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71 Cards in this Set

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How long was Oregon Territory disputed and why?

From 1818-1846, because it was the largest piece of unclaimed land that America wanted. It's golf and caribou attracted both the British and the Americans.

Why did the British want Oregon Territory?

To fur trade the caribou with the First Nations.

Why did the Americans want Oregon Territory?

As part of Manifest Destiny, the Americans believed they had a right to claim this land. The wanted to settle there to increase their country's domain. and range

What did the Americans do to further solidify their right on the Oregon Territory?

Increased settlement to the west and the settlers built the Oregon Trail.

How did HBC retaliate to the expanding of American settlement in the disputed Oregon Territory?

They appointed George Simpson to build Fort Vancouver in the Oregon Territory. He moved HBC's headquarters there.

Who was appointed head of Fort Vancouver?

John McLoughlin

Why did John McLoughlin eventually begin to despise HBC and George Simpson?

George Simpson and John McLoughlin had many disputes including Simpson disregarding the punishment of McLoughlin's son's death.

What did John McLoughlin do to show his opposition to HBC?

He began to promote American settlement in Oregon Territory?

Explain the irony of John McLoughlin being the "Founding Father of Oregon".

John McLoughlin was the head of HBC headquarters at Fort Vancouver and was suppose to strengthen the Canadian hold on Oregon Territory, but instead his hate made him the reason Americans gained control of the Oregon Territory.

Name the ship that travelled up and down the west coast to deliver furs.

The Beaver Ship was a steamship that ran up and down the west coast to deliver and transport furs.

What is the election slogan used by Governor James Polk regarding the Oregon Territory boundary dispute?

"54, 40 or fight!"

When and where was the Oregon Territory boundary dispute settled?

In 1846 at the 49th parallel.

Where did George Simpson shift the HBC headquarters and who became the head of these headquarters?

They shifted to Fort Victoria and James Douglas became the head.

When and why was the Crown Colony of British Columbia created?

The British government realized that in order to prevent the Americans from seizing the west, settlement would be needed in BC. In 1848, the Crown Colony of BC was created on present day Vancouver Island. James Douglas was appointed as the governor.

Where was coal discovered in BC?

Cumberland, B.C; Robert Dunsmir opened a coal mine there.

Why was Governor James Douglas asked to step down from the position of being the head of HBC Fort Victoria?

Due to him being the governor and the head of Fort Victoria, many problems arose including a few that resulted in near-death situations for James Douglas.

Explain the significance and downfall of Governor James Douglas' wife?

His wife frequently helped save his life from First Nations groups due to her Metis background; however, this lead to her being shunned by Victorian society due to her indigenous roots.

What happened between 1850-1854 with James Douglas?

The governor contracted 14 treaties with First Nations group on Vancouver Island to take away their land.

What do gold rushes market?

"Get rich quick" or "Strike it rich"

When was the California Gold rush?

In 1849, when gold was discovered near Sacramento.

In 1852, where did many miners in California come from?

China; by the time they arrived most of the gold had already been extracted.

Why and when did the Fraser River Gold Rush start?

In 1857, James Houston discovered gold on the banks of the Fraser River.

Why was James Douglas afraid of the influx of people coming for gold in BC?

James Douglas knew that of the 35,000 people that came to BC, most were American. He feared that the American Government would use the increase of American settlement in BC as a chance to overtake the land.

What was Governor James Douglas' response to the incoming gold miners?

Even though he has no jurisdiction, he set up paid transport along the Fraser River. He also began to issue licenses that were needed to be able to mine gold in BC. He did this all under the British Government's name, even though he had gotten no previous authorization.

Why were James Douglas' attempts to control the miners unsuccessful?

Many skirmishes broke out anyways; the Fraser Canyon War. There was many disagreements between the Americans, the First Nations, and the British settlers.

Name a First Nations group that mined during the gold rush?

Sto:lo First Nations.

What did the British Government due to control the skirmishes taking place in BC?

In 1858, the British Government created the Colony of British Columbia; making there two colonies in BC.

Who was appointed Governor of the Colony of British Columbia?

Colonel Richard Clement Moody.

Who is Sir Matthew Begbie?

The Chief Justice officer in the Colony of British Columbia. He helped Governor Richard Moody in controlling the miners during the gold rush.

Where did Governor Richard Moody decide on the capital of the Colony of British Columbia?

New Westminster.

What did Governor James Douglas do in 1862?

The James Douglas government started construction on the Caribou Wagon Road. It was 650 km wrong and cost 3/4 of a million dollars. The cost of covered with the miner's toll and tax money.

Why was the Caribou Wagon Road not completed and what were the repercussions?

The gold rush ended and many settlers left BC. This lead to less taxes being collected so the there was no more funding for the road. Unfortunately, the James Douglas government had previously invested a large chunk of money in the road so the incompletion left the Crown Colony of British Columbia in massive debt.

What year did the the two colonies of BC join and why?

In 1866, the Crown Colony of British Columbia and the Colony of British Columbia joined and became the Colony of British Columbia. This was because of the massive debt the gold rush left on both the colonies. They decided they could easier pay this off if they merged.

What was another reason for the joining of the two colonies of BC?

The smallpox outbreak killed off 90% of the First Nations communities in. In the summer of 1864, 70% of the Haida Gwaii were killed off. The population of both colonies combined was 10,000 people.

Who was Governor of the New Colony of British Columbia?

Governor James Douglas.

What is Barkerville?

Barkerville was the main hub of the gold rush. It was founded by Billy Barker; a miner who found gold in the area.

Who are the "Hurdy Gurdy Girls"?

They were dancers straight from Germany that kept saloons busy in Barkerville in 1866.

What lead to Barkerville to becoming a ghost town?

The fire in 1868 and the end of the gold rush made Barkerville a ghost town by 1920, until later the Canadian Government named a national historic location.

What was the saying used to describe Barkerville?

"The biggest town north of San Francisco and west of Winnipeg"

What were BC's two conditions for joining confederation?

That the Canadian government pay off their debt and that a railway be built to connect BC to the rest of Canada.

What led to BC joining confederation in 1871?

The debt of the two colonies was too much and they needed more settlers from the Canadian east in order to prevent the American annexation.

Who was appointed Governor of BC after joining Confederation and how many Members of the Legislative Assembly were there?

Sir Joseph Trustch and 25 MLA's

Where was the new capital placed?


What were the three views of BC joining Confederation?

The people of Vancouver Island were against Confederation, while those on the BC inland were in support. The Victorian Merchants were in favour of annexation, or joining America.

Who is Amor de Cosmos?

The first premier of BC. He was born William Smith but later changed his name. He started "The British Colonist" in Victoria during the Gold Rush and used it to attack James Douglas' government.

What does Amor de Cosmos mean?

Lover of the Universe.

What were Amor De Cosmos' views on immigration?

He hated Asian immigration and believed that Asian immigrants were stealing land and jobs. He also hated First Nations Peoples and thought there right to land was unjust.

Who discovered Vancouver?

Captain George Vancouver.

When did the population and economic growth of Vancouver begin?

After the completion of the CPR railway because it ended right there, increasing its connection to the rest of Canada.

What was Vancouver's first industry?

Logging because the trees there allowed for a strong logging industry.

Who made one of the earliest and biggest mills in Vancouver?

Hastings Mill was established in the 1880's by Calvin Simpson.

What are the "British Columbia toothpicks"?

They were trees that were prime for logging; 18 m long and 1 m wide.

Who was "Gassy Jack"?

John Deighton or Gassy Jack was the first saloon owner in the Gastown of Vancouver.

How did he build his saloon?

He employed the workers of Hastings Saw Mill in exchange for an unlimited supply of whiskey that they could drink in one sitting.

Where is the Port of Vancouver?

Burrad Inlet.

Why did many people but property in Port Moody in 1881?

That was were the original survey ended the CPR Railway.

What happened after the location for the end of the CPR Railway changed from Port Moody to Downtown Vancouver?

Many people lost money, but one person made a fortune. David Oppenheimer purchased land in Downtown Vancouver because he suspected that the railway would end there; this lead to him making millions of dollars.

When did the first train come to Vancouver?

In 1886, a train came via the CPR Railway from Manitoba.

How did the arrival of the SS Abyssinia in 1887 change the way the Port of Vancouver worked?

The ship had set a world record travel speed. It travelled from Japan to London in 29 days! This helped the Port of Vancouver gain popularity, making it an international port.

Name a few streets in Vancouver.








What was the role of the Chinese in BC?

Many Chinese immigrants came to BC during the gold rush. Since the government needed workers for the railway, they employed the Chinese. They were forced to work for 1/2 the amount that white workers were and were placed to work in BC; the most dangerous part of the railway.

How many Chinese immigrants came to BC to work on the railway?


What newspaper published racist cartoon about the Chinese in 1879?

The Canadian Illustrated Newspaper.

Why did the Europeans think lowly of the Chinese in BC?

They thought lowly of them because the Chinese worked any labour jobs available; they were viewed as working machines, not as people. They were also looked down upon due to the Chinese opium addiction.

Why did the Chinese open opium dens in Chinatown of Vancouver?

This was because the British Government had previously gotten 10% of China addicted to opium as a form of trade. When the immigrants came over to BC, their addictions did as well.

Give examples of government officials who made discriminatory comments about the Chinese?

John A. MacDonald

William Lyon MacKenzie

Amor de Cosmos

Why was Chinatown created?

After the completion of the CPR Railway, the Chinese had no money to go back to China but could not stay in communities with the Europeans. This is why they created Chinatown.

What occurred in 1907?

The anti-asiatic riots in Vancouver were many people rioted against Chinese immigration, claiming that the Chinese were stealing their jobs.

What was the Exclusion Act?

It lasted from 1923 to 1947. It meant that no Chinese could immigrate to Canada.

What was the "Chinese Head Tax"?

It meant that every Chinese immigrant entering Canada from 1885 onwards, had to pay 50$. In 1990 this went up to $100 and in 1903 it went up to $500.

Name some industries of BC.

Coal Mining

Gold/Mineral Mining

