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92 Cards in this Set

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a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important
People may classify one another racially based on what?
physical characteristics such as:
skin color, facial features, hair texture and body shape
Racial diversity is a result of what?
living in different geographic regions; product of migration;
Is race a sociological or biologically constructed concept
sociologically constructed concept
shared cultural heritage
People define themselves as members of an ethnic category based on what?
common ancestors, language, and religion that give them a distinctive social identity.
Is the meaning of ethnicity sociologically or biologically constructed
Race is constructed from ________ traits and ethnicity is constructed from _______ traits.
For many people, ______is a more complex issue than ______ because they identify with several ethnic backgrounds
a category of people distinguished by physical or cultural traits
What is minority based on?
race, ethnicity, or both
What are two important characteristics that minorities have?
distinctive identity
What is a distinctive identity based on?
physical or cultural traits
What does subordination mean?
To be ranked at a lower level/ disadvantaged
Race or ethnicity often serves as a what
master status
What often overshadows personal accomplishments
race or ethnicity
a negative attitude based on faulty generalizations about minorities or an entire category of people
Why is prejudice unfair?
because all people in some category are described as the same, based on little or no direct evidence.
What do our positive and negative prejudices exaggerate?
Positive: the virtues of people like
Negative: can be expressed as anything from mild dislike to outright hostility
Prejudice often takes the form of what?
a stereotype
a simplified description applied to every person in some category
one measure of prejudice that refers to how closely people are willing to interact with members of some category
the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another
One of the theories of prejudice; a person or category of people, typically with little power, whom other people unfairly blame for their own troubles
Who are often used as scapegoats?
Authoritarian Personality Theory (Theories of Prejudice)
people who show strong prejudice toward one minority usually are intolerant of all minorities
When dealing with the Theories of Prejudice, the authoritarian personalities see conventional cultural values and moral issues which way?
They rigidly conform to conventional cultural values and see moral issues as clear cut matters of right and wrong
How do people who grow up developing authoritarian personalities also view society
as naturally competitive with "better" people dominating those who are weaker
Why do those people who are accepting of one minority tend to be accepting of all minorities?
those people tend to be more flexible in their moral judgements and treat all people as equals
How do authoritarians act from childhood to adulthood according to the Authoritarian Personality Theory
Filled with anger and anxiety as children, they grow into hostile and aggressive adults who seek out scapegoats
one of the theories of prejudice; claims that although extreme prejudice is found in certain people, some prejudice is found in everyone.
one of the theories of prejudice; proposes that prejudice is used as a tool by powerful people not only to justify privilege for themselves but also to oppress others
any action that involves treating various categories of people unequally
Prejudice refers to ______; discrimination is a matter of _____
can be either positive or negative and ranges from subtle to extreme
unintended bias built into the operation of society's institutions including schools, hospitals, the police, and the workplace.
a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing.

Why is the US pluralistic to an extent?
Because almost all categories of people have equal standing under the law.
Why is the US not truly pluralistic?
1. although most of us value our cultural heritage, few people who live with others of their category do so entirely by choice
2. Our tolerance for social diversity goes only so far.
3. People of various colors and cultures do not have equal social standing
minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture

Assimilation involves changing in ______ but not in ____.
the physical and social separation of categories of people

________ encourages cultural distinctiveness without disadvantage; ________ enforces separation that harms minorities
the systematic killing of one category of people by another

A+B+C=A (B&C gone)
Melting Pot
different nationalities blend together; but rather than melting into some new cultural pattern, most minorities have adopted the dominant culture established by the earlier settlers
Myth: the elderly are always sick; most are in nursing homes
Fact:Over 80 percent of the Fact: elderly are healthy enough to engage in their normal activities. Only 6 percent are confined to a nursing home
Myth: The elderly are dangerous drivers and have a lot of wrecks
Fact: Drivers ages 45 to 74 have only 12/100 driving accidents per year. Drivers under age 20 have 37/100 accidents per year.
Myth: The elderly are inefficient employees
Fact: 17% of men and 9% of women over 65 work. The elderly have lower job turnover, fewer accidents, and less absenteeism. Older workers also report higher satisfaction in their work
Myth: The elderly are not politically active
Fact: In 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, and 96 those over 65 and older were more likely to be registered to vote and/ or to vote than any other age group.
Which age group is least likely to vote?
Myth: The elderly cannot adapt to new working conditions
Fact: a high proportion of the elderly are flexible in accepting change in their occupations and earnings. Adaptability depends on the individual: many young are set in their way, and many older people adapt to change readily
What is the functionalist perspective on theories of aging?
disengagement theory
the idea that society enhances its orderly operation by disengaging people from positions of responsibility as they reach old age
What is the symbolic interaction perspective on theories of aging?
activity theory
the idea that a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age
What is the conflicts perspective on old age?
Aging is problematic in contemporary capitalistic societies.
As people grow older, their power tends to diminish unless they are able to maintain wealth
Which theory of aging is best for society?
Disengagement theory
Which theory of aging do the aged prefer?
the activity theory
A productive system based on service work and high technology refers to which economy.
the post industrial economy
Today about ___% of the US labor force is in service work
Most new jobs require what?
a college degree
What did the class say when asked: in what labor market would you be best off?
class said post industrial
established ways to meet human needs
ensures the maintenance of society through the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
PRIMARY sector of the economy
the extraction of raw materials and natural resources from the environment
SECONDARY sector of the economy
the processing of raw materials (from the primary sector) into finished goods
TERTIARY sector of the economy
the provision of services rather than goods
an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned
an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned
Capitalism emphasizes freedom ____ pursue one's self-interest whereas socialism emphasizes freedom ______ basic want
PRIMARY labor market
consists of high paying jobs with good benefits that have some degree of security and the possibility of future advancement
SECONDARY labor market
consists of low paying jobs with fee benefits and very little job security or possibility for future advancement
Functionalists view on the economy
the economy is a vital institution because it is the means by which needed goods and services are produced and distributed
Conflicts perspective on the economy
business cycles are the result of capitalist self interest
What one word sums up the political culture of the US
The Institution of Education
It is responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values
Functionalists view on the institution of education
teach the culture
conflicts view on the institution of education
teach the culture plus teach critical thinking
Conflict perspective on schools
Public schools often maintain social inequality by perpetuating class, racial-ethnic, & gender inequalities as some groups seek to maintain their privileged position at the expense of others.
Hidden curriculum
Upper & middle classes taught decision making & responsibility
•Lower classes taught to obey
•Credentialism—Upper classes have the credentials
•Females discouraged from taking math and science
Lower classes are taught not to be too creative, to adapt, to fit in . . .
•“Draw my tree.”
Medicine and Society in traditional culture
Medicine is a social institution that identifies & curesillness
Medicine and society in modern culture
Medicine is a social institution that identifies & cures illness and promotes health
Tenets of Holistic Medicine
•You are responsible for the state of your own health.
•Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being, not simply the absence of disease.
•Mind and body are an interdependent unit; disease results when stress disrupts the balance of this unit.
Most disease is at least partly a result of your own behavior, and therefore within your control.
•Illness provides an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
•A physician is only a guide, not a miracle worker; it’s up to you.
Functionalist perspective on health care
•Focus: Sick Role
•Physician’s Role
Conflicts perspective on health care
Focus: How social inequality affects health and medicine
•Capitalistic Societies
Symbolic interactionalist perspective on health care
Focus: How social inequality affects health and medicine
•Capitalistic Societies
According to the class, what is the most and least important thing in life?
most is being financially well off
least is influencing the political field
True or false and what percent
Most uninsured are poor unemployed minorities
58% say false
True false and what percent
Most uninsured children live in families whre no one works
90% say false
True False and what percent
Poor people receive adequate care in emergency rooms if they need health care
72 % say true
The phrase the purpose of education is to teach the existing culture and thats all is supported by
What percents says that labeling students as poor performers turns them into poor performers
91 say true