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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference in the Rule of 9's between the adult & child?
Adult-- head is 9, legs 18

Child- head is 18, legs 13.5
What are some indications for transfer to a burn center?
*2nd & 3rd degree >20% TBSA; 10% extremes of age
*face, hands, perineum, jts
*full thickness >5%
*electrical & chemical
What is the leading cause of death between the ages of 1-40?
What trauma situations cause "immediate" death (<1hr)?
*loss of airway
*brain stem laceration
*aortic/heart rupture
*high c-spine lesion
What conditions cause "early" death (1-3 hrs)?
*epidural/subdural hematoma
*pelvic/femur fxs
*multiple long-bone fxs
What two condtions cause "late" death (2-4 weeks)?
*multi-organ system failure
What is the "Golden Hour" & when does it begin?
*time it takes to reach stabilization of a life-threatening condition
*begins as soon as trauma occurs
What are the components of the primary survey?
What are the components of the secondary survey?
*superior to inferior
*detailed hx
What are the components of the GCS? (general)
*Motor response
*Verbal response
*Eye response
What is the revised trauma score?
*GCS score + resp score + systolic BP score = revised trauma score
What is the most common type of shock in trauma?
What are the 4 classes of hemorrhagic shock?
Class I- 0-15%; little tachycardia
Class II- 15-30%; HR>100, tachypnea
Class III- 30-40%; T&T, decreased BP & oliguria
Class IV- >40%; all of the above + life threatening!
In regards to brain trauma, what is the most important issue?
Approximately ________ cases and ______ deaths from breast cancer occur annually worldwide.
* 1,150,000

There are ______ new cases of breast cancer & _______ deaths in the united states.
* 215,000

What is the #1 cancer in women? #1 cancer that women die from? 2nd?
* breast cancer

* lung cancer

*breast cancer
Overall, cancer death rates are higher in _____ (men or women).
What ethnic group has a higher mortality rate of cancer?
african americans
What is the lifetime probability for women of developing breast cancer?
Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age ____.
Beginning at age ____, annual CBE should be performed prior to mammography.
Beginning in their early ____, women should be told about the benefits and limitations of breast-self examination.
T or F: HRT increases the incidence of breast cancer.
What are 3 factors leading to a decrease in breast cancer related mortality?
*Earlier Detection
*Improved Cytotoxic Chemo
*Target Chemo
What are some lifestyle modifications that improve the outcome of breast cancer?
*increase activity
*decrease red meat & high fat foods
*decrease in alcohol
*decrease in nicotine
*avoid/decrease HRT
*nurse babies longer
What are some benign breast disorders?
*fibrocystic changes
*simple cysts
*ectopic breast tissue
*intraparenchymal lymph nodes
What is the work-up of a palpable breast mass?
*degree of suspicious
*complete imaging W/U
*Bx indicated?
*short interval F/U
What are some risk factors for breast cancer?
*prior hx of breast CA
*age at menarche (early)
*age at menopause (late)
*OCPs or HRT
*not breast-feeding
*no babies
*obesity/lack of exercise
What are some methods for diagnosing breast cancer?
*early detection!!!
*palpable mass on exam
*Bx to confirm dx!!
What are the types of breast cancer?
*ductal carcinoma in situ
*invasive ductal adenocarcinoma
*invasive lobular adenocarcinoma
*invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma
What are the 4 types of premalignant breast findings?
*atypical ductal hyperplasia
*atypical lobular hyperplasia
*lobular carcinoma in situ