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79 Cards in this Set

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Organs that function in support, storage, and in movement of water and nutrients

Cell Walls

An extracellular structure which in plants is composed of cellulose microfibrils and macrofibrils, hemicellulose and pectin and which functions as support


A semi-autonomous organelle which functions in the conversion of light energy to chemical energy in a process known as photosynthesis

Clade Archaeplastida

Organisms unite by the possession of a chloroplast in addition to shared characteristics with the Domain Eukarya

Domain Eukarya

Organisms sharing common features with Eubacteria and Archaea and unique characteristics of a nucleus and organelles

Domains of life

Organisms sharing the characteristics of a semi-permeable membrane, ribosomes, cytosol and chromosomes; includes Eubacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

Endosymbiotic Theory

The Semi-autonomous organelles originated as engulfed prokaryotic cells that now live symbiotically with host cells


A Semi-autonomous organelle which functions in the conversion of chemical energy through cellular respiration

Crossing over

A process of genetic recombination that occurs during meiosis through the physical exchange of DNA strands within chromosome arms


A process of reproductive cell, gamete, production that creates 4 daughter cells which are genetically unique from each other and from the mother cell


Randomly occurring nucleotide changes in DNA due to mistakes in DNA synthesis or repair


Multiple sets of chromosomes arising from more than one species


Multiple sets of chromosomes arising from within a species


A systematic designation grouping organisms based on phylogeny


A systematic approach to taxonomy with common ancestry, phylogeny, as the primary criterion


A systematic designation grouping organisms with similar evolutionary complexity


The evolutionary history of a species or group


The complete base chromosome number of a species, commonly represented as n


Multiple sets of the base chromosome number n

Reproductive isolation

Cumulative changes among members of a population that limit or stop gene flow


The process by which one species splits into 2 due to accumulated genetic changes

Species - Biological

a group of populations which can mate in nature and produce viable offspring; boundary is fertile offspring


methodologies of classifying organisms and determining evolutionary relationships


Scientific discipline of naming and classifying organisms

Alternation of generations

a life cycle in which there is both a multicellular diploid form, the sporophyte, and a multicellular haploid form, the gametophye; Characteristic of plants and some algae


Referring, forming, or belonging to a bottom layer or base


Describing an organism living wholly inside a host in a form of mutualism or symbiosis


multicellular plant structures in which gametes are formed in higher plants


Referring to the haploid generation in the life cycle of plants and produces gametes via mitosis


Having only one type of physically differentiable reproductive spore

Primary endosymbiosis

A theory of evolution where mitochondria are descended from cyanobacteria engulfed by an ancient Eukaryotic cell

Secondary endosymbiosis

ancient red and green algae (eukaryotes) were engulfed by other eukaryotes and became endosymbionts


Multicellular plant structures in which spores are formed in higher plans


Referring to the diploid generation in the life cycle of plants and produces spores, via meiosis

Double fertilization

The concept which describes how one sperm cell unites with the egg to form a zygote and the other sperm cell unites with the polar nuclei to form a triploid endosperm


union of haploid gametes to create a diploid embryo of zygote


physically differentiable spoes fromed from gender sporangium producing gendered gametophytes


the movement of pollen from the microsporopytic to the megasporophytic tissues in plants


A process in plants where seeds develop without fertilization from a non-egg cell


Formed in an unusual anatomical position


A storage stem, usually wit highly compacted phytomers and thickened storage leaves


an underground stem specialized for asexual reproduction


an above ground stem specialized for asexual reproduction


A derived character 'away or apart' from the ancestral character, and evolutionary novelty

Character states

2 forms of a character, i.e. petal color (yellow,, pink, red) or leaf shape (lanceolate or ovate)


Observation based features or attributes of a taxa(-on) that help delimit the attributes of that taxa(-on)


A branching diagram that represents e evolutionary pattern of lineage descent along a representative time scale


The arrangement of taxa into some type of order for cataloging and expressing relationships among taxa


A pair of contrasting statements, leads, based on contrasting states which delineate taxa

Dichotomous key

A series of hierarchical couplets which aid in the identification of a collected specimen


associating a collected sample with he known taxa based on description of characters, or realizing the collected sample fits no known sample


one of 2 contrasting statements within a couplet within a dichotomous key designed to aid in taxa identification


descent through time and generations creates a set of organisms interconnected by the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring


a component of evolution referring to a change in the genetic material that is transferred from parent to offspring arising though mutation or recombination

Monophyletic group

A group of organisms derived from a common ancestor and all and only descendants of that common ancestor


The form of a living organism


Formal naming of a taxa using a standardized system, usually binomial scientific names where each taxa is unique

Paraphyletic group

a group of organisms containing a common ancestor but not all descendants


A means of classification based on overall similarities between taxa


formal naming of taxa using a standardized system, usually binomial scientific names, each taxa unique

polyphyletic group

A group of organisms containing more than one common ancestor or the descendants of more than on ancestor


Through crossing over, parental genes and alleles are shuffled into new combinations


a defined or delimited group of individuals at a particular rank


Asexual mode of seed formation that produces clonal progeny with maternal genotype

Diachonic species

A group of species which span a period of time


The formation of 2 or more separate lineages from one common ancestor, aka evolutionary divergence or diversification

Gene flow

transfer of genetic material from parents to offspring through sexual and asexual reproduction

Gene lineage

the tokogenetic history of a particular allele or gene copy


Sexual reproduction between 2 forms (population, species of infaspecies) creating a species, lineage unique to progenitors

incipient speciation

incomplete evolutionary speciation where intermating may still occur


a subspecies level of classification sowing minor or integrating morphological characters


describing morphological characters not cleanly delineated; pass into another form by a series of intervening forms


limited gene flow occurring soon after lineage split

Phylogenic relationship

Between groups of individuals occurring at a given point in time


Research that works to tease apart relationships amongst genotypes within a species or closely related species and correlates it to spatial distribution

Species - Taxonomic

smallest group of individuals that are similar to one another in one or more features and different from other such groups

Species complex

a group of closely related species of infraspecies

synchronic Species

A group of species hat live as contemporaries, in the sane period of time

Tokogenetic relationship

Relationship between individuals in an ancestral-descendant lineage