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26 Cards in this Set

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Which philosophers were concerned with Semantics and what they were concerned with ?

John Locke, Sanders Piere and Charles Morris were concerned with the science of signs which they called Semiotics

What are they the tree fields of study in Semiotics according to Charles Morris ?

Syntax ( the relation of one sign to another ), Semantics ( the relation of signs to objects they represent ), Pragmatics ( the study of signs according to their interpreters).

Ancient philosophers were alson concerned with Semantics. What are the two types of meaning that Aristotle and Democritus distinguished btw ?

Aristotle distinguished btw Grammatical Meaning and Lexical Meaning. While Democritus distinguished btw polysemy ( one word has multiple meaning Eg. Bank ) and synonymy ( multiple words has the same meaning Eg. Talk and Speak ).

What century the term Semantics appeared and who was the linguist that used it first ?

The term Semantics appeared in the late 19th century from a greek word meaning to signify it was first used by the linguist bearl in 1883 and his diff of Semantics was the science of meaning and he was mainly concerned with the historical development of the meaning of words.

Why Semantics was neglected by modern linguists?

Because the term was not sth static or restricted to be studied in a scientific way, the meanings are alws changing Therefore the cannot have a static description like the description of the sound P for Eg. The reality is that we cannot study any lge w/t dealing with meaning.

Why Semantics changed its orientation?

Because of Jast Trier's theory of semantic fields, went from a historical study to the study of the inner structure of words.

What is meaning ?

Meaning is defined as the sense that a word or a group of word convey.

How many definitions Ogden and Richard gave in their book of the word " Meaning " ?

They gave a list of 22 definitions because there are contraversies regarding its definition.

What is the Grammatical Meaning ?

Is the relationship that may be said to exist between elements such as the words within a sentence.

What is the Lexical Meaning ?

Is the sense a speaker attaches to Lx elements as symbols of actual objects ( founf in Dictionary and based on the relationship btw a word and the object it represents ).

What are we concerned with in Semantics ?

We are concerned with the meaning of words and sentences. Eg. A list of word like ( opened, mary, window ) cannot have a meaning unless put together in a structure. Eg. Mary opened the window.

What is Semantics ?

Semantics is part of Grammar in its large sense and its shared by all speakers because it deals with the definitions found in the dictionary.

What is Pragmatics ?

It is not shared by all like Semantics because it deals with how different speakers interpret the meaning. Eg. The "early" for me is not the "early" for you. Pragmatics depends on specific situations therefore we will be concerned with the meaning shared by all ( semantics ) because any speaker can give new meaning to words.

What is a lexeme ?

Lexeme is the basic unit in semantics and the notion of word which is most useful. They are identified as items of meaning and they are the head-words of dictionary entrees.

Lexeme is one kind of word that is to be opposed to other kinds of words. What are the other kinds of words ?

1st kind is orthographic words: words distinguished by their spelling. Eg. Judgment & Judgement are two orthographic words.

2nd kind is phonological words: words that are distinguished by their pronunciation. Eg. Garage & Garage.

3rd kind is word forms or grammatical variants: Eg. Boy, boys, boy's, boys'.

4th kind is lexemes: head-words because they are regarded as the base forms of the words from which other word forms are to be derived.

Sentence in Semantics

It's being used in its abstract sense as the largest unit of syntactic description identity of its realization. Also it is spoken or written text as opposed to pragmatics, it is interpreted or descriped.

What are the two approaches of Semantics ?

First approach studies lge in relation to the world. It was used by philosophers and logicions.

Second approach studies lge in terms of how words are related to each other to form a system. It's used by linguists therefore we will concentrate on this more.

What is denotation ?

The aspect of meaning which relates the word or lexeme and the external world to the lge system. It is concerned with how lge represents the outside world.

John Lyons used denotatum to refer to what ?

To refer to particular classes of individuals. Also, these classes have other individuals called denotata. Eg. The class of Cows is the denotatum and denotata is a particular member of that class.

Denotatum & denotata

Are both used to produce denotative meaning

What are the two notions that help us understand denotation and know class membership ?

Extension & Intension

What is Extension?

It is all the individuals that exist in a particular class.

What is Intension ?

Essential properties that characterizes or qualifies these individuals of the class.

What is the rule of being a class member ?

To be a class member you should have a physical existence and shared properties.

Example of Extension?

For Eg. The extension of class of Girl is Sarah, Omaima, Khadija... they are all class members ( denotata ).

Example of Intention?

For Eg. The Intension of the Extension Sarah, Omaima, Khadija is Female, Non-adult, human being... these are shared properties ( Intension ).