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9 Cards in this Set

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The average of all weather conditions through all seasons over a period of time


The climate of a very small area

El Nino

A short-term climate change that occurs every two to ten years - when water in the Pacific Ocean becomes warmer near the equator

greenhouse effect

Process by which the Earth's atmosphere absorbs heat

global warming

The hypothesized rise in Earth's average temperature from excess carbon dioxide

La Nina

When water in the Pacific Ocean becomes cooler by the equator

greenhouse gases

Gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide that do what the roof of a greenhouse does. Earth's surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, Earth's surface cools, releasing the heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth a warm and cozy 59 degrees Fahrenheit, on average.

Three ways land resources are used

Homes, farmland, parks

List three ways you can protect land resources

Reduce, reuse, recycle (the three R's of waste management)