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52 Cards in this Set

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Fannie Osborne
• Wife of Robert Louis Stevenson
• Married to Samuel Osborne but separated from him to be with Stevenson
• Inspired and encouraged Stevenson’s work
The Brownies
• Little imaginary creatures who Robert Louis Stevenson thought helped him write his books
• Head of household for servants – only one with contact to master
The nightmare - Fuseli
• 1782
• Incubus – demon who seduces women when they sleep
Epistolary novel
• Novel in the form of letters
Castle of Otranto
• 1765 – beginning of the gothic period
The divided self
• There’s a dual nature in each one of us
James Hargreaves
• Developed the spinning Jenny using pulleys
Spinning jenny
• Weaved cloth
• Out-produced a dozen people working on a hand loom
• Increased textile production at least 20 fold
• Hand actuated
Richard Arkwright
• Wanted to establish a factory near a stream and use a water wheel and attach a spinning jenny to the water wheel
• Introduced the water frame
Water frame
• A spinning jenny using a water wheel
George Stephenson
• Involved in the coal business
• Gifted mechanic
• What if we take carts used for coal and instead of wooden rails we use iron and instead of a horse we use a steam engine
o Developed the first steam locomotive
The Rocket (1829)
• the first steam locomotive developed by George Stephenson
Factory System
• Heart of industrialism
• Production of textiles no longer by hand
• Labor intensive machinery
• Demanded a large working force
"Peterloo" massacre (1819)
• Known by the working class as the event at St. Peter’s Fields - in Manchester, where 20-30 demonstrators were killed by English troops
• Industrial working force
• Members of the peasantry who abandoned the farm life for industrial jobs
Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850)
• Home secretary, responsible for all domestic matters
Karl Marx (1818-1882)
• German atheist
• Read the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel (Idealism)
• The class struggle
• Age of materialism: goal was obtainment of material good
• Middle class capitalist
Class Struggle
• The lower class always struggling to free itself from the upper class
Value of Labor
• Labor was the source of wealth
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
• French scientist
• He along with Joseph Lister (an English scientist) said that sickness was cause not by God but by the presence of bacteria
Bacterial theory of disease
• Mid 19th century
• Sickness was caused by the presence of bacteria not by God
Marie Curie
• Wife of Pierre Curie
• Discovered Radium which was radioactive
Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
• Science history “science is almost a faith itself”
• Theory of history: progress
o 1. Polytheism
o 2. Monotheism
o 3. Age of science
• System of belief, have faith in science
Charles Darwin (1802-1882)
• Accompanied the H.M.S. Beagle on an around the world cruise to collect flor and fauna
• Wrote On The Origin of Species
• Natural selection
• Good if it manages to survive, through adaptation
• Science is a mode of inquiry
• Nature drives all life that exists – it has no right or wrong
• Descension from common parents
• Becoming: everything is in a state of flux, the human race is continually evolving
Natural selection
• Adaption to changing environment
Nature as a force
• Nature drives all life that exists – it has no right or wrong
Social Darwinism
• Struggle for survival transferred to human society
Opium Wars
• Series of wars where the British strongly defeated China
• Classic dispute over trade and diplomatic relations
• Mob burned a warehouse down and began the Opium Wars
Ferdinand de Lesseps
• Thought of the suez canal
Sonata Allegro Form
• Late 18th century, binary form. Has an “arch”
• 4 movements, string quartet – 4 movements, solo sonata – 3 movements
• A musical court
opera buffa
• Two act opera based on comedia del arte type characters, humerous, arlequino-tenor, pantalon-bass
servant tax of 1852
tax on all male servants in England that opened the dor for females because male servants were fired because they had to pay for them
Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, dark and mysterious, lots to do with monsters
horror from within
by the end of the 19th century, villains did not look like monsters; they looked like people and explained the horrible behaviors within all of us; the nature of evil
The Communist Manifesto (1848)
a short 1848 publication written by the political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; overthrow the middle class
a theory of knowledge that asserts that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience; nearly the opposite of rationalism
British East India Co.
a stock company that was publicly traded; major stockholders were members of the British parliament; constantly wanting to expand (divide and conquer)
Sepoy Mutiny (1857)
a mutiny of speoys (indian soldiers) of the East India Company's army
Battle Omdurman (1898)
mahdi's dervish army attacked the british and the British Maxim rifles destroyed the Dervish army
Boer War (1899-1902)
war with the Afrikaners in South Africa
Colonial Exposition (1931)
exposition in France where they displayed their colonial goods
"the lords of humankind"
a book by Victor Kiernan (British Marxist historian) about European attitudes towards the outside world in the Imperial Age (1969)
Theme and Variations Form
in this form, a musical theme is stated (the main melody of the movement), followed by any number of varied presentations of that theme. in subsequent variations, new countermelodies can be added, and aspects of the theme (such as key, meter, instrumentation, mood, dynamics, etc.) can be altered
Tone Poem
a poem put to music aka a song
little music motif; ex. jaws song means shark is coming
Idée Fixes
central theme of the music
"total work of art" term coined by Wagner to describe the powerful concept of music drama
part of a piece of music in which the tempo speeds up then slows down