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110 Cards in this Set

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DNA specifies how _______ will be combined.
Atoms combine to form ________
Specific molecules combine to form ________
Individual cells vary in size, shape and function. Cells collect in terms of function and type to form ________
tissues. Two or more tissue types that work together to perform a specific function form an __________
At the organ level, it is possible to perform extremely complex functions. When organs work together to perform a task, then the result is an _____ system.
organ system.
There are 11 organ systems in the human body. The highest level of organization is the
There are four basic tissue types in humans. Name them.
epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular tissues.
Epithelium serves two functions. The epithelial tissue can serve as _________ (such as skin tissue) or as glandular tissue.
Epithelial tissue has some common characteristics. This type of tissue connects in sheets. It does not have its own ______ supply. So, epithelium is dependent on diffusion from the nearby capillaries for food and oxygen.
Connective tissue is found throughout the body. It serves, as you might guess, to connect different parts of the body. A trait common to most connective tissue is that it has its own blood supply. However, there are some types, such as _______, that do not.
Integumentary system The integumentary system is the ____. It protects _____ tissues from injury, waterproofs the body, and helps regulate _________. This system also serves as a barrier to foreign substances.
Skin, internal, temperature
Skeletal system The skeletal system provides ______ and _______ for the body and supplies a framework that muscle tissue uses to create movement. The skeletal system also serves as storage for ________. It consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and joints.
Support and protection, minerals
Muscular system muscles have only one purpose and that is to produce _______ through contraction. The muscular system consists only of the skeletal muscles. The ______ and _________ muscles are not included in this organ system.
Movement, smooth, cardiac
Nervous system The nervous system consists of the _____, _____-_____, nerves, and sensory receptors, and serves as the body's control system. ______receptors in the nervous system detect stimuli that can occur both within and outside the body. Once stimuli are detected, the nervous system activates the appropriate _____ or glands to respond.
Brain, spinal-cord. Sensory, Muscles.
Endocrine system While the endocrine system also serves to control bodily functions, it works much more slowly than the _______ system. Glands in the endocrine system secrete ________ that travel through the ______ to organs throughout the body. Name the ( endocrine glands. Happy 4Pitchers. 3Times Always Out.
Nervous, hormones, blood. Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Parathyroid, Pancreas, Thyroid, Thymus, Testes, Adrenals, Ovaries.
Cardiovascular system The cardiac system consists of the _____, _____-_______, and blood. This system works as the travel system for many substances necessary for the body. Oxygen, hormones, and _______ travel throughout the body in the blood.
Heart, blood-vessels, nutrients
Lymphatic system The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic nodes and _____ , the _____, and thoracic duct. Its purpose is to return fluid that has leaked from the __________ system to the blood vessels. This system helps _______ the blood and houses the white blood cells that are involved in protecting the body from environmental factors. Thus, the work of the lymphatic system is very closely tied to the work of the cardiovascular system.
Vessels, spleen, cardiovascular, cleanse.
Respiratory system The respiratory system has two main jobs. It must keep all the cells in the body supplied with ______ and remove the _____-______. This system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and the lungs. The lungs house tiny air sacs called _______. It is through the walls of the _____that ____ and ________ move in and out of ______vessels.
Oxygen, carbon-dioxide. Aveoli, aveoli, oxygen and carbon-dioxide, blood-vessels.
Digestive system The digestive system consists of all the organs from the mouth to the anus involved in processing food. The organs along the path include the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines and the rectum. The digestive system _____-______ food so that the ______can be easily passed to the blood for circulation through the body. Any food that is not digested and utilized for cells in the body is _____ through the ____. The breakdown of the food actually ends in the ______-______. After that, the digestive system tries to remove _____ from the excess. Two other organs included in the digestive system include the _______ and the ______. The _____ produces bile that helps break down fats, and the _______ delivers enzymes to the small intestine.
Breaks down, nutrients, expelled, anus. Small intestines. Water. Liver, pancreas, Liver, pancreas
Urinary system The urinary, or _________, system helps maintain the _____ and _____ balances within the body, regulates the ___-_____ balance in the blood, and removes all ______-containing wastes from the body. The ______-containing wastes are by-products of the breakdown of _____and ______-_____.
excretory, water and salt, acid-base, nitrogen, nitrogen, proteins and nucleic acids.
Reproductive system The main purpose of the reproductive system is to produce _______. This system is specialized in men to produce ____, and in women to produce ____(aka____). The reproductive organs also house certain hormones that ______ or ______ activities within the body (e.g., aggression, masculine or feminine skeletal form).
Offspring, sperm, eggs aka ova, encourages or suppresses
Order the six levels of structural organization from most to least complex.
MOST to LEAST Organismal, systemic, organ, tissue, cellular, chemical
The functions necessary to life. There are some functions that are true of all complex animals. These include maintaining ______, responding to environmental _____, moving, _____ and ______ nutrients, reproducing, growing, removing _____, and utilizing metabolism.
Boundaries, changes, ingesting and digesting, wastes.
Maintaining boundaries - The cells in the human body are ________ cells (recall that this means they are surrounded by a membrane as are the organelles inside). Cells maintain boundaries with _________. Our bodies maintain boundaries with _______ aka the _______ system.
Eukaryotic, membranes, skin aka integumentary
Responding to environmental change - The human body has the ability to sense and respond to environmental stimuli involuntarily. what system is the first responder to these environmental changes? _________, it in turn activates other systems as necessary.
Moving - the sole purpose of muscular tissue is to _____. The muscular system moves the skeletal system to provide _______ movement. The muscle tissues in the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, urinary, and respiratory systems also move. this movement is ______.
move. Voluntary, involuntary
Ingestion and digestion - The organs in the digestive system work to ______nutrients from the food we eat and ______those nutrients to other parts of the body using the _______system.
Remove, transmit, cardiovascular.
Reproduction - While the reproductive system clearly plays a key role in reproduction, _____ regulate the process. So, the _______ system works with the reproductive system.
Hormones, endocrine
Growing - Growth takes activity from all systems. The skeletal and muscular systems change shape. The digestive system removes ______ from food. The cardiovascular system moves these nutrients to the _____. The endocrine system must release hormones that signal growth.
Nutrients, cells
Excretion - Once the nutrients have been removed in the digestion system, the remains are excreted from the body by organs in both the __________ system (the intestines, rectum and anus) and the ___________ system (bladder and urethra).
Digestive, urinary
Metabolism - Recall that metabolism is the way that cells use _____. So, metabolism is the collection of chemical reactions within a cell. The digestive and respiratory systems supply the ______ and ______ that the body needs for the metabolism. Of course, the _______distributes these materials throughout the body, and hormones secreted by the glands of the endocrine system regulate the body's ______.
energy, nutrients and oxygen, blood, metabolism.
Skin system relationships: skin remains healthy by receiving oxygen & nutrients from the ________ and _______ systems that travel through blood vessels in the _________system. The ________system picks up excess fluid from the skin to avoid swelling. The skeletal system provides support. ________from the endocrine system regulate hair growth/hydration. The skin serves to protect internal organs, including those in the reproductive system. The muscular system generates _____ which is expelled through the skin as sweat, and the urinary system activates vitamin __. The ______system regulates sweat, interprets stimuli, and adjusts the diameter of blood vessels in the skin.
Respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular. Lymphatic, hormones, heat, D, nervous
skeletal system relationships The endocrine system releases hormones that regulate ______ and the release of ___. The lymphatic system contains immune cells that protect against pathogens and removes excess fluid. the digestive system provides nutrients. The urinary system activates vitamin __ and removes wastes. The muscular system helps determine _____ shape and pulls against the bone to increase bone _____. The nervous system senses _____stimuli in the bones and joints. The respiratory system provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. The cardiovascular system supplies oxygen and nutrients while removing waste. The reproductive system influences the skeletal _____. The integumentary system provides vitamin __.
growth, Ca++, D, bone, strength, pain, form, D
Relationships with the muscular system The endocrine system releases hormones that influence ____. The nervous system regulates muscle _____. The reproductive system encourages larger ______ ____ in men. The bones provide levers for _____activity.
Strength, activity, muscle size, muscular
Relationships with the nervous system The endocrine system releases hormones that regulate the _____ of neurons. The urinary system helps dispose of metabolic ______ and maintains the correct _______ arrangement. Testosterone from the reproductive system stimulates the development of the male reproductive organs, encourages growth of bone and muscle, and helps maintain muscle strength.
Metabolism, wastes, electrolyte.
Relationships with the endocrine system The cardiovascular system provides a means of ______ for hormones. The muscular system provides ______ for some endocrine glands. The ______ system controls the functions of the ______ gland.
Transport, protection, pituitary
Relationships with the cardiovascular system Hormones released from the endocrine system influence blood _______. The urinary system helps regulate blood ______ and pressure by altering urine volume. The ______ system controls the blood pressure and force, heart rate and blood distribution. In women, estrogen helps preserve vascular health. The integumentary system allows ____to escape. Blood cells are formed in the confines of the _____ system.
Pressure, volume, nervous, heat, skeletal
Relationships with the lymphatic system The _____ system helps with proper lymphatic functioning by helping to maintain proper water/ acid-base/ electrolyte balance of the blood. The brain helps control immune response. Acidic secretions in both the_______ and _________ systems prevent bacterial growth.
Urinary, reproductive and integumentary.
Relationships with the respiratory system The _____ system aids in breathing by producing volume changes (the diaphragm and intercostal muscles). The _____ system regulates breathing rate and depth.
Muscular, nervous
Relationships with the digestive system Increased _____muscle activity increases movement of the gastrointestinal tract. The _______ system transforms vitamin D to a form that helps absorption of Ca.
Skeletal, urinary
Relationships with the urinary system The _____ system helps regulate re-absorption of water and electrolytes in the renal area. the liver (______ system) synthesizes urea that must be excreted by the kidneys.
Endocrine, digestive
Relationships with the reproductive system The cardiovascular system transports ___hormones, The _____ system is involved in childbirth. The respiratory rate increases during pregnancy.
Sex, muscular
amnion is the fetal ________ that forms a fluid-filled sac around the embryo.
Anabolism energy requiring building phase of metabolism in which simpler substance are combined to form _________
more complex substance.
Avogadro's law equal volumes of gases contain the same number of ______
Basal metabolic rate the rate at which _____ is ______ (heat produced) by the body per unit of time under controlled (basal) conditions. 12Hrs after a meal, at rest.
Energy is expended
Boiling point the temp at which a _____ changes to a _____.
liquid to a gas
Bowman's capsule a network of capillaries encased in a membrane in the kidney for purpose of ____
Boyle's law The volume of the gas varies _______with pressure
capillary action is the rising of a liquid in a small tube because of it ______ and ______forces.
Adhesive and cohesive
chlorophyl green plant ________that is found in chloroplast and is necessary for __________.
pigment, photosynthesis
chloroplast plant cell structures containing light sensitive ________
colloidal osmotic pressure is the pressure created in a fluid by large __-_____ ________that are prevented from moving through a membrane. such substances tend to draw water to them.
non-diffusible molecules
complemental air
amount air that can be forcefully inhaled
cotyledon is a seed leaf that ____ _____ for a plant embryo of seed plants.
Stores food
emulsion is the suspension of two liquids which are ______ of ______ or attaining homogeneity.
Incapable of mixing.
Faraday's laws -two laws of electrolysis relating the amount of substance to the quantity of _____ charge.
Fermentation is the release of energy from sugar without the use of _______.
oxygen; anaerobic respiration
free energy is the thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a _____ to _____aka Gibbs free energy.
Reaction to proceed.
freezing point is the the temperature at which a _____ changes to a _____.
liquid to a solid
the complete set of chromosomes derived from one parent
develop from a seed into a plant
sex or germ cell
Hepatic (portal) system is the circulation in which the hepatic portal vein carries ______ _____ to the _____ for processing.
Dissolved nutrients to the liver
hypertonic solution is a solution having a _____concentration of water but a ____ concentration of solute than a solution to which is compared. plunk a cell into hypertonic solution it will ______.
lower water, higher solute, shrivel.
hypotonic solution is a solution having a _____ water concentration but a _____ concentration of solute than a solution to which it is compared. Plunk a cell in a hypotonic solution and it will ______.
higher, lower. burst
in vitro
in a test tube glass or artificial environment
placement of bacteria onto a culture medium
that unit of energy equal .293 calories
kreb's cycle-aerobic metabolic pathway occurring within the ______, in which food metabolites are _____and CO2 is liberated, and co-enzymes are reduced.
Mitochondria, oxidized.
Mast cells are immune cells that function to detect _____ substances in the tissue spaces and initiate local ________responses against them ; typically found clustered deep to an epithelium or along blood vessels.
Foreign, inflammatory
mechanical disadvantage (speed lever) a condition that occurs when the load is far from the _____(pivot) and the effort is applied near the fulcrum; the effort applied must be ______ than the load to be moved.
Fulcrum, greater
a series of changes that takes place as an egg develops into an adult including the four stages of a egg, larva, pupa and adult
milliequivalent per liter (mEq/L) the units used to measure ______ concentrations of body fluids; a measure of the number of _______ charges in one Liter of solution.
Electrolyte, electrical
Nephron-structural and functional unit of the glomerulus and ____ tubule.
Osmotic pressure is the force produced by the pressure of ____- diffusing through semipermeable membrane; the greater the difference in ____ concentration on either side of the membrane the greater the osmotic pressure.
Water, water
Peristalsis is ______like contractions of ______ in tubular organs; motion that forces food through the human digestive organs, means of locomotion and earthworms.
Wavelike, muscles
Photosynthesis is an energy making _____ plants; formation of _______ in chlorophyll- containing tissues of plants exposed to light.
Reaction, carbohydrates
Phototropism is growth response of plants to _____.
pressure gradient is the difference in hydrostatic pressure that drives ______.
radioactivity is the emission of subatomic particles from a _______.
reserve air
the amount of air that can be forced out of the lungs after normal expiration
residual air
amount of air left in the lungs after forced expiration
substrate is the the substance on which an ______ operates.
tidal air
amount of air involved during normal breathing
tropism is the movement of plants in response to _______.
mechanical disadvantage (speed lever)a condition that occurs when the load is far from the _____(pivot) and the effort is applied near the fulcrum; the effort applied must be ______ than the load to be moved.
Fulcrum, greater
sublimation is the transformation of a ____ directly to a ____ without an intervening liquid state.
Solid, gas
the hydrologic cycle, the rock cycle, and the theory of plate tectonics are important to our understanding of the ________.
The hydrologic cycle is the process whereby _____continually circulates between the earth's surface and atmosphere.
Heat energy from the ____ provides energy for the hydrologic cycle.
Water from the earth's oceans, lakes, and rivers is warmed by the sun and ______, returning to the atmosphere as water _____.
evaporates, vapor
As water vapor rises, it cools and ________ from vapor back into water droplets.
suspended water droplets may form _____ or fog.
Eventually, the temperature and atmospheric pressure cause _________, the return of water to the earth's surface in the form of rain, sleet, snow, or ice.
Precipitation may eventually return to the ocean through streams and rivers as surface runoff; or, it may soak into, or ______, the soil.
Eventually water that returns to the ocean will evaporate again as the water cycle repeats. Another way that water vapor returns to the atmosphere is through __________; plants absorb water from the soil and return it to the atmosphere through this process.
The rock cycle is a group of changes that transform one type of rock into another. The three rock types are:
igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.
underground, or quickly on the earth's surface, where it is called lava.
compacted and cemented together.
Metamorphic is formed when rock is transformed by _____ and pressure.
Physical weathering causes the disintegration of rocks and minerals through some _____or mechanical process, while chemical weathering causes the rocks and minerals to undergo a chemical change or ________.
physical, decomposition.
The theory of tectonic plate movement states that the outer layer of earth's surface is broken_____ into seven large plates and several smaller ones. The plates move in different _______ at different speeds.
Broken, directions
The tectonic plates meet at plate boundaries. Boundaries are described in terms of the plates' motion relative to each other. A convergent boundary is where two plates are moving _____ or ______, each other. A divergent boundary is where to plates ____- _____. A transform boundary is one where two plates are ______ ______each other.
Against or toward, pull apart, sliding past each other.
Perimeter of rectangle, triangle, circle (aka circumference)
rectangle=2l+2w, triangle=a+b+c, circle=pi*d or 2*pi*r
area of rectangle, triangle, circle
rectangle=l*w, triangle= ½ b*h, circle=pi*r2
volume of rectangle, triangle, circle
rectangle=l*w*h, triangle= ½ b*h*l, circle= ½ pi*r3
diameter is ______, whereas radius is ____________
the full width of a circle, ½ the diameter width of circle.
Igneous is made when magma, a hot liquid made of melted _______.cools. Magma can cool slowly underground, or quickly on the earth's surface, where it is called lava.
outside (the...)