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19 Cards in this Set

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Define dominant traits

An inherited trait that shows up in offspring

Define recessive trait

An inherited trait that shows up in the offspring only if both parents passed on the genes for the trait

when mixed with genes for a dominant trait, recessive traits do not show up in the offspring

Define asexual reproduction

The formation of a new individual from a single organism

Define sexual reproduction

Reproductive process involving two sexes or mating types, and resulting in offspring with a combination of genes from both parents

Define bacterial conjugation

The direct transfer or genetic material (DNA) from one bacterial cell to another

Define mitosis

The process by which genetic material is duplicated and divided so that the two new cells have identical sets of chromosomes

Define meiosis

The formation of the gametes by which genetic material is duplicated and divided so that each gamete has half the number of chromosomes of a somatic cell

Define variation

Differences in living things

What are the pros and cons of asexual production?


Requires less energy

Higher quantity of offspring

Fast reproduction rate


No variation

What are the pros and cons of sexual reproduction?




Slower reproduction rate

Lower quantity of offspring at a time

What are some examples of dominant traits?

Brown hair, brown eyes, curly hair are all dominant

What are some examples of recessive traits?

Blonde hair, blue eyes, straight hair are all recessive traits

What is mitosis used for?

Mitosis can be used by somatic cells (body cells) in order to repair and grow parts of the body

What is meiosis used for?

Meiosis is a process needed to produce gametes. (sperm and egg cells)

Why is variation important?

Variation is important because if some organisms don’t have immunity to something, they would all die. However, if there is variety, some organisms would have immunity, so at least some organisms would survive. Meiosis, or sexual reproduction causes variation to occur. Mutations can cause variation because a mutation is a change in DNA, so it would make DNA even more different.

Name the 4 components of DNA

Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), Adenine (A), Thymine (T)

Name the 4 components of DNA

Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), Adenine (A), Thymine (T)

Which components of DNA always group together?

Cytosine and Guanine (C+G) and Adenine and Thymine (A+T)

Organism that can produce both sexually and asexually and what circumstances would this organism need to produce sexually or asexually?

The fungi rhizopus ( best of both worlds paragraph on textbook) can reproduce asexually using spores and sexually using zygospores, the method they use depends on the condition they are in ( I’m 98% sure of the next part ) if they are in good conditions they will reproduce asexually because they don’t need variation or to adapt, but if the conditions are bad they will reproduce sexually so there is offspring with variation and some of them will survive the changes in the environment