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25 Cards in this Set

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Emancipation of the serf

In 1861 by the Russian emperor Alexander II. Freed the serf of the Russian empire.

Universal man suffrage = Democracy

Is a form of voting rights in which all adult males within a political system are allowed to vote, regardless of income, property, religion, race, or any other qualification

Suffrage: the right to vote in political election.

Alexander II

Russian emperor - Emancipation of the serfs.

Socialist Movement

The social Democratic party (Germany) and the Socialist party (France) adopt Marxism as their official party platforms


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

The utopian war

Two armed conflicts in China in the mid-19th century

The treaty of Nanjing

Begins a series of "unequal treaties" between china and Europeans in the 19th century.


Racism and segregation.


Being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law.

Sepoy rebellion

The rebellion of the Indians soldiers serving under British officers in the Company's army.

The Congress of Berlin

Was a meeting of the representation of six great powers of the time

Causes and motivations

-Colonies provide Europe with new resources.

-Rivalry among the europe great powers.

The boxer Rebellion (1900)

Attempts to expel the foreign presence and restore integrity of qing dynasty; crushed by foreign armies

The Raj

National-building project (railroads, schools, etc.)

The Triple Entent

Britain, france, and Russia

The schlieffen plan

Was an operational plan for a designated attack on france

Trench warfare

A type of war in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.

Total war and society affect

Economies reorganized for war production (uniform, munitions, etc.)

War affected women

Women are mobilized into the workforce on a massive scale and are rewarded with suffrage after the war.

The rule of propaganda

To inflame national and racial hatred of the enemy

hatred: heat

The war expanded the power of the state

Governments assume sweeping new powers over civilians life (economic planning, wartime censorship, etc.)

Significance of the Russian revolution for the 20th century

A revolution in the name of Marxism (dictatorship of the proletarian)

Nicholas II

Abdicated (March 1917) = March revolution

The March and November revolution (1917)

Both part of the Russian revolution

Petrograd sovietic

Issues order No. 1, proclaiming reform in the army.