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76 Cards in this Set

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Two or more people who share the same norms, values, expectations and meet on a regular basis
Group of two
Group of three
Diffusion of Responsibility
The tenancy to feel that you do not need to respond/help the larger the group gets
Primary group
Small, face to face interaction, know the people, longer-lasting
Secondary group
Large, formal, impersonal, temporary and do not know every - all trying to meet a specific goal
Reference groups
A group that shares the same behaviors, values - that we look for guidance, try to match them
look upon more favorable, we are a part of this group
Loos upon less favorably, we are NOT a part of this group
Social Network
A web of social ties that links and individual to others
Glass Ceiling
Women feeling they can only go so far up the hierarchy ladder, and then feel they are “held back”
Peter Principle
A person rises to his/her own level of incompetence
the process of becoming increasingly bureaucratic
Iron Law of Oligarchy
the few that rule the many
Basic Scientific Management
people can be worked just like animals/machines - only limit is physical body/strength
Human Relations Approach
Take care of what workers care about, and the workers will increase production
Hawthorne Effect
people being watched will act differently than those who are not, may work harder, faster, etc.
Behavior that violates expected rules or norms in society
Violation of societal norms and rules written into public laws, subject to punishment
Victimless Crime
A crime that does not have a victim
Occupational (Professional)
A person who commits crime as a profession
White Collar
Tax evasion, embezzlement, committed by 1 person
Corporate Crimes
Illegal acts committed by executives to benefit themselves and their companies. Committed by 2 or more people
Transnational Crime
Committed across other countries
Merton’s Strain Theory
Based on judging people’s reactions to society’s goals and means
Power theory
power can actually cause deviance
Differential Justice

People treated differently based on the groups they are in

Feminist theorists
Focus on deviance and crime as a result of patriarchy
Feminization of poverty
children and their single, head of household mothers living in poverty in the highest numbers
Symbolic Interactionists
We learn deviance
Differential Association theory
It depends on the DIFFERENT people you ASSOCIATE with that determines your actions
Labeling theory
It is not the ACT that makes something deviant, but our reaction to it
Primary Deviance
The initial violation of a norm or law
Secondary Deviance
When the individuals have been labeled deviant
Most crime victims are
young, black, men living in poor neighborhoods in the inner city
Most offenders are
young, white, men living in poor neighborhoods in the inner city
Social control
Ways we try to prevent and react to behavior in society
Criminal Justice system is made up of these three groups
police, courts, and prisons
systematic attempt to kill all member of a particular group (political, religious, etc.)
Ethnic cleansing
systematic attempt to kill all member of a particual ethnic groups
the physical and social separation of dominatn and minority groups
the process of conforming to the culture of dominant grousp
all groups retaining own culture, but having equal standing in society
Largest minority group
Second largest minority group
African American
Fastest growing minority group
Asian American
Institutional Discrimination
denial of rights or opportunities and equal rights to individuals die to normal societal operations
belief that one race is superior to all others - the other are inferior
attitude, positive or negatice, about a person or group of people
behavior, positive or negative, about a person or group of people
Contact Hypothesis
changing peoples ideas about others one person at a time, at the same level
Intersectionality theory
race, class and gender cannot be divided from one another and must be taken into account together when looking at a person’s life experience – not just one without the others included
one of the main driving factors is The American Dream that children can pass their parents on the social class ladder.
Horizontal mobility
moving across the social class ladder
Vertical mobility
moving up or down the social class ladder
Intergenerational mobility
change in social class position between generations (parent vs. children)
Intragenerational mobility
change in social class position within a person’s lifetime
a group of people who share physical characterists such as skin color, facial features, etc.
Ethnic Group
people who identify with a common national origin or cultural heritage
Racial-ethnic group
combination of the above two
Dominant group
Have more power, opportunities, privledges
Minority group
Have less power, opportunities, privledges
The largest group living in poverty are
Conspicuous consumption
Material items and their meanings
Conspicuous leisure
Where you go and what you do
Symbolic Interactionists
Socieity’s create/construct meaning and we use ‘things’ and images to represent wealth/status.
All assets
Nothing but salary and wages
The ability to get your way
Respect, regard, recognition that you would give to anyone
Respect, regard, recognition for someone you personally know
Social Class
members of society are ranked in terms of wealth, power or privileged
Leadership styles
Authoritarian, democratic, charismatic
following a person who is an authority figure and complying with their demands
going along with the crowd
Recidivism rates
Have remained the same as those in 1980 where one-half of released prisoners have reoffended and are back in prison within 3 years of being released