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32 Cards in this Set

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Social Interaction

the process by which we act and react to those around us


the expected behaviors of people occupying particular social positions


The social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society

Social position

the social identity an individual has in a given group or society

Impression Management

preparing for the presentation of one’s social role

Front region

settings of social activity in which people seek to put on a definite “perfromance” for others

Back region

areas apart from front region performance, in which individuals are able to relax and behave informally

Social Group

a collection of people who regularly interact with one another on the basis of shared expectations about behavior and who share a common sense of a common identity (fraternity, sorority, class room, religious community)

Primary Group

characterized by intense emotional ties face-to-face interaction, intimacy, and a strong, enduring sense if commitment. (friendships, families) (tend to be very small)

Secondary Group

characterized by larger size and by impersonal, fleeting relationships (task orientated) (sports teams, workplace, college classroom)

Reference Group

A group that provides a standard for judging one’s attitudes or behaviors (other athletes, other mothers)

Formal Organization

designed to achieve its objectives by means of explicit rules, regulations, and procedures


A type of formal organization marked by a clear hierarchy of authority, and rules of procedures and officials


lifelong process through which people acquire norms and values and develop a sense of self

Social reproduction

passage of norms, values, and social practices from one generation to another through socialization

Symbolic interactionism

the interaction between human beings occurs through symbols and interpretation of meanings


Human thought processes involving perception, reasoning, and remembering


group of people living in a given territory governed by a common political authority and guided by a common culture


a group whose values and norms are distinct from the majority


process by which different cultures are absorbed into the mainstream culture


groups remain culturally distinct but share equally in economic and political life


* judging other cultures through the lens of one’s own culture
* Can lead to misrepresentations and unfair judgement

Cultural Relativism

judging other cultures by their own standards to understand them better

Generalized Other

the general values and moral rules of a given group or society (cannot take on role of multiple people at the same time) (soccer/baseball)

Gender Socialization

the learning of gender roles through social factors such as schooling, the media, and family

Gender Roles

social roles assigned to each sex and labeled as masculine or feminine


The process whereby Western Nations established their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories


Machine production based on inanimate power resources

Agent of Socialization

Group or social context within which socialization takes place

Social Role

Socially defined expectations of an individual in a given status or social position


The distinctive characteristics of a person's or group's character that relate to who they are and what is meaningful to them

Social identity

The characteristics that are attributes to an individual by others