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44 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics: Gram (+) bacillus, spore forming, anaerobic.
Bacteria: Clostridium tetani
S/S: tetany (muscle spasms), lock jaw.
-Vaccine available, requires boosters q 10 years.
-80-90% fatal
name of tetanus toxin
Characteristics: gram (+), catalase positive, staphylococci, aureus.
S/S: impetigo, boils; rare: pnx with 80% fatality, infrequently causes osetomyelitis
Staphylococcus aureus
Differiental test to tell if bacteria is S. epidermidis or S. Aureus; only S. Aureus can coagulate the clotting factors in plasma
A surface protein of S. aureus that binds human Abs by the Fc end resulting in bacterium that appears on the surface to be the host (prevents acquired immunity from developing)
protein A
Toxins produced by S. aureus that destroy RBCs
Toxins produced by S. aureus that destroy WBCs
Enzyme secreted by S. aureus that clots the blood near infected site to form abscess
Enzyme secreted by S. aureus that protects the bacteria from lysosomal reactive O2 compounds
term for pus forming
Toxin secreted by some strains of S. aureus that causes desquamaton or denuding; common in newborns; aka scalded skin syndrome
Characteristics: Gram (+) bacillus, spore former, anaerobe.
Bacteria: Bacillus anthracis
S/S: hemorrhaging, boils and bloody diarrhea
-Only a few US cases a year (cattle to human)
-80% mortality rate
-vaccine available
3 qualities that make Anthrax primary candidate for biological warfare
1. survival in nature (100 years in soil)
2. potential for spread (billions of spores easily)
3. severity of infection resulting from exposure
Characteristics: Rod shaped, doesn't stain by Gram's, slowest advancing of all bacterial diseases known
Bacteria: Mycobacterium leprae
S/S: hypersensitivity, destroys neurons, bone and skin, lesions
TX: dapsone for 2+ years
-Incubation time of 2-10 years
Hansen's disease aka leprosy
Form of leprosy in which hypersensitivity does not develop; organisms multiply to great numbers in mucous and tissues
lepromatous leprosy
What is the only way to cx M. leprae?
By using the nine-banded armadillo as a host
Characteristics: Gram (+) bacillus, anaerobe, spore forming
Bacteria: C. perfingens
S/S: lesion that become green and then black, distinct odor
TX: amputation
gas gangrene
Characteristics: B-hemolytic, Group D strep, normal flora of gut
Bacteria: E. faecalis
Causes of infection: intestinal perferation, GSW.
-Highly resistant to ABT (think VRE)
Enterococcus faecalis
What percentage of people in the hospital are carriers of staph?
How are pyogenic staph infections primarily treated
by draining the pus
How stable to temp is S. aureus?
Neither freezing nor food warming will kill it
Characteristics: large virion c mutilayered surface, complex structure, DNA, only virus eradicated, concern for bioterrism
-downfall of Roman empire and Aztecs
-historically death rate of 50%
Small pox
Characteristics: bullet shaped virions, enveloped, RNA, transmitted from rabid animals
S/S: initially tingling at bite site, fever, headaches, hydrophobia
TX: vaccination even p bite
-targets CNS
-s/s can take 6wks to several months to show, but death is inevitable when s/s present.
black inclusions in the brain tissue of an animal that indicates rabies infection
negri bodies
Characteristics: naked virions, DNA virus
Virus: papilloma
TX: surgical removal, freezing with nitrogen
-70 types of papilloma now known
Characteristics: enveloped virions, icosahedral nucleocapsid, DNA, hallmark of latency and recurrence, numerous variations
Herpes viruses
Primary infection consists of gingivostomatities; herpes labialis in the recurrent infections; most children infected by age 5; 95 % of all people infected with 20% having recurrent disease
Herpes Simplex I (HSV I)
Three things that can cause cold sores r/t HSV I
stress, UV light, some cosmetics
Latent viral infection of the eye.
S/S: gritty sensation, conjunctivitis, sensitivity to light and sharp pain
Herpes keratitis
Herpes that infects the brain; can cause brain disorders and death
Herpes encephalitis
HSV infection common in wrestlers from mat burns
Herpes gladitorium
S/S include high fever for 3-5 days with a rash called roseola occurring in 10% of cases; sz in 1%,90 % of children have been infected by age 2; transmission: saliva
Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6)
HHV6 primarily infects what two cells of the immune system?
T lymphocytes and macrophages (latent in macrophages)
strongly associated with Kaposi's sarcoma; isolated from saliva and semen; primarily found in homosexual males
Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV8)
Where do herpes viruses replicate?
In cell's nucleus
Term for skin diseases caused by fungus
Term for fungus that cause skin diseases
Characteristics: molds, cause chronic infections, infect external skin (hair and nails too)
Molds: Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton
S/S: round raised areas with intense itching
ringworm of foot
tinea pedis aka athlete's foot
ringworm of hair/scalp
tinea capitis
ringworm of groin
tinea cruris aka jock itch
ringworm of nails
tinea unguium
Characteristics: yeast, acute onset, may become chronic, infects mucosal surfaces
Fungus: candida
-confirmed by sugar fermentation
-present in normal flora
-common after broad spectrum ABT
Characteristics: dimorphic fungus
Fungus: Sporothrix schenkii
S/S: purplish, pus-filled lesions at site, progress up lymphatic drainages
TX: potassium iodide
-grows on plants, wood, and straw, infects through puncture wounds
Sporotrichosis aka rose thorn disease