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8 Cards in this Set

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New Right View; what do they believe, like, and who criticises them?

Social Policies create dependency culture and undermines traditional nuc. fam.

Charles Murray, 1984 → Policies reward anti-social behaviour

Likes; Children Act, 1989 + Child Support Agency, 1993

Criticisms: feminists → NR view justifies patriarchal family and assumes it's natural.

Dependency culture.

M, 1984 → anti social behaviour

2 childrens social policies

Feminists → anti-patriarchy

Policing Of Families

Donzelot, 1977 → (Foucault, 1976 → surveillance theory) → policies used to control families.

Use professional knowledge (eg. social workers, health visitors) against family.

Surveillance is inequal; poor = crime/anti social, target of improv.

D, 1977 → F, 1976

Surveillance, unequal, control

Feminist View; who, what, criticisms?

Hilary Land, 1978 → social policies aid the patriarchy, and support the ideal nuclear family.

Likes: legalisation of contraceptive pill, 1967 + abortion legalisation, 1967 + divorce reform act, 1967 + marital rape act, 1991 + child support agency, 1993, civil partnerships act, 2004 + homo. legalisation, 1967

Criticisms: not all policies aid patriarchy

Eileen Drew, 1995 → gender regimes

HL, 1978 → Patriarchy

Any policy that changes the family

ED, 1995 → gender regimes

Marxist View; what do they believe and like?

Policies aid capitalism, and dont help everyone equally.

Likes: any policy that changes the nuc. fam.

Capitalism. Likes the policies feminists like.

Functionalist View; who, what, crit?

Ronald Fletcher, 1966 → social policies support the family in performing its functions. Health, edu & housing policies → developed welfare state

Likes: welfare state, 1942 + children act, 1989 + children support agency, 1993 + additional paternity pay, 2011

Criticisms: assumes all fam. members benefit from social policies, assumes march of prog.

RF, 1966 → support family functions

Likes → what brings family together

Crit → too idealistic

Nazi Family Policy

Germany, 1930

Women out of workforce → confined to domestic duties & church

Master race → blond hair, blue eyes

375,000 disabled people sterilised → "unfit to breed"


Master race

Women wont work

One Child Policy


Women must seek permission before getting pregnant

Couples that break policy are fined

Couples who comply receive extra benefits

China. Literally what it says in title.

Abolishing the family

Soviet Union, 1920 → abortion + divorce easy to obtain, equality of sexes, got rid of patriarchal family.

Civil War + Hitler + Famine → patriarchal family became necessary to industrialise

Abortion made illegal, parents w/ more children given bigger benefits

Russia, 1920

Was equal, but because of 3 factors, patriarchy took over.