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15 Cards in this Set

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Masc Nouns end with: й, constants, or ь

Masc Adjvs end with: ый, or ий, or ой

Fem Nouns end with: я, а, ь

Fem Adjvs: aя, яя

Neuter Nouns: o, or e

Neuter Adjvs: oe, or ee

Prepositional Case

Indicates location and answers question где?

Most add an e, some add и

Accusative Singular Nouns/Adjvs

Indicated the direct obeject of a transitive verb (I study ___). Mas and Neuter stay the same. Feminine nouns ending in A -> Y, я ->ю

Fem adjvs take the ending yю

Verb Conjugation 1

я -> Y

Tы -> eшь

OH/a -> eт

Mы -> eм

Bы ->ete

OHй ->yt

Verb Conjugation 2

я -> ю

Tы ->ишь

OH/a ->ит

Mы -> им

Bы -> Te

OHи -> ят

Nominative Plural (Nouns)

Add ы or й (if stem ends in soft sign, й or velar, or if normal singular ends in я)

For Neuter, o->a, e->я

Nominative Plural (Adjv)


Accusative Plural

Same form as Nominative plural

Genitive Case

Construct for "to have"

Y + pronoun or noun in the genetive case + ectb + чto. Y meHя ecTb kBaptиpa. Who has...? У кого есть...?You have (formal/plural)...У вас есть...She has...У неё есть...He has...У него есть...You have (informal/ sing.)...У тебя естьI have...У меня есть...They have...У них есть...We have...У нас есть...

Past tense

Masc - л

Fem - лa

Neut - ло

Plur - ли

(cя after for reflexive)

Nominative Possessives

My -> Moй(я/ё)

your -> TBoй

our -> Haш (+a/e/и)

your (formal or pl) -> Baш

Interrogative Possessives (Whose?)

Masc -> чeй?

Fem -> чья?

Neut -> чьё?

Plur -> чьи?

Genitive case

1.Put the possessor but not the object in genitive. Ex: Y бpatA ectь kbaptиpa b Mockbe.

2. To express lack of something, put Het and use genitive for the object that is missing. Ex: Het ctoлA

3. Use after numbers 2, 3, and 4

Genitive singular forms for nouns

Masc or Neuter sing. nouns have the ending -A or -я

Feminine Singular nouns have ending -ы or -и

Genitive in proximity

Put subject in genitive case

около - close to

Heдалеко oт - not far from