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22 Cards in this Set

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attribution error
erroneously attributing the causes of someone's behavior to only their membership in some out-group.
attribution theory
the principle that dispositional attributions are made about others (what the other is "really like") under certain conditions, such as out-group membership.
a type of formal organization characterized by an authority hierarchy, a clear division of labor, explicit rules, and impersonality.
coercive organization
an organization characterized by membership that is largely voluntary.
a group consisting of two people.
expressive needs
needs for intimacy, companionship, and emotional support.
formal organization
a large secondary group organized to accomplish a complex task or set of tasks.
a collection of individuals who interact and communicate, share goals and norms, and who have a subjective awareness of "we".
group size effect
the effect upon a person of groups of varying sizes.
the tendency for group members to reach a consensus at all costs.
instrumental needs
emotionally neutral, task-oriented (goal-oriented) needs.
normative organization
an organization that people join in order to pursue goals they consider worthwhile.
primary group
a group characterized by intimate, face-to-face interaction and relatively long-lasting relationships.
reference group
any group (to which one may or may not belong) used by the individual as a standard for evaluating her or his attitudes, values and behaviors.
risky shift
the tendency for group members, after discussion and interaction, to engage in riskier behavior than they would while alone.
secondary group
a group that is relatively large in number and not as intimate or enduring as a primary group.
social network
a set of links between individuals or other social units such as groups or organizations.
total institution
an organization cut off from the rest of society in which individuals are subject to strict social control.
a group consisting of three people.
triadic segregation
the tendency for a triad to separate into a dyad and an isolate.
utilitarian organization
an organization, either profit or nonprofit, that is joined by individuals for specific purposes, such as monetary reward.
voluntary organization
organizations that people join to pursue goals they consider personally worthwhile.