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25 Cards in this Set

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PL 504
First law that dealt with special education. It prevented discrimination in education, employment, and education.
Major Concepts Provided By Law
2. LRE(E)
3. IEP
4. Due Process
5. Parent Participation
Timothy W. v
Rochester, New Hampshire School District
Regardless of the existence or severity of a student's disability, a public education is the right of every child.
Mills v. Board of Education
1. Challenged exclusion of children with disabilities from public schools and their placement in non-public school settings
2. Exclusion ruled neither rational nor necessary
3. Children with disabilities are entitled to receive a free, public education at school and at district expense.
Pennsylvania Association for
Retarded Children (PARC)
v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
1. Challenged exclusion of children with mental retardation from public schools and their placement in other educational settings
2. Exclusion ruled neither rational nor necessary
3. Children with mental retardation are entitled to receive a free, public education at school and at district expense
4. Parents must be notified of changes made in the child's program ("Due Process")
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka
1. Challenged the practice of segregating the school by race
2. Education must be made available to all children on equal terms
3. A basis for later cases about civil rights of the handicapped
The process of providing disequal resources to students with disequal abilities while expecting disequal outcomes
Free Appropriate Public Education
Special education and related services that are provided at public expense, that meet the standards of the stated educational agency, which includes early childhood, elementary, and secondary education, and are provided in conformity with an individual education program
Individualized Education Program
An annually written document developed by the case conference committee, that describes how a student will access the general education curriculum and the special education and related services needed to participate in the educational environment
Individual with a Disability
Any student ages 3-22, who has been identified in accordance with Article 7 as having a disability, and who by reason of disability, requires special education and related services
Related Services
Services which are supplementary and complementary to the student's instructional program and are required for the student to benefit from special education
Special Education
Specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability
Least Restrictive Environment
To the maximum extent APPROPRIATE, students shall be educated with their non-disabled peers
Traumatic Brain Injury
Injury to the brain (non including conditions present at birth, birth trauma, or degenerative diseases or conditions) resulting in total or partial disability or psychosocial maladjustment that affects educational performance; may affect cognition, language, memory, attention, reason, abstract thinking, judgment, problem solving, sensory or perceptual and motor disabilities, psychosocial behavior, physical functions, information processing, or speech
Ammendment XIV
All people born or naturalized in the US have the right to life, liberty, and property with due process of law. Everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law.
Protects the reputations of teachers, students, and others
The right to an education for students and the right to a job for teachers
Federal Laws for the Education of Learners who are Exceptional
1. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (aka 504)--1973
2. Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)--1975
3. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)--1990
4. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)--1990
What constitutes appropriate education?
1. IEP
2. Transition Services
3. Assistive Technology
4. Related Services
5. Assional Statutory Provisions
6. Reasonable Opportunity to Learn
7. Educational Benefit
8. Grade to Grade Process
9. Exposure to Age Appropriate Peers
10. Taught by a Certified Teacher
Duties of a CCC
1. Determine elegibility for special ed.
2. What disability?
3. How severe?
4. Write IEP
5. Determine LRE
Levels of Severity of Disabilities
Attention Signal
Stop what you're doing
Look at the speaker
Be quiet
Be still
At Risk Students
Students who perform/behave poorly in school and appear likely to fail/fall short of their potential.
Differentiated Instruction
Instruction varied to meet the needs of each student
Why are legal safeguards necessary?
1. Once place in program, many stay for remained of education
2. Special education programs were frequently of low quality and not adequately supervised by SEA's
3. Placement decision often based on teacher recommendation or 1 test result
4. Moderately-severely disabled kids were routinely excluded from public schools
5. Any education received was usually at parents' expense
6. Disproportionate number of kids from minorities placed in spec. ed.
7. Level of education services provided to residents of institutions was low or non existent