells
cells remain undifferentiated. totipotent, pluripotent, or multipotent
cell duplication which 2 daughter cells receive exact same nuclear material as original cell. Occurs to replace old and dying cells
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
occurs prior to mitosis. S phase, g1, g2
S phase
first phase of interphase. DNA double helix unwinds and exposed bases pair with new complementary bases and synthesized into new complementary strand with help of DNA polymerase. 2 new strands formed
DNA unwinds to expose bases, RNA bases pair with their complementary partners on DNA to form mRNA strand. Once entire gene is copied mRNA exits nuclus to ribosome
continued protein synthesis and cell growth in preparation for cell division.
spindle fibers form and centrioles move to opposite sides of cell. Nuclear membrane disappears
chromosomes align midway along spindle fibers
chromosomes begin to separate from their daughters. Cytokinesis occurs (separates 2 sets of chromosomes into different cells)
Identical sets of chromosomes aare at opposite ends of the cell. Spindle fibers disappear, nuclear membranes reappear, and cytokinesis completes.
Half number of chromosomes
Diploid cells
contains 2 sets of chromosomes. All cells except gametes (in mammals). Each individual chromosome has a twin.(homologous)
Haploid cells
Cells contain single set of chromosomes, usually only gametes
cells that form a new organism via sexual reproduction
Prophase I
Homologous chromosomes condense and link in the process forming tetrad. Allows crossing over or recombination
Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II
Metaphase I
Homologous chromosomes move to metaphase plate
Anaphase I
Homologous chromosomes separate, but sister chromatids stay together
Telophase I
Cytokinesis has occured and 2 haploid daughter cells result
Prophase II
Spindle fibers reappear and centrioles move to opposite poles
Metaphase II
Sister chromatids align at new metaphase plate
Anaphase II
sister chromatids separate again
Telophase II
4 haploid cells result after cytokinesis
energy from sun is trapped by chlorophyll and used for synthesis of glucose
organism that produces its own food
cellular respiration
glucose broken down in glycolysis, end products are fed into citric acid cycle. Carried out by mitochondria
organisms cant produce own food
piece of gene composed of 3 of the bases. There are 64 because of different 3 letter combinations that can be formed from A, T, C, G
amino acid
matches to specific codon. 20 different. Chains form proteins
one matches to one gene. Responsible for expression of genetic traits
complete set of DNA for an individual that contains all genes
occur by either errors during DNA replication or mutagen
mismatch repair
finds mismatch in DNA and removes incorrect base
excision repair
mechanisms inspect DNA for damages(caused by chemicals or UV rays) then cuts defective strand, removes mutated and near bases, and allows DNA polymerase to make new.
Germ cells
Reproductive cells that give rise to sperm and ovum. Mutations can only pass to future generations if its in DNA
Physical expression of genetic traits (body characteristics, colors..etc)
organisms underlying genetic makeup blueprint for building structures within cells of body
Punnett square
shows all possible combinations of alleles given the 2 parents' genotypes
incomplete dominance
When dominant and recessive genotypes interact to produce an intermediate phenotype, a mix of 2 traits
Light years
distance light will travel with in one year
Electromagnetic waves
waves of radiation that are characterized by electric and magnetic fields
Wavelength spectrum
(short to long): Gamma ray, xray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave, and radiowaves
Visible spectrum
(long to short):red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
results of any change in energy
kinetic energy
amount of energy associated with an objects motion
potential energy
amount of stored energy in an object
law of conservation of energy
energy is not lost but transferred back and forth between kinetic and potential energy
anything that takes up space and has mass
quantity of matter an object has
substances that cant be broken into simpler types of matter
smallest part of an element that still retains all the original properties of the element
positively charged subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom
atomic number
number of protons in a nucleus of an atom
chemical reaction
dynamic event that alters the chemical makeup of an atom, may cause imbalance of protons or electrons
chemical reaction produces a positively or negatively charged atom
chemical reaction produces a positively or negatively charged atom
mass number
total number of protons and neutrons found in nucleus of an atom
atomic mass
average mass of all known isotopes of an element
atoms with same number of protons but with different numbers of neutrons
control rate of chemical reactions, or reactions in which atoms react to come to a stable state
molecular surface acted upon by enzyme
activation energy
lowering; increases reaction rate
Gregor Mendeleev
designed first periodic table
Henry mosely
modified periodic table arranged by atomic number
orbital shells
arrangements of electrons with in orbits around nucleus
valence electrons
electrons in outermost shell of atom
ionization energy
energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. Increase from left to right across period (decreasing atomic radii)
measure of an atoms attraction on electrons in a chemical bond. Greater... , the greater the attraction for bonding electrons
elements that donate highly conductive electrons to their environment
found next to stairstep line, have transitional properties between metals and nonmetals
first column. donates one electron available for chemical bonding
alkali earth
2nd column. donates 2 electrons for chemical bonding
7th column, accepts one electron for bonding
noble gases
8th column, resistant due to full outer shells
catalysts for reactions. Found as protein molecules in body tissue
measure of hydrogen ion concentration
metabolic pathways
chemical reactions with in a cell
electrical attraction between ions of opposite charges
sharing of electrons between atom
methane, propane, and butane
saturated hydrocarbons
alkanes, basic structure. carbon is completely connected
unsaturated hydrocarbons
have one, double or triple bonds between carbon atoms
unsaturated hydrocarbons have one double bond
unsaturated hydrocarbons have triple bonds
organic chemistry
connected with study of hydrocarbon structure
elements that may accept or donate electrons readily and possess a mix of metallic and nonmetallic properties
positive ion (usually metallic)
negative ion (usually nonmetallic)
similar attractions for electrons
Lewis structures
provides visual representation of covalent bonding between atoms of a molecule
formulas on left side of reaction side are substances consumed/altered in reaction
right side of reaction side. Results of reaction
small numbers indicate how many atoms of that element. If none present there is one atom
involves electron donation to produce a more positive ion
involves electron acceptance to produce a more negative ion
oxidation reduction reaction
ex. combustion, photosynthesis and metabolism
polar molecule of H and O
polar molecule
possesses both positive and negative atomic structure
ratio of mass per volume for a substance
defined at standard pressure, by melting point of ice and boiling point of water
standardized by triple point of water
triple point
temperature and pressure at which water will coexist as a solid, liquid, and gas
specific heat
energy required to raise one unit of mass of a substance by 1*C
heat of vaporization
amount of heat needed to cause a phase transition between a liquid and a gas
fixed shape and volume. may have crystalline order (atoms arranged in highly ordered state) or can lack true order. High pressures and low temperatures
fixed volume and changing shape. High temperature and high pressure. Amorphorous or crystalline form
changing volume and shape. High temperature and low pressure
Latent heat
related to energy needed to cause a phase transition at a fixed temp
Liquid to gas
transition requires addition of heat through evaporation or vaporization
Gas to liquid
needs subtraction of heat through condensation
high heat, low humidity, and fast movement of surrounding air mass. Occurs by physical collisions at surface layer of a liquid, removes fast moving liquid molecules, removing more energetic atoms, cooler system.
liquid to gas breaks physical bond with in liquid
gas to liquid. creates physical bonds in gas