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175 Cards in this Set

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Columbus discovered the new world in what year?
Who was the first European to reach what is not the mainland of the United States?
Juan Ponce De Leon
Juan Ponce De Leon of Spain discovered Florida in what year?
What was Ponce De Leon looking for when he accidentally discovered Florida?
The Fountain of Youth
The Spainiards planted the first permanent European setllement in what city in Florida in 1565?
St. Augustine
Who claimed part of North America for England in 1497?
John Cabot
In 1585, England had become a Protestant country. This meant that people could freely read which book?
The Bible
Who ordered that a Bible be placed in every church?
Queen Elizabeth I
Who did Queen Elizabeth give permission to begin a colony in America?
Walter Raleigh
Walter Raleigh sent two sea captains to search for land for him. What island did they find?
What was the part of the New World that the sea captains explored called?
Queen Elizabth I was also known as the what?
The Virgin Queen
How many times did Sir Walter Raleigh send people to begin a colony on Roanoke Island before it was successful?
Two times
What was the name of the first English child to be born in America?
Virgina Dare
Who was the governor of the Roanoke Colony?
John White
If the colonists needed to leave the island, what were they instructed to do to let people know where they went?
Carve a message on a tree explaining where they had gone.
Who was the King of Spain?
King Phillip
Spain was preparing to go to war with England using their powerful naval fleet. What was it called?
Spanish Armada
In what year did England defeat Spain?
John White returned to the colony after 3 years because he had to stay to help England with the war with Spain. He went to the tree where the settlers carved messages. What word was carved into the tree?
What was the name of another island where friendly indians lived?
Because most of the settlers left Roanoke, what was the nickname that Roanoke was better known as?
The Lost Colony
In the example "3000 B.C.", what does B.C. stand for?
Before Christ
In the example "2000 A.D." what does A.D. stand for?
Anno Domini
What does Anno Domini mean?
In the year of our Lord
A graph that is used to show events in their correct order is called a what?
A timeline
In what year did Queen Elizabeth I die?
Who took over as ruler of England after Queen Elizabth I died?
King James I
Name 4 goals King James I had for the New World.
Find a sea passage through America to the riches of the Indies; to find gold, silver, and other valuable minerals; find the people of the Lost Colony of Roanoke; to teach American Indians about Christianity.
A group of English Merchants got together and obtained a charter from King James I to start settlements in America. What was the name of their group?
The London Company
In what month/year did three small ships sail into the Chesapeake Bay looking to establish a new English settlement?
April 1607
What was the name of the three ships?
The Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery.
From the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, they sailed into a river. The colonists names the river the _____ River.
What was the name of the first permanent English settlement?
Because they picked a swampy area that had few gardens and mosquitos that carried malaria, only about a ______ of the colonists survived after the first year.
Later on in 1608, who took over control of Jamestown?
Captain John Smith
What rule did Captain John Smith put in place to make sure everyone worked hard on the colony?
"He that will not work shall not eat".
The winter of 1609-1610 was so difficult that the colonists called it what?
"The Starving Time"
By the spring how many colonists were still alive out of the 500 colonists that remained?
About 60
Who would later become Jamestown's first governor?
Lord De La Warr
After Lord De La Warr, who became in charge of Jamestown?
Governor Dale
What new system did Governor Dale institute to give colonists personal incentives for their work?
Free Enterprise System
What did the Free Enterprise System allow men to do?
It allowed them to have land of their own and to raise crops for personal profit.
In order to build more families in Jamestown, what did the London Company do in 1619?
They sent 90 women to become wives for some of the men at Jamestown
In what year did a Dutch ship bring the first blacks to Virginia?
What is an indentured servant?
A person who worked several years for a landowner or craftsman and then became free colonists.
Define the Church of England
King James I claimed to be the head of the church as well as the head of the government.
A group of believers who were distressed about the government's interference in religious affairs. They felt the Church of England was not being true to the Bible.
What country did the Separatists move to where they could have religious freedom?
When the Separatists got permission to go to America so they could establish a colony of their own, they boarded a ship called The ___________.
The Mayflower sailed to the New World in what month and year?
September 1620
As strangers bound for a strange land, these passengers of the Mayflower would become known as ________.
Who was the captain of the Mayflower?
Captain Christopher Jones
Although the Pilgrims planned on landing in "__________ _________", the storms had pushed them off course and they ended up at the shores of ____ ____, __________.
Nothern Virginia; Cape Cod, Massachusetts
What was the name of the first written agreement for self-government in America?
Mayflower Compact
The Pilgrims enjoyed their own government and chose their own governor. What is the name of this government and who was their governor?
Self-Government; John Carver
About 40 men signed the Mayflower Compact. When was it signed?
November 21, 1620
Who was the minister who preached to the Pilgrims?
Elder Brewster
Before leaving England, the Pilgrims hired Captain ______ _____________ to help them deal with the Indians and build a settlement.
Miles Standish
Captain Standish and some of the Pilgrims found a settlement called __________.
A place that would serve as a home, fort, and church for the people of Plymouth for that winter.
Common House
Name of the first American Indian who came to the Pilgrims and introduced himself to them?
Name of the American Indian who had been to England who also spoke English very well.
Name of the chief of the Wampanoag tribe.
Name of the American Indian who stayed with the Pilgrims who taught them how to trap game, plant corn, and how to fertilize the ground with fish to make it more fertile?
After Governor Carfer passed away, the Pilgrims elected a new Governor. He became Governor and remained in that position for most of the next 36 years. What was his name?
William Bradford
What was the name of the book that William Bradford wrote that told us much of what we know about the Pilgrims?
Of Plymouth Plantation
After the harvest of ______, the Pilgrims set aside a day of Thanksgiving to God. This was the first Thanksgiving.
What year did the Pilgrims offer Thanksgiving to God because through their prayers and fasting, God provided rain to save their crops.
Name the 13 original colonies.
Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Name the New England Colonies.
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island
What was the name of the group of Christians who disagreed with the Church of England, who also wanted to purify it from un-Scriptural teaching and practice?
In 1629, a group of Puritan businessmen with religious motives requested a charter for land in America. What was the name of their company?
Massachusetts Bay Company
Name the king that granted the charter to the Massachusetts Bay Company.
King Charles I
In 1630, about 2000 Puritans had settled in the New World. Name the colony that they formed.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, what was the name of the largest town?
Later when Plymouth joined the Massachusetts Bay Colony, they later changed to name of the colony to what?
Name the strong and godly leader of the Puritans who was also very generous.
Governor John Winthrop
What nickname did the American Indians give to John Winthrop for being a truthful man?
"Single Tongue"
From 1630-1640, more than 20,000 Puritans came to New England in what became known as the "______ __________".
Great Migration
Governor John Winthrop said their colony was an example of Christian society to the rest of the world. What did he descrive it as?
"A city upon a hill"
Name the Puritan Minister from Massachusetts who gave the world a fine example of Christian evangelism in his ministry to the Indians of New England.
John Eliot
In 1647, Massachusetts passed a law whose purpose was to make sure children were educated in the knowledge of the Scriptures (something Satan does not want us to do). This act established the first public school system in America. What was the name of the law?
Ole' Deluder Satan Act
Name the paddle shaped board that had a sheet of paper attached to it that contained the Alphabet and the Lord's Prayer.
After children memorized the hornbook, they read a book that contained lists of words, prayers, poems about Bible stories, and short stories about honesty, obedience, and dligence. Name the book.
The New England Primer
For over 150 years, millions of American children learned to read from the New England Primer. After mastering the primer, they would begin to read two other books. Name them.
The Bible and Pilgrim's Progress
In 1636, the Puritans founded the first college in the colonies to train ministers to preach the gospel. Name it.
Harvard College
A missionary to the American Indians was also a Puritan preacher in Massachusetts. He did a lot to bring about relgious freedom in America. Name him.
Roger Williams
Roger Williams fled to the wilderness when he was asked to leave Massachusetts. He later established a small town near the mouth of the Blackstone River in Narragansett Bay. Name the town.
Why did Roger Williams name the town Providence?
In recognition of God's care and provision
Why did more colonists go to Providence?
For complete religious freedom
Roger Williams helped found the first Baptist church in America in what year?
Providence grew larger and and Roger Williams decided to set it up as an official British colony. He obtained a charter in 1644 creating the colony named _______ __________ and ____________ ______________.
Rhode Island, Providence Plantation
Name the colony that became the first one to offer complete religious freedom?
Rhhode Island
In 1623, English fisherman and loggers established a settlement on the Atlantic Coast and also moved farther inland. What did it later become known as?
New Hampshire
In 1629, England granted a portion of New Hampshire to an English explorer of New England. Name him.
John Mason
What year did the King of England make New Hampshire a separate colony?
John Mason named New Hampshire after a place where he lived in England. What was the name of this place?
Hampshire County
In the early 1630s, English colonists began to settle west of Rhode Island along a river which the American Indians called Quinnehtukqut. What did the name mean?
"Place of the long river"
This land was very fertile and it attracted other settlers to the area. What did they finally name it?
In 1636, a Puritan preacher from the Massachusetts Bay Colony led his congregation to Connecticut. Name him.
Thomas Hooker
Thomas Hooker established the first major settlement in Connecticut. Name it.
Representatives of the towns in Connecticut met at Hartford in 1639 and adopted a document that is usually considered to be the first written constitution in America. Name it.
Fundamentla Orders of Connecticut
Puritan Churches in New England were later called what?
Congregational churches
Name the Middle Colonies
New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
In 1609 Henry Hudson was an English Explorer who set sail to find a shortcut to Asia for the Dutch Trading Company. What was the name of his ship?
Half Moon
Instead of finding the shortcut to Asia, what did Henry Hudson find instead?
Southern New York
In 1609, a Frenchman sailed down from Quebec and explored what is now northern New York. What was his name?
Samuel de Champlain
What were the three countries that claimed New York?
Holland, England, France
What was the name of the group that the Dutch government established to encourage people to come to the New World?
West India Company
In what year did the Dutch by Manhattan Island from the Indians?
What was the name of the settlement that was later built on Manhattan Island?
New Amsterdam
What was Manhattan Island later called (when it became a colony)?
New Netherland
The West India Company granted land along a river to wealthy men who came to New Netherland and established large estates. In return, each wealthy man was to transport 50 people to the New World to settle on his land. What was the name of this system?
Patroon system
In what year did New Netherland surrender to England?
Who was the governor of New Netherland when it surrendered to England?
Peter Stuyvesant
What did the British change the name of New Amsterdam to?
New York City
What did the British change the name of New Netherland to?
New York
Who was New York named after?
The Duke of York
What was Delaware named after?
The Governor of Virginia: Lord De La Warr
In what year did settlers from Sweden arrive and build a fort beside the Delaware River?
What was the name of this Fort and who was it named after?
Fort Christina; Sweden's 12-year-old queen
The Swedes established the first successful European settlement in what is now Delaware, calling the surrounding area _____ _________.
New Sweden
Swedish settlers built the first ____ ________ in America. They were sturdy buildings they had developed in the forests of their Scandinavian homeland.
log cabins
_____ explorers discovered what would become the colony of Pennsylvania when they sailed up the Delaware River in 1615.
In what year did the Dutch surrender all their colonies over to England?
What name did the Quaker religion call itself?
Society of Friends
Members of the Society of Friends were called what?
The King of England gave William Penn a grant of land in America where he would start a colony for the Quakers. What did the king name the new colony?
What did Pennsylvania mean?
Penn's Woods
True of False: Pennsylvania was named after William Penn.
False; William Penn's Father
As Governor of Pennsylvania, William Penn purchased land from the local Indians to build a settlement. What was the name of the settlement (city)?
What does Philadelphia mean?
City of Brotherly Love
What country's people were mistakenly referred to as the "Pennsylvania Dutch"?
The Germans (Deutsch)
What notable group of Germans came to Pennsylvania in 1740?
Moravians followed the teaching of which Reformation Leader?
John Huss of Bohemia
Moravians were gifted in what?
Who was the great leader of the Moravians?
Count von Zinzendorf
Count von ZInzendorf founded a Moravian settlement in what city of Pennsylvania?
Which two nations began the first permanent settlements in New Jersey?
Holland and Sweden
After the Duke of York took over New Jersey, it was split into two parts and handed over to his friends. Who were they?
Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley
The Middle Colonies had ______ schools than the New England Colonies. Mainly because the farms in this fertile area were larger and the people lived farther apart than the people of New England.
Name the Southern Colonies.
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
What was the first and last colonies to be settled?
Virginia was the first, Georgia was the last.
In 1624, Virginia became a royal colony. What does royal colony mean?
A colony owned by the King of England.
What was Virginia's most common crop and soon became a chief export?
Who brought tobacco seeds from the Carribbean to be planted in Jamestown, Virginia?
John Rolfe
Who did John Rolfe marry?
Colonists elected delegates to represent them at an assembly in Jamestown on July 30, 1619. This elected body represented the colonists by advising the governor of the colony on taxes, laws, and other issues. What was the elected body called?
House of Burgesses
The House of Burgesses was the first example of citizens choosing people to represent them in government. What was this called?
Representative Government
When Jamestown burned to the ground in 1698, where was the capital of Virgina moved to in 1699?
Name the Catholic man who worked as a secretary to the King of England who wanted to establish a colony in America for Catholics to go and freely practice Catholicism?
George Calvert
What was George Calvert's title?
Lord Baltimore
The founding of ___________ was important because it showed that in America, Catholics would be able to worship freely.
Who was the brother that was sent to America to become the first governor of Maryland?
Leonard Calvert
Two small ships sailed from England to help establish Maryland. Name the ships.
Ark, Dove
In 1634, they sailed up the Chesapeake Bay and purchased land from the Indians to build their first settlement. What was the name of the first settlement?
St. Mary's City
By 1650, some of the Virginia colonists moved south into what is now North Carolina. To distinguish the area from Virginia, the colonists began calling it what?
Southern Plantation
Protestants who had been driven from France for their faith settled in Southern Plantation. What were they called?
French Hueguenots
In 1663, eight nobleman asked King Charles II of England for land to begin a colony. The king gave them the land known as Southern Plantation. The nobleman named the land ___________, in honor of King Charles.
In 1670, the eight nobleman ordered the little village of _______ _____ by built. This village would later become the city of _________, South Carolina.
Charles Town, Charleston
When Charles Town was moved to a better location with a good harbor, it became South Carolina's _______ permanent settlement.
South Carolina grew quickly. They colonists found that three crops grew very well there. Name them.
Rice, cotton, indigo
What did wealthier settlers soon build to grow these valuable crops?
Because there were not enough white settlers to work the fields, the plantation owners began to buy ______ from Africa to do the work.
In 1732, England decided to establish a colony for the poor and unemployed. What was it to be called?
What was Georgia named for?
King George II
A member of Parliament studied the problems of the poor. He was selected to travel to the New World with the colonists to help establish Georgia. He also acted as their first governor. Name him.
James Oglethorpe
The king appointed a group of men called _______ to choose settlers fro the new colony, write laws for the colonists to follow, and govern the new colony.
Not long after arriving in the new colony, James Oglethorpe planned and directed the building of the first Georgian settlement. Name it.
James Oglethorpe and ____ ______ tried to persuade the colonists in Georgia that they would be far better off if they their own work and stayed sober. So they prohibited ____ and _______.
Rum, slaves
The first orphanage in the English colonies was established in 1740 in Georgia by who?
George Whitfield
The Southern colonists planted large farms that separated the families from one another. Rather than traveling many miles each Sunday to meet in churches, the colonists would wait for _________ ________ to come preach to them.
Traveling preachers
In some areas of the South, a teacher and students would meet in a shabby building in an old field. What was the school called?
Old-field school
Name a future President of the United States who attended an old-field school?
George Washington