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46 Cards in this Set

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The systematic study of social behavior of individuals, the operations of social groups, organizations, cultures and societies and the influence of social groups, organizations, cultures and societies on individuals
biography, history, private troubles, public issues, social catagories, enviornment
sociological imagination
microcosim, adolescence is a crucial period, power structures formed that will later influence society
high school
the idea that an integrated system in which each element or pattern of behavior contributes to the social system, interdependance and functions and disfunctions
structural functionalism
struggle over scarce recourses, coercion, authority, persuasion problems and between classes, parties, status groups, etc (competition)
process of give and take in whcih individuals come to form definitions of the situations in which they find themselves - like wearing polo, situations defined as real are real in their consequencecs, looking glass self - perceptions based on what other people think of you
symbolic interactionist
collection of individual actors persuing self interest, yielding social structures through establishment of regulatory and distruibutional institutions and norms of action, seeking greatst gain
exchange theory
a web of relationships through which resources are exchanged, emergent social structures and norms - cliques and clusters, symbols, materials, emotions
Network Exchange
subject to verification by observation or experiment
new and unfamiliar occurances ex. war, economics, political conflict, family structure, college
when you know exactly what will happen to you so you kill yourself - ex. someone in prison or slavery
willing to die for good of whole societies ex. police officers
usually people who are alone - elderly and single people who kill themselves
people who are most likely to commit egoistic suicide (besides elderly)
protestant single males
when one does not perform a test in order to avoid harmful things to participants of social research - ex. phsyical harm, psychological harm, reputational harm
ethnical concerns
unbaised but rarely is ever true
attitudinal objectivity
do we measure what we wanted to measure
would another observer "see" what we see
to see how the social world works
basic research
to seek to change the social world
applied research
focused on relationships between variables, on counting and numbers
focused on similarities and differences between and among cases
focused on how all instances of some phenomenon have common features, story teling
when someone being observed is aware that they are being obvserved ex. Milner
when someone is being observed but is unaware of that fact ex. never been kissed
using data that has already been connected and analyses it for teh researcher
secondary analysis
what was actually meant - qualitative
what was said - quantitative
made up of CULTURE and SOCIAL STRUCTURE a relatively eslf contained and organized group of people interacting under some common political authority within a geographic area
shared knowledge, beliefs, values, and rules about behavior that exist within a society
ideas, time, beauty, (macro-subjective) cultural beliefs, cultural values, cultural norms
non material culture
physical things (macro-objective)
material culture
things that happen when you break or follow the norms - reward or punishment (formal by people of authority and informal by people on the same level or lower than you)
groups holding some values, beliefs and ideas in addition to or in contrast to that of the wider society
a form of subculture, sets of ideas and beliefs which stand in almost total opposition to the dominant society
believing your culture is superior to all others - inferior if you dont believe what they do
making an effort to understand other culturs and evaluating it as folks and beliefs
culture relativism
the world we "see" is influenced by the words that we have to describe it - ex. eskimos and thier 9 words for snow and women getting offended by being called girly
Sapier - Whorf Hypothesis
World Systems, Societies, Institutations, Organizations
Groups (primary and secondary), Tyrad, Dyad, Individual Status
a recognized position within a group or society
a born status - ex. family, wealth, gender
something you have done to get - ex. athlete, criminal, college student
the rights and responsibilities associated with a status - expectations attached to a status
when one ore more of the sets of expectations occupy conflict - ex. a smart athlete
role conflict
when the expectations of a particular status conflict - the student role - to be "academic" but also to "have the time of your life"
role strain