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20 Cards in this Set

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Juvinile equivilant of arrest, charge, trial, sentence

Take into custody, petition, adjudication, disposition

Purpose of Juvenile Justice System

To de-stigmitize

Peak Juvenile Violent Crime Time

Right after school


Symbolic Interactionism: Labeling Theory

Social Disorganization Theory

Structural Functionalism sub-theory; disorganized communities have more crime

Andrew Cho

Looked at Seattle ID, found that even though traditional measures of social organization seemed low, crime was low because people felt they were part of a community

Facially Race Neutral Policy

A policy that does not reference race but disproportionately effects a specific race

Determinate Sentencing

Sentencing based on previous offences and convicted crime, much less discretion given to judges/prosecuters than intermediate sentencing

Three Strikes Legislation

If a person has two prior previous convictions in state/federal court, one of which was a violent felony, and is convicted of an additional violent felony, they are sentenced to life in prison.

Bruce Western

Found that wages of ex-convicts deteriorate --not grow-- over time

LFO definition

Legal Financial Obligations

Kohler Housmann

Conflict theorist; claims that low level courts (misdemeanor) kick underclass down

Sampson and Laub

Conflict Theorists; Minority Threat sub-theory. Explained that minorities are treated punitively by majority through unequal treatment in JJS

Devah Pager

Symbolic Interactionist theorist; looked at how race and non violent drug charges impacted disirability to employers

Alexis Harris

Conflict theory: Observed that monetary sanctions are a punishment for being poor.

Who developed the strategy to criminalize anti-war and black rights activists?

Nixon and Regan

Best perspective for intended and unintended consequences of CJS

Structural Functionalism

Million Dollar Blocks

Census blocks with enough people imprisoned to cost the state $1 million

Matsueda and Crutchfield

Structural Functionalism; connected collective efficacy to crime in seattle

Status Offenses

Legal offenses only applicable to children