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52 Cards in this Set

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material culture

touch it

cognitive culture

deals with mind (music, language)

normative culture

laws, customs (elevator dance)

types of culture (3)

material, cognitive, normative


customs (normative culture)


moral laws

looking glass self

charles cooley

see yourself in others faces

anticipatory socialization

adopt practices of group not yet part of


violation of a norm

cultural transmission theory of deviance

subcultural conformity (gang)

class conflict theory of deviance

adopt norms of group born into

new class= adopt behaviors or be deviant to them

strain theory of deviance

goals and means

usa = $

society prevents people from getting goal > person becomes deviant

labeling theory of deviance

commit deviant act > labeled for act > accept label > do more deviant acts


process of learning norms to behave in society


your culture is best

my group is center of world


men = women


relative deprivation

feminization of poverty

gender discrimination (paid less for same job)

male kinship (men hire men)

differential pay

gender segregation in workplace

dramaturgical approach


life is social drama

props, scripts, costumes

expectation or role

role distance

dont like your role

norm of evasion

doing illegal things and you know its illegal (speeding)


is biological

institutionalized racism

keep practices the way they have been

keep power in place

social distance

degree of understanding between person > person, person > group, group > group

we dont understand each other

impression management

want to manage other peoples impression of us

positive or negative

primary socialization

learned as child

secondary socialization

learn when move or change (md > slu)

add to knowledge


expect to see before we see it



for or against

hensely's definition of racism

prejudice + power = racism

belief of superiority from position of dominance

stages of human development (3)





preverbal stage

0-18 months

learn how to imitate

play stage

2-7 years

learn symbolic meaning, roles, empathy

game stage

7-13 years

learn how to play game of life

generalized other

combination of viewpoints you need to understant life

internal colonialism theory


colonize other countries and teach them to be like your country

'race' established, used to develope US

blame the victim

shouldnt have worn that shirt and you wouldnt have been punched


male domination

reference group

who we measure ourselves to (family, work)

sexual identity

who we are attracted to

hetero, homo, bi, a



two spirits

society divides us into two genders. there can be more. specific anatomy (m,f), different social role.

typically men in women role

role conflict

expectations of different roles clash (mom and cop)

second shift

employed women coming home to housework

doing gender

creating gender through interactions in particular social settings

service economy

decrease manufacturing, increase service sector (handy man fixing dishwasher)(outsourcing for manufactured products)

downward mobility

moving from upper class group to lower class group

gender segregation in workplace

women in one department, men in other

lack of promotions for women = glass ceiling

low child support

men get more jobs

women get paid less

self-fulfilling prophecy

prediction that comes true (dont steal, youre going to college one day)

working poor

work full time but dont make enough money to meet basic needs

institutionalized sexism

discrimination against one gender

functional result

you know end result and dont do anything to change it, you must want end result (broken headlight > run someone over)