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12 Cards in this Set

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Discuss in detail the complexity & diversity of experience of the Native American Indians Before the time of European contact & colonialism.

-Explain how Native Americans built their houses.

+Ex.) Mounds, Cliff houses, etc.

-Explain what they grew.

+Ex.) Corn, beans, squash.

-Explain what they ate.

-Reasons why they relocated.

+Ex.) Climate change, droughts.

Discuss the importance of European expansion & colonialism as it relates to the experience of the Native American Indian.

-Brought new crops.

+Ex.) Tomatos, potatos, hot peppers.

-Needed Native Americans for:

+Commercial trade.

+Political alliances.

+Fun trade & trapping.

Discuss some major historical aspects of the Native Americans during the Westward Expansion period. Integrate some unique qualities concerning Native American Treaties & Reservations into your discussion.

-Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 - U.S guaranteed the Black Hills of South Dakota as Lakota Country.

+After gold was discovered there.

+Supreme Court $17 million in compensation (1980), but denied it. Lakota wanted land back instead.

-Indian Removal Act of 1830 - 5 civilized tribes forced to move west of the Mississippi River.

+Tribes had to give consent but ******** moved them anyways.

+Trail of Tears.

-General Allotment (Dawes) Act of 1887 - Reducing the reservation. Government wanted more land. Reservations were divided into plots of land for tribal members.

-Indian Citizen Act of 1924 - Native Americans right to vote.

-Appropriations Act of 1871 - Tribes would no longer be recognized as separate nations.

Discuss how the concept of cultural genocide relates to the Native American Reservation experience. Include a discussion of the role of the BIA & management in the Native American Experience.

-Cultural Genocide = A way of achieving More dominance over Native Americans.

+A way of taking away their identity.

-Reservation schools (horrible).

+Incompetent teachers.

+Poor facility.

+Poor supplies.

+Clothing - Western.

Utilizing the Native American Indian experience, discuss the concept of the Identity Square & its variables.

-Culture: Specific Tribes.

+Languages & Dialects, Religion, Political organization.

-History: Within group.

+With European countries.

+With American government.

-Racial Characteristics: Physically identifiable.

-Gender: Culturally specific views of males & females.

+Often different from Europeans.

-Geographic Territory

+Differences based on location.

-NE, SE, Midwest, NW, SW.

In relationship to "Heterogeneity", "Differing Perspectives", & the "frames & lens" analogy, discuss the various major historical political strains in the Black American community.

-Frames & Lens: America is a diverse, heterogeneous society.

-1870: 15th Amendment: Guarantees the right to vote to all men of all races.

-1932-1972: Tuskegee Experiment: 399 African-Americans with syphilis.

-1954: Brown vs. Board of Education.

-1964: Civil Right Bill; 24th Amendment.

+Ended poll taxes, property & literacy tests.

Discuss the effects & realities of Black America during the Civil War, Reconstruction, & Post Reconstruction periods.

-During Civil War:

+Not paid as much as white soldiers.

+Those in the South were forced to fight.


+Free, but probably worse off.

+No jobs & no one wanted to hire them.

+If hired, it was cheap pay for labor.

+Had nowhere to stay because "master" had a place for them on their land,

+Many tried moving North for better job opportunities & better treatment.

-Post Reconstruction Period:

+Black disenfranchisement.

>Voting rights. >Literacy tests.

>Poll taxes. >Property tests.

From a historic perspective, discuss the social, psychological, & economic impacts of institution of American Slavery.

-Social Impacts:

+Powerlessness for slave.

>Lack of education. >Destruction of Native Culture & Language.

>Lack of opportunity. >Destruction of Political Development.

>Destruction of family.

-Psychological Impacts:

+Development of slave mentality.

+Loss of power, prestige, & pride.

+Breaking the spirit, enslaving the soul.

>Brutal force/terror, threat of pain.

>Threat of violence & death.

-Economic Impacts:

+Developing institution of slavery.

+Development of a culture & stratification system to justify the economic institution.

+Economic justification of Racist attitudes.

Using a backdrop of history, discuss the importance of major benchmarks concerning African Americans from the early 1900 through the 1970s.

-WWI: 370,000 black soldiers.

+Segregated units.

+Less racist world.

+After WWI, KKK membership increases.

-Migration Northward:

+Moved North, West, & Midwest.

>Better opportunities.

>More factory jobs.

>Less "racism".

-WWII: More jobs in war effort.

+Opportunities that did not exist before.

+Tuskegee Airmen: All Black 9th Squadron.

Utilizing the African-American experience discuss the concept of the Identity Square & its variables.

-Culture: Culture was "taken away".

-History: Slavery; subordinate group.

-Racial Characteristics: Different from Caucasian characteristics.

-Gender: Being a black woman sucked more than being a black man.

-Geographic Territory: Mostly in the South after taken away from Africa.

Utilizing the Domination Model of Race Relations, analyze the African-American Experience.

-Dominance over subordinate group in Maaaany ways.

Utilizing the Domination Model of Race Relations, analyze the Native American Indian Experience.

-Domination Model of Race Relations:

+Dominant Group control/power over Dominated (subordinate) group.

+Drew lines around themselves for separation (Segregation).

+Drew lines around Dominated group for separation (Divide & Conquer).

+Restricting contact between groups helped maintain dominance.